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Experience innovation and iteration through the development of a lucky draw applet
2022-07-31 10:36:00 【InfoQ】
Why develop this applet?

说来话长,回到2013年,I was doingSAPfreelance consultant,Friend introduced register taobao open platform,Because of many years of software development,always interested in the internet,So I developed some small products and put them on the platform to try during the work gap..一次偶然机会,I made a big turntable lottery product and put it on Taobao service market for merchants to use,不到2天,There are many users to consult,I feel a tinge of excitement,So fast-paced iterative development,There are also many friends who help,Program until midnight every day2点.The large number of users that followed,I set the direction,E-commerce platforms need personalized marketing tools,Sweepstakes is the easiest and clearest tool of choice.A week later, my new product lottery is online by hand,Mainly provide help merchants to set up lottery marketing,Businesses can service of their users.在2013年双11,through this little product,I earned6万元.
趁热打铁,I started a business and focused on the InternetSaaS产品.
Innovation in product iterations
You can get from usLogoChange what?!


historical trace
Here I will focus on the iterative process of our products and the interesting creative points in it,如下所示:
2012年,早期版本V1.0,不想说什么!现在来看,A word is very delicious!

2013年,just the computer,Configurable lottery background,布局,奖品,规则,only big wheel games.In that era of savage Taobao merchants,Merchants love our tools,玩的不亦乐乎,Even set fire to some businesses.
(I should also sell,呜呜)

2014年,The lottery rules and prizes are more abundant,DIYMore diverse backgrounds,Gradually increase the mobile lottery.

2015年,Orders up to several thousand people.Pay attention to iterative rule types,Prize Type,游戏多样化.

2016年,电脑,Expansion of standard games and templates on mobile,like a big turntable,九宫格,砸金蛋,slot machines and more.

2017年,The overall layout of the lottery can be dragged and dropped,More powerful customization,Mobile phone lottery has become the core.

2018年,京东,Platform expansion such as word of mouth.

2019年,产品UIExperience the overall update,Create sweepstakes from a template perspective.

2020年,Taobao mobile phoneAPP第三方H5The page is uniformly upgraded to a small program.

2021年,商家PCThousand cattle end transformation,Qianniu backend is similar to a small program on a computer.

2022年,风云变幻,Diversified brand customization.

Keywords for our products in the future:Serverless,小而美,多平台,Web3.
in product development iterations,There are some innovations that I can't get enough of,回忆满满,Let's chat.
- Innovation of black technology:2014年双11,We have innovatively researched the mode of add-on lottery(Taobao has now banned additional purchases),Number of people ordering at one time from1000人增长到7000人.The innovation on the tuyere allows us to taste the sweetness,Also let us suffer pressure access.
- Accelerate innovation in transition,In the early stage of the product, we did not have the ability to quickly develop the function of dynamic docking of the large dial pointer,So we added pointerless creativity to the product(No pointer is to display the winning information through the bullet layer),Not only the merchants using the configuration more convenient,It also accelerated the speed of our product iteration,Achieved the opportunity to seize the user's head.
- 用户体验的创新:In Taobao Merchant Tools,Innovation in draggable layouts,Also let the businessman unanimously praise,增加了用户的体验.Users can easily lay out the lottery rules,奖品列表,lottery draw etc.,Of course it's everywhere now,But in the Taobao service market at that time,We are definitely the pioneers.
- Innovation at the business level,We have integrated a variety of ways to play in the lottery rules and prize rules,Innovate some rules and play by yourself,At the same time, it also draws on the gameplay of peers,Then we integrate,Differentiate the level of use,Not only satisfy customers of more dimensions,It also gives our products enough depth.
In order to give everyone a deep understanding of the winning ideas,这里重点阐述一下,Already irritable users skip here.
Prize dimension
:Usually, the lottery that everyone understands is extended from the dimension of prizes,比如有4个奖品,Divided into the winning rate of each prize25%,4The total winning rate is100%,如果只有3个奖品,Which one25%won't win,这种很容易理解,But this is the case in e-commerce platforms,Sometimes not very suitable for complex sweepstakes rules.
:Humans are constantly iterating to solve problems,So we added more innovation,Extending from the dimension of rules.Such as a businessman to sweepstakes,有2Rules One can win the jackpot if you buy a product,A free sign-in can win small and medium prizes,At this time, it is not appropriate from the perspective of prizes alone.,So we added the specified rule mode,is the probability that this prize in the previous rules can be specified in this prize(Are you dizzy here?lol),这样就很好的解决了,I mentioned above that the size of the prize is sent to the demand..如图所示:

Comprehensive dimension
:At this time, another businessman said that I want to use it together,Some prizes I play directly without considering the rules,I need to adjust the rules for some prizes.好吧,用户是上帝.We have combined the option to specify the rules in the prize,Configure it if you want,It is very good to meet the needs of different business users.At present, this innovation of ours has not been seen in the public products of the whole network.(能看到这里,And understand that you earned it),Of course some products do what I said2个维度,But from experience,we should be alone,Hope can understand friend comments to give some advice.
Let me give an example to illustrate the gameplay of the comprehensive dimension.,Can see here and read the following,you come private message me,我给你发红包!
scene example description
The prize set with:
一等奖(中奖率50%),No specified rules are set
二等奖(中奖率20%),Set specified rules(Transaction Amount Rules20%,签到规则30%)
三等奖(中奖率20%),No specified rules are set
Rules for calculating this prize independently
Xiaohong uses the specified rules:
Transaction Amount Rules
,去抽奖,Xiaohong's winning rate is
1st Prize Winning Rate +Second prize winning rate+3rd Prize Winning Rate=The odds of winning this lottery

Xiaohong uses the specified rules:
,去抽奖,Xiaohong's winning rate is
1st Prize Winning Rate +Second prize winning rate+3rd Prize Winning Rate=The odds of winning this lottery
Xiaohong uses unspecified rules to draw lottery:
Xiaohong's winning rate is
1st Prize Winning Rate+Second prize winning rate+3rd Prize Winning Rate=The odds of winning this lottery

Rules for calculating this prize independently,
Xiaohong uses the specified rules:
Transaction Amount Rules
去抽奖,(Judging by the order in which the prizes are set)

Xiaohong uses the specified rules:
去抽奖,Xiaohong's winning rate is

Xiaohong uses unspecified rules:
no threshold rule
去抽奖,Xiaohong's winning rate is

In fact, many innovations,Usually borrowed by opponents very quickly,But remember to keep calm,不断迭代创新,Your product will definitely be better.
我们曾经在2016Data analysis done once a year,Interested friends can click to see.
Click to view the lottery analysis data
Detailed explanation of front-end development technology
Let's talk about the changes in our product technology development,Taobao platform is the leader of Internet technology,We also continue to learn from change following.


iterative,At present, the front-end technology of our products mainly adopts the consumer end of the hand Taobao applet.,The business computer activity configuration terminal of Qianniu applet,VUE开发的Web管理员端.
Hand Amoy Mini Program
The following picture shows the development of hand Taobao appletIDE工具,左侧是目录,On the right is the previewer,中间是代码区,Developed with WeChat and other small programsIDETools are similar,不多赘述.

Focus on the model of our component design,In fact, the design hereReact,VUEOther languages, some thinking patterns are the same,Are stressed component type,Combine components into large controls,or large page rendering,Ease of use for business needs.

在components中,包含了basebasic components such asimage,title等,There are also game type components,You can see that we have a variety of games and interactive modes,Even developed advanced game effects based on the egret engine.through these interactive components,Business users can simply configure by dragging and dropping,Combined into the store marketing tools they need,such as game lottery,关注领券,Pull people to accept awards, etc..
Take a detailed look at the code with a game of smashing golden eggs.The following picture is the merchant configuration page of the golden egg.

golden egg codeaxml代码如下.

<view class="egg" style="position:absolute;width:{{width}}rpx;height:{{height}}rpx;top:{{top}}rpx;left:{{left}}rpx;z-index:{{zindex}};">
<view a:for="{{eggLuckyGame}}" a:for-index="idx" key="idx" a:for-item="item" style="position:relative;width:33%;height:100%;float:left;animation:{{item.eggShake}};" onTap="startGame" data-index="{{idx}}">
<image src="{{item.eggConfig.url}}" style="display:{{!item.showBrokenEgg?'block':'none'}};width:100%;height:100%;" ></image>
<image src="{{item.openConfig.url}}" style="display:{{item.showBrokenEgg?'block':'none'}};width:100%;height:100%;"></image>
<image a:if="{{item.hammerShake}}" src="{{item.hammerConfig.url}}" style="animation:{{item.hammerShake}};position:absolute;left:60%;top:-10%;width:50%;height:50%;"></image>
js代码如下,Because of the length of the code,Just do some code screenshots and paste,代码逻辑也很简单 ,Including game effects and background drawsAPIdo information exchange.

Let's look at the detailed code for calling this golden egg game component on the next page.which incorporates some public interactive prize display components,Other forms of games and interactive templates are similar.看到这里,Some friends feel that there is not really any clever innovation and creativity.,Our focus here is to show you the e-commerce platforms such as Taobao and Jingdong.SaaShow the tool works,Including the operation form of some small programs of e-commerce business.

<view style="height:{{layoutHeight}}rpx;background-image:url({{bgImage}});background-size:100%;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-color:{{bgColor}}">
<!-- 组件遍历&渲染 -->
<view a:for="{{currentConfig}}" a:for-index="idx" key="idx" a:for-item="item">
<egg-bg a:if="{{item.name=='gameEggLuckyArea'}}" gameRunning="{{ gameRunning }}" onHandleRoundRun="setGameData" item="{{ item }}"></egg-bg>
<huodong-componsecommon awardImg="{{awardImg}}" awardRollInfo="{{awardRollInfo}}" currentConfig="{{ currentConfig }}"></huodong-componsecommon>
<!-- 公共组件 -->
<huodong-common actInfo="{{ actInfo }}" showLose="{{showLose}}" awardBackSrc="{{awardBackSrc}}" ruleAlertList="{{ruleAlertList}}"
showShadow="{{showShadow}}" showWin="{{showWin}}" expend="{{expend}}" luckyAward="{{luckyAward}}" drawNoLuckyMsg="{{drawNoLuckyMsg}}" onHandleRoundRun="setGameData">
utilsin which the game is placedjsExecute effect code.These codes are actually quite common,感兴趣的可以网上搜下,piles of realizations.

Finally, let's take a look at how to call the official Taobao applet when developing a Taobao appletSDK的接口.其中的my.authorizeIt is the interface for user authorization,After authorization, we can get the onlyID等信息,就可以继续后面的操作了.
getUserInfoSimple() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (Object.keys(this.userInfo).length > 0) {
} else {
scopes: 'scope.userInfo',
success: authcode => {
success: res => {
this.userInfo = res;
fail: (e) => {
this.funcExcept(e, false)
fail: (e) => {
this.funcExcept(e, false)
How does Taobao applet call cloud application,How to interact with the backend,Because it is an e-commerce platform,So the data encryption and security requirement is very strict,The cloud application called hereAPIare proprietary server containers,And add business whitelist to call.其中cloudAppIdis the officially assigned cloud number.
//Cloud Application Request
async luckyHttp(pathurl, method = 'GET', data = {}, resolve) {
try {
const result = await cloud.application.httpRequest({
'path': `${this.fetchLuckyData}${pathurl}`,
'method': method,
'headers': {},
'params': data,
'body': data,
'exts': { "cloudAppId": this.cloudAppId, "timeout": this.timeout }
} catch (e) {
When the user wins the lottery,Small program invokes the official marketingAPI接口,Send coupons to users,Benefits such as red envelopes,We can see from the interface below.Have you participated in the function of receiving coupons or lottery in hand Taobao?,Most of them are implemented with code similar to the following.
async sendTBAward(awardCode) {
console.log('user', this.userInfo)
console.log('awardCode', awardCode)
try {
const issueResult = await cloud.topApi.invoke({
api: 'alibaba.latour.strategy.issue',
data: {
channel: 'lafite_mt_common_isv_draw',
strategy_code: 'xxx',
selected_benefit_code: awardCode,
authScope: 'scope.userInfo'
catch (e) {
总结一下,We explain a game of smashing golden eggs in detail,Understand the implementation process of Taobao applet,Understand the overall front-end implementation logic of our product,Emphasis is componentized games,template componentization.At the same time, I also learned how to obtain user authorization information in Taobao applet,How to call the equity interface for issuing coupons.
通过这2点的学习,You should also be able to implement your own Taobao applet products.,加油少年!
Thousand cattle applet
Described above his hand for users to participate in the development of lottery process and code in detail,Next, let's take a quick look at the pages used by Taobao merchants and the code of the Qianniu applet.
This is the official backend page used by merchants.The picture shows the details of the prizes of the merchant configuration activity.

The following is developedIDE工具,It is the same as the development of hand-tao appletIDE工具,But be sure to choose the right one when you start choosing a category.

我们选择PCThe first applet in the applet projectPC版,Then create the project,Here I choose the project we have created.The main panel is as follows,The code directory on the left is the Qianniu applet code,We don't use component features too much,Develop directly in the form of a page.

Qianniu applet is inIDEThe preview in is as follows,You can define scene information such as display resolution by yourself,便于快速开发.

Because the code and project are relatively large,Here we simply let you understand the structure of the product,Understand the development form of the Qianniu applet,The specific development language is similar to the syntax of the applet,Different platforms only have different places or interfaces.
Just look at the admin page,The code is not shown here.including some event management,Administrator-Configured Features.

Finally at the technical level,I will talk about the problem of high concurrency,Because the lottery,Fission this interactive application,高QPS,High concurrency is a common problem,也是一个棘手的问题,Many beginners could not easily,在2013At that time, we experienced frequent downtime due to sudden large-scale traffic.,Taobao's traffic is not covered.但是在早期,These high concurrency need to be solved by themselves,With the development of Internet cloud computing,Technical friends now much easier,Loading technology with containers,ServerlessTechnology can easily solve concurrency problems,And it's cheaper,1One can do it all.
The process of our high concurrency is probably like this:
- 分表分库,优化Web Server.from the early daysSQL ServerMigrate to open sourceMySQL中.
- 增加ECS做负载均衡,加入Redis,join queue etc..
- 使用容器技术,Including light containersDocker,到资源池,K8容器,SLBetc. cloud resource orchestration.
- 使用Serverless技术,包括云函数,云数据库.
We will continue to iterate in the future,Migrate some data structures toMongoDBMedium to high concurrency,Migrate all to Function Compute,Including DevOps AdoptionGitOps等等.Do you feel like going through such a small product iteration?,It can also clearly see the continuous evolution of Internet technology.I guess in the future a small product like ours,will be easier to develop and iterate,也许1Individual from product development to deployment operation and maintenance,Can do it all easily,Even if you take the high concurrency,Move your finger to upgrade.The development of technology must still fall into business scenarios,down to the human level.Basic research can only develop faster from a human perspective.
Then show some current cloud computing product scene diagrams,便于大家更好的理解.
This graph shows our adjustments for different scenarios,One-click switching can be done quickly.

The following picture is provided by Taobao JushitaDevs工具,Facilitate product release packages,环境管理,监控.

Provided by Taobao Open PlatformServerless功能,Can be deployed directly to cloud functions,Don't worry about too many server problems.

Cloud databases also provideMongoDB和MYSQL,Because of security issues, the functionality is currently relatively simple,Suitable for some simple interactive small applications.

总结一下,We can understand the technological iteration of the Internet from the technological evolution;From the architecture design, we know that it is not very simple to make a small product,Requires long-term technical and business understanding;Learn from front-end technology,Domestic popular platforms from ordinaryJavaScript技术,gradually develop to oneselfAPP下的小程序,Mini Programs have a better experience,更安全.最后,We also see the benefits brought by the development of cloud computing from the high concurrency solution,Less and less labor is needed,Hardware costs are getting lower and lower,Entrepreneurs can,Developers focus more on business scenarios.
在这个美好的时代,Hope love with friends,Can also be innovative to create their own small and beauty products,I think for the developers we know how to program,相对容易一些.friends who don't know how to program,You can also learn some simpleweb开发知识,可以关注我,跟着我每天学习一点点!

a small product,Its development will witness many changes,有行业的,有技术的,but when you look back,What is more impressive is a group of struggling people.
Everyone's work has peak underestimation,same for every product,But as long as you have faith,坚持不懈,总有一天会成功,会变得更加美好.
Programming development is a boring job,Programming education is also a profession that requires patience,But you ask me what I care about most,Which is more a sense of accomplishment,我想说——no creation,不精彩.

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