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Clip-on multimeter use method, how to measure the voltage, current, resistance?
2022-08-01 18:11:00 【Lightning Apprentice】
The structure and usage of clip-on ammeter
When we need to constantly open circuit measurement under the condition of current situation,Then you need to use the clip-on ammeter(Sometimes referred to as "clip-on table、钳表).Clip-on ammeter is a kind of electric circuit used to measure the running in the current size of instrument,Is the electrician is commonly used measuring tool.Clip-on ammeter can be divided into ac clip-on ammeter and clip-on ac-dc table two categories,Some still can measure ac voltage.
Clip-on ac current meter is essentially consists of a current transformer and a rectifier instrument,By measuring the current-carrying conductor is equivalent to the primary winding of current transformer,On the iron core is vice side of the current transformer winding,Deputy winding connected with rectifier instrument.According to the current transformer is the original、The change of the percentage relationship between vice winding,Rectifier instrument can show the measuring circuit current value.
Clip-on ac-dc table is an electromagnetic instrument,Placed in pliers mouth is measured current-carrying conductor as excitation coil,Magnetic flux in core formed in the loop,Electromagnetic measurement organization located in the core gap between,By the role of magnetic deflection,For reading.Because of its deflection is not affected by measuring current,So can measure the ac/dc current.
The use of the clip-on ammeter method is simple,如上图所示,When measuring current will only need to stay running traverse clip into the clip-on ammeter clip-on core,Then read digital display screen or the reading on the dial can be.
使用很简单吧!Grip the traverse line.But now the widespread use of digital clip-on ammeter,Give a clip-on table has increased a lot multimeter functions,比如电压、温度、电阻等(Sometimes call this kind of multi-function pliers form table clip-on multimeter,如上图所示,There are two pens and jack on the meter),Can choose different function through the knob,Method of use is almost the same with general digital multimeter.For some special function button on the meaning of,Should refer to the corresponding specification.
The following questions should be paid attention to when using clip-on ammeter:
Phase sequence test:
(1)Gear to phase sequence detection gear;
(2)Pens and yellow、黑、红,依次插入c、COMb、 VΩaPlug wire mouth;
(3)Will pens and red、黑、Yellow correspond to theA、B、C(或L1、 L2、 L3).Access to red、When the black pens and,Light is dim,To access the yellow pens and,指示灯亮,That is a positive phase sequence;指示灯灭,That the phase sequence;
(4)Phase sequence file can also be measured at the same time and voltage.
(1)Gear to ac voltage profile;
(2)红、Black pens and insertVΩa、COMbPlug wire mouth;
(3)红、Black pens and the other end access specific,读取数值.
(1)Select the appropriate current gear;
(2)With the jaw fully clamped under test of single wire,读取数据;
Note the meter test current is one of the biggest only600A,Shall not be testing over600A以上的电流.
(1)Select the appropriate dc voltage profile;
(2)红、Black pens and insertVΩa、COMbPlug wire mouth;
(3)红、Black pens and the other end access specific,读取数值.
(1)Gear to resistance2kΩ;
(2)红、Black pens and insertVΩa, COMbPlug wire mouth;
(3)红、Black pens and the other end access specific,读取数值;
注意:Must be in the condition of power,To test the resistance.
Line on and off measurement:
(1)Gear to diode file.
(2)红、Black pens and insertVΩa, COMbPlug wire mouth.
(3)红、Black pens and the other end access specific,读取数值.数值很小,And a multimeter“嘀嘀”声响,The line path;反之,数值显示“1”,And the multimeter is not ring,The circuit for open circuit or resistance is very big.
注意:Must be in the condition of power,To test circuit on and off.
When using the clip-on multimeter considerations
(1)Read the instructions carefully before using the digital multimeter,To get familiar with the power switch function and quantity limit switch、Input jack、With jack and various function keys、旋钮、The role of attachment.此外,Should also be aware the limit of the multimeter parameters,Overloads show、Polarity show、Low voltage display and other markers and the characteristics of the alarm,To master the changing rule of the decimal point position.测量前,Carefully check whether there is any crack on pens and,Lead insulation have broken,Pens and whether the location of the plug to ensure the safety of operating personnel.
(2)Before each measurement,Should check again whether the measuring project and limit switch dial position,Input jack(Or special sockets)是否选对.
(3)Just when measuring instrument phenomenon will appear the hop,Should display values such as stability after reading.
(4)Although digital multimeter inside there is a perfect protection circuit,But still try to avoid misoperation in,For example, use the current block to measure voltage,Electricity block to test the voltage or current,To measure electric capacitor with capacitance, etc,In order to avoid damage to the instrument.
(5)If only the highest display number“1”,Other a blanking,Prove the instrument have been overload,Should choose higher limit.
(6)Prohibited in the measurement10OVThe above voltage or 0.5AWhen the above current amount limit switches,以免产生电弧,To the switch contact burned.
(7)Beside the input jack indicate danger tag number,On behalf of the jack input voltage or current limit value.After once beyond may damage the instrument,Even endanger the safety of the operator.
(8)Clip-on multimeter may not to measure the current of high voltage line,Line voltage being measured cannot exceed clip-on table of voltage grade(But usually exceed500伏),In case the insulation breakdown,Personal electric shock.
(9)The size of the measured current measurement should estimate,Select the appropriate range,Not with a small range gear to measure large current.
(10)To note before measuring the range switch to the corresponding alternating current gear,Can't use the voltage profile and resistance to measure the current.
切记!Don't use resistance gear shift to measure the voltage and current,如果不慎,Will burn meter.
(11)Each measure only clamp into a wire.Should be measured when measuring wire in the centre of the jaw,In order to improve the accuracy of measurement.It is better to hand carry even watch body,All can not let the wire on the jaw and table.
(12)After the measurement range switch must be spin to the maximum voltage range shift position,And then close the power switch.To ensure the safe use next time.
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