当前位置:网站首页>[CPU Design Practice] Simple Pipeline CPU Design
[CPU Design Practice] Simple Pipeline CPU Design
2022-07-31 12:32:00 【abaaababababa】
CPU输入的、运算的、存储的、The output data flows on combinational logic and sequential logic circuits,These logic circuits are called 数据通路
32bit processor32bit flip-flop to storePC.PC的输出送到The virtual-real address translation component performs the translation
,PC的输入有两个,One is the reset value0xBFC00000,One is to update to the current every time an instruction is executed after the reset is revokedPC+4得到的值.
在实现TLB MMU之前,CPUBoth use a fixed-mapped address mapping mechanism,Virtual-real address translation is performed in units of segments,The way of conversion is hardware fixed,rather than software configurable.
虚地址kseg0段(0x8000000 ~ 0x9FFFFFFF)Map to the lowest physical address512MB(0x00000000~0x1FFFFFFF).
虚地址kseg1段(0xA0000000 ~ 0xBFFFFFFF)Map to the lowest physical address512MB(0x00000000~0x1FFFFFFF).
The remaining three segments are the value of the physical address equal to the value of the virtual address.
on-chipRAM作为内存,将RAMFurther split into instructionsRAM和数据RAM,The two pieces are physically independentRAM.
At present, synchronous reading is commonly used in engineering practiceRAM.The first shot sends a read request and a read address,第二拍RAMread data will be output.这种RAMSingle cycle cannot be achievedCPU,So use async for nowRAM.异步RAMRead timing behaves like a register file read,When shooting to the address、When shooting data,its timing behavior and synchronous readsRAM的一样.
The adder is reusable.
ADDU:The second operand is the general purpose register file read port2的输出数据rdata2.
ADDIU:The second source operand is the instruction code15-0Bits are sign-extended to32The data formed after the bit.
The second source of input data to the adder is treated on a case-by-case basis,The circuit is designed by introducing a32It is embodied by a two-choice component of the bit
in2—command code15-0Bits are sign extended to32The data formed after the bit
out—Adder second data input
sel—控制信号(ADDUI和ADDUIt is distinguishable in encoding,Use this as a control signal to generate the multiplexer)
ADDU的结果写入rd中,ADDUI写到rt中.Write port addresses for general purpose registers are no longer unique,Introduce an alternative
,from scriptrdDomain value sumrtSelect a result from Field Values,Then connect to the write address port of the general register file write portwaddr上.
与ADDUThe difference is that the former does a subtraction,The latter does addition.Take into account the properties of two's complement addition and subtraction
A补-B补=(A-B)补=A补+(-B)补=A补+(~ B补)+1
The source operand of an adder pair2The carry and input add an alternative component.
源操作数2—src2,Bitwise negation when processing subtraction
Carry in is when processing additions0,Yes when dealing with subtraction1
The selection signal is to realize the distinction of the control signal through the difference of the instruction codes among different instructions
In terms of fetch function andADDU一样.
- 访存地址生成
- 数据RAM
- Register file write back result selection
- SW指令和LW指令的区别在于LW读RAMwrite to general registers insteadSWRead general register writeRAM.对于sw要在lwwritten on the basis ofRAMFunction to add new data paths.Write to memory is the firstrt号寄存器的值.
Read the general register file to the port2的输出rdata2连接到数据RAMthe write data portwdata上
Lots of alternatives,I didn't follow along,I've lost my mind,一点也不想
(1)Determine branch conditions
(2)Calculate the jump target
(1)No branch condition judgment is required,Will definitely jump
(2)Calculate the jump target address isTransfer delay slot instructionsPCand the immediate value in the instruction code
,Even if the way is拼接
(3)不仅要修改PC,Also write to general registers
(1)Conditional judgment is not required,Will definitely jump
(2)The target address of the jump is from the general register filers
Operational process sum from source operand input to resultADD,ADDU不一样,其他是一样的.So adding one can handle two32Comparator for signed and unsigned size comparison of bit data.
Same as the data input connected to the adder
The input of the control signal is used to identify whether the comparison is signed or unsigned
The output comparison result is 0或1
增加一个32One of two parts,in0Connect to the output of the original adder,in1Access the result of the comparator.
如果用"<“或者”>"去比较,It will consume a certain amount of logic circuit resources.
by multiplexing the adderGR[rs]-GR[rt]的运算,According to the sign of the source operand,和(sum)的正负,进位(cout)The positive and negative can be obtainedSLT和SLTU的结果.These results and the original adder result are used to obtain the execution result of the operation class instruction through a two-choice component,It is then input to the alternative component that produces the final write general register value.
移位指令.Logical left shift, respectively,逻辑右移,算术右移.
- 32The shifted value of the bitssrc
- 5Bit shift amountsa
- The control input is used to determine the type of shift operationop
- 32Bit shift resultres
The final selection circuit of the execution result is to be derived from“二选一”扩展为“三选一”.根据shft_op
An area-optimized circuit design
The basic idea is to arrange the shifted data in reverse order,Left shift operations are converted to right shift operations
实践一:简单CPUReference design debugging
- 打开
工程,进行IP核升级 - 运行
Engineering simulation,Generate a new referenceTrace文件golden_trace.txt
,Wait for the simulation to finish running,golden_trace.txtThere will be new content - 打开
工程,进行IPnuclear upgrade - 运行
的仿真,Run and debug myCPU
仿真通过后,The integrated implementation also generates a bitstream file,Perform onboard verification
Judgment of simulation results
如果全都是PASSJust run through,This is the sample release package givesCPU,There is definitely no problem at all,所以理所当然89个
All test points passed.
Test begin!
----[ 14055 ns] Number 8'd01 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 22000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc5e4bc
[ 32000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc5f45c
----[ 40555 ns] Number 8'd02 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 42000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc89418
----[ 49475 ns] Number 8'd03 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 52000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc3ac78
[ 62000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc3bf94
[ 72000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc3d278
----[ 73845 ns] Number 8'd04 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 82000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc24530
[ 92000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc2568c
[ 102000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc26c18
----[ 111715 ns] Number 8'd05 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 112000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc00768
[ 122000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc4a308
----[ 127355 ns] Number 8'd06 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 132000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc6a758
[ 142000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc6b6f8
[ 152000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc6c698
----[ 153775 ns] Number 8'd07 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 162000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc50aa0
[ 172000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc51a40
----[ 177225 ns] Number 8'd08 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 182000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc03c5c
[ 192000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc04bfc
----[ 195165 ns] Number 8'd09 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 202000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc3e0a4
[ 212000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc3f044
----[ 213105 ns] Number 8'd10 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 222000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc6f88c
[ 232000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc7082c
----[ 232405 ns] Number 8'd11 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 242000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc02484
----[ 249835 ns] Number 8'd12 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 252000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc3f558
[ 262000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc406ec
[ 272000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc418ac
----[ 278055 ns] Number 8'd13 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 282000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc63e60
[ 292000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc64f80
[ 302000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc660bc
[ 312000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc671ac
----[ 316265 ns] Number 8'd14 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 322000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc8439c
[ 332000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc854f8
[ 342000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc86654
[ 352000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc877b0
----[ 354995 ns] Number 8'd15 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
----[ 358265 ns] Number 8'd16 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
----[ 361535 ns] Number 8'd17 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 362000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc39ab8
----[ 363495 ns] Number 8'd18 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
----[ 365975 ns] Number 8'd19 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
----[ 368455 ns] Number 8'd20 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 372000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc7f790
[ 382000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc80730
----[ 390305 ns] Number 8'd21 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 392000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc0a8dc
[ 402000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc0b87c
----[ 410745 ns] Number 8'd22 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 412000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc329ac
[ 422000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc3394c
[ 432000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc348ec
----[ 432145 ns] Number 8'd23 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 442000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc61e2c
[ 452000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc62dcc
----[ 458595 ns] Number 8'd24 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 462000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc7ac48
[ 472000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc7bbe8
[ 482000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc7cb88
----[ 482045 ns] Number 8'd25 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 492000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc4dae4
[ 502000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc4ea84
----[ 507425 ns] Number 8'd26 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 512000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc6d62c
[ 522000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc6e5cc
----[ 525365 ns] Number 8'd27 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 532000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc8a9b4
[ 542000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc8b954
----[ 551795 ns] Number 8'd28 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 552000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc00d80
[ 562000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc78f58
[ 572000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc79ef8
----[ 572235 ns] Number 8'd29 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 582000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc47bd8
[ 592000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc48b78
----[ 598685 ns] Number 8'd30 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 602000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc088e4
[ 612000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc09884
----[ 619125 ns] Number 8'd31 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 622000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc761b4
[ 632000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc77154
----[ 641295 ns] Number 8'd32 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 642000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc42400
[ 652000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc433a0
----[ 660535 ns] Number 8'd33 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 662000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc0cb00
[ 672000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc0daa0
[ 682000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc0ea40
----[ 682945 ns] Number 8'd34 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 692000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc0710c
[ 702000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc080ac
----[ 702315 ns] Number 8'd35 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 712000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc5c1e8
[ 722000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc5d188
----[ 724735 ns] Number 8'd36 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 732000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc56c68
[ 742000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc57fb8
[ 752000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc59398
[ 762000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc5a760
----[ 767945 ns] Number 8'd37 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 772000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc1e714
[ 782000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc1faec
[ 792000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc20ea4
[ 802000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc222a8
----[ 810875 ns] Number 8'd38 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 812000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc70a80
[ 822000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc71e88
[ 832000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc73224
[ 842000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc745bc
[ 852000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc759e0
----[ 854085 ns] Number 8'd39 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 862000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc52f9c
[ 872000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc541dc
[ 882000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc5543c
----[ 887675 ns] Number 8'd40 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 892000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc29238
[ 902000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc2a478
[ 912000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc2b690
[ 922000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc2c8e8
[ 932000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc2db98
----[ 935465 ns] Number 8'd41 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 942000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc1901c
[ 952000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc1a2cc
[ 962000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc1b51c
[ 972000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc1c75c
[ 982000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc1d98c
----[ 985425 ns] Number 8'd42 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[ 992000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc11cac
[1002000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc12cb4
[1012000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc13ccc
[1022000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc14cc0
[1032000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc15cc8
----[1040415 ns] Number 8'd43 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1042000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc7d848
[1052000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc7dd00
[1062000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc7e1b0
[1072000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc7e648
[1082000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc7eae0
[1092000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc7efac
----[1098085 ns] Number 8'd44 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1102000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc0ed60
[1112000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc0f210
[1122000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc0f6c8
[1132000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc0fb60
[1142000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc0fff8
[1152000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc104bc
[1162000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc10960
[1172000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc10df8
----[1181995 ns] Number 8'd45 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1182000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc1129c
[1192000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc34df4
[1202000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc352f8
[1212000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc35808
[1222000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc35cf4
[1232000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc361dc
[1242000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc366f8
[1252000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc36b98
----[1256455 ns] Number 8'd46 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1262000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc81bec
[1272000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc820d8
[1282000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc825c4
[1292000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc82ad0
[1302000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc82fd8
[1312000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc834c0
[1322000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc83984
----[1323235 ns] Number 8'd47 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1332000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc89108
----[1332805 ns] Number 8'd48 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1342000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc183e4
----[1342355 ns] Number 8'd49 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
----[1351285 ns] Number 8'd50 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1352000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc280f4
----[1356455 ns] Number 8'd51 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1362000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc03448
----[1364545 ns] Number 8'd52 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1372000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc01474
----[1373275 ns] Number 8'd53 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
----[1381685 ns] Number 8'd54 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1382000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc7d024
----[1390415 ns] Number 8'd55 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1392000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc16c68
----[1399785 ns] Number 8'd56 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1402000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc3a32c
----[1408515 ns] Number 8'd57 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1412000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc4f9ec
----[1414895 ns] Number 8'd58 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1422000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc37a30
[1432000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc3873c
[1442000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc39438
----[1442695 ns] Number 8'd59 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1452000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc684b0
[1462000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc691d0
[1472000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc69eb0
----[1472445 ns] Number 8'd60 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1482000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc2ee34
[1492000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc2fb84
----[1494295 ns] Number 8'd61 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1502000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc4b370
[1512000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc4c094
----[1519125 ns] Number 8'd62 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1522000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc44460
[1532000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc451b8
[1542000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc45f64
----[1550155 ns] Number 8'd63 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1552000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc30068
[1562000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc30dc8
[1572000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc31b78
----[1579395 ns] Number 8'd64 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1582000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc003f0
----[1585025 ns] Number 8'd65 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
----[1590865 ns] Number 8'd66 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1592000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc7cc14
----[1597545 ns] Number 8'd67 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1602000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc003b0
----[1604135 ns] Number 8'd68 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
----[1610815 ns] Number 8'd69 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1612000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc015b8
----[1618185 ns] Number 8'd70 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1622000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc00690
----[1625575 ns] Number 8'd71 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1632000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc0c890
----[1632945 ns] Number 8'd72 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
----[1640605 ns] Number 8'd73 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1642000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc5d698
----[1648265 ns] Number 8'd74 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1652000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc00564
----[1655825 ns] Number 8'd75 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1662000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc39fc4
----[1662755 ns] Number 8'd76 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
----[1671965 ns] Number 8'd77 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1672000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc00be0
[1682000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc003ac
----[1687255 ns] Number 8'd78 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1692000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc0047c
[1702000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc003b4
----[1702545 ns] Number 8'd79 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1712000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc003bc
----[1717835 ns] Number 8'd80 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1722000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc00478
[1732000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc7a72c
----[1733125 ns] Number 8'd81 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1742000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc004c4
----[1748415 ns] Number 8'd82 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1752000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc0048c
[1762000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc005ac
----[1763705 ns] Number 8'd83 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1772000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc88290
----[1779005 ns] Number 8'd84 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1782000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc00484
[1792000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc00688
----[1794315 ns] Number 8'd85 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1802000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc289b8
----[1809615 ns] Number 8'd86 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1812000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc00458
[1822000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc006a0
----[1824915 ns] Number 8'd87 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1832000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc00384
----[1840215 ns] Number 8'd88 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
[1842000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc0044c
[1852000 ns] Test is running, debug_wb_pc = 0xbfc006b4
----[1855515 ns] Number 8'd89 Functional Test Point PASS!!!
gettrace end!
----Succeed in generating trace file!
$finish called at time : 1856145 ns : File "D:/nscscc-group/func_test_v0.01/cpu132_gettrace/testbench/tb_top.v" Line 221
run: Time (s): cpu = 00:01:32 ; elapsed = 00:03:02 . Memory (MB): peak = 1279.668 ; gain = 9.594
golden_trace.txtAlso automatically updated.
The second verification method is omitted here,Too lazy to look at the simulation waveform.
上板验证(89function point test)
I have tested my rotten laptop and mobile hard drive and rotten docking station and there is no problem,Godson's experimental board is no problem.This article tests the complete and correct code in the Loongson release package.
Let's test it first89个功能测试,Memory test or something,Write the next one..
CentOS7 —— yum安装mysql
Use docker to build mysql master-slave
sqlalchemy 判断一个array 类型的字段是否和一个array有至少一个一致的数据
Use IN List Population in Your JDBC Application to Avoid Cursor Cache Contention Issues
FastAPI encapsulates a generic response
Adding data nodes and decommissioning data nodes in the cluster
SAP 电商云 Spartacus UI 和 Accelerator UI 里的 ASM 模块
Acwing第 62 场周赛【未完结】
anaconda虚拟环境安装pytorch gpu版本
Banyan Tree Loan GPU Hardware Architecture