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Alibaba cloud international ECS cannot log in to the pagoda panel console

2022-07-06 18:15:00 87cloud

disclaimer : This document may contain third-party product information , This information is for reference only . Alibaba cloud's performance on third-party products 、 Reliability and potential impact of operation , Make no implied or other promises . Let's talk to 87cloud Learn about Alibaba cloud international ECS ECS cannot log in to the pagoda panel console :

Problem description

ECS Instance cannot log in to the pagoda panel console , The visit to fail .

Question why

It may be caused by the following reasons :

  • The pagoda panel service does not start normally .
  • ECS The security group of the instance is not added 8888 Port access rules .


Alibaba cloud reminds you :

  • If you modify the instance or data 、 Change and other risk operations , Be sure to pay attention to the disaster tolerance of the instance 、 Fault tolerance , Ensure data security .
  • If you are interested in an instance ( Including but not limited to ECS、RDS) And so on , It is recommended to create a snapshot in advance or start RDS Log backup and other functions .
  • If you have authorized or submitted a login account on alicloud platform 、 Password and other security information , It is recommended that you modify .
  1. Please refer to the site examples , Select the corresponding steps below , Check whether the pagoda panel service starts normally .
    • stay Linux In the system : perform netstat -nltp | grep 8888  command , see 8888 Whether the port is started .
    • stay Windows In the system : perform netstat -ano command , see 8888 Whether the port is started .
  2. Sign in ECS Administrative console , choice example , Click the corresponding instance ID.
  3. Get into Example details page , single click This example security group , single click All rules for intranet access direction , See if you want to add TCP agreement 8888 Port access rules , Or add rules that allow access to all ports .

    If the corresponding security group rule is not added , Can't access 8888 port , See the following steps , add to 8888 Security group rules for ports :
    1. single click Security group list , Click the corresponding security group ID.
    2. stay Access rules Area , Into the direction choice Manually add , The authorization policy choice allow , agreement type choice Customize TCP, Port range Fill in for 8888/8888, Authorized person Fill in for, Fill in describe , single click preservation .
