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Edit and preview in the back pipe to get the value writing method of the form
2022-07-03 02:58:00 【Scarring body】
Vue Lieutenant general data The value or attribute of an object in is set to null
In the project, we will encounter the problem of initializing data , Sure this.xxx = ‘’, This method is commonly used , But if it is data The data in it , In this way, the code will look redundant .
that , We can use this.assign() Method or Json
// This stupid method But if you need to clear multiple buttons at the same time, you need to write them one by one
ismenu: {
name: "",
sex: '',
age: '',
birth: "",
address: "",
// Empty ismenu Data value
PS Preview and edit share the same pop-up layer when adding back pipe After the preview is added
Adding and editing data will also be automatically added , At this time, we need to add the situation data when the Edit button is clicked
The general stupid way is this But it's too redundant Don't have to
this.ismenu.name = "";
this.ismenu.sex = "";
this.ismen.age= "";
this.ismenu. birth= "";
this.ismenu.address = "";
this.assign() Method
// Initialize all data data
Object.assign(this.$data, this.$options.data())
// initialization data One of the data
Object.assign(this.$data.xxx, this.$options.data().xxx)
PS You have to empty it alone ismen The value of the object needs
Object.assign(this.$data.ismen, this.$options.data().ismen)
Json First in data In the definition of xxx:[{
a:1}], stay methods Method in Empty data ( initialization )
this.xxx = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.xxx))
See code cloud code for details Quite understand
Get the value of the form
Generally speaking, you will get the value during editing and assign the value
//slot-scope="scope" This is elem The method given by the framework
// scope.$index Get index value , scope.row Get the corresponding value
<template slot-scope="scope">
style="margin: 0"
@click.stop="btnedit(scope.$index, scope.row)"> edit </el-button>
// This is to get the corresponding value
// Then click Print to see the method inside
console.log(index,scope)// Print the obtained value
And while you are editing , You need to get the corresponding value in the form, such as this
<el-form :model="ismenu" ref="ismenu" :rules="editFormRules">
<!-- full name Gender Age Birthday Address -->
<el-form-item label=" full name " prop="name">
style="width: 60%"
:disabled="titleResult[dialogStatus] == ' preview '"
<el-form-item label=" Gender " prop="sex">
:disabled="titleResult[dialogStatus] == ' preview '"
<el-radio :label="1"> male </el-radio>
<el-radio :label="0"> Woman </el-radio>
<el-form-item label=" Age " prop="age">
:disabled="titleResult[dialogStatus] == ' preview '"
<el-form-item label=" Birthday " prop="birth">
:disabled="titleResult[dialogStatus] == ' preview '"
placeholder=" Select date "
<el-form-item label=" Address " prop="addr">
style="width: 60%"
placeholder=" Please enter the address "
:disabled="titleResult[dialogStatus] == ' preview '"
// so what You have to data It defines your value
ismenu: {
// The form should be consistent with the input parameters required by the back end
name: "",
sex: -1,
age: 0,
birth: "",
addr: "",
The most important thing is to come
When you change or add data here
You must get model It's worth it
// Take editors for example
this.$nextTick(() => {
// The general assignment is written like this But this is a stupid way
// (this.ismenu.name = scope.name),
// (this.ismenu.sex = scope.sex),
// (this.ismenu.age = scope.age),
// (this.ismenu.birth = scope.birth),
// (this.ismenu.addr = scope.addr);
// You can assign values in this way. You can get them all directly by enumerating
}, scope)
// Then you add Adding will automatically assign values. At this time, you need
Restore is initialization ismenu Value of form
We usually write like this
// (this.ismenu.name = ''),
// (this.ismenu.sex =''),
// (this.ismenu.age =''),
// (this.ismenu.birth = ''),
// (this.ismenu.addr = '');
Object.assign(this.$data.ismenu, this.$options.data().ismenu);
This method
// Initialize all data data
Object.assign(this.$data, this.$options.data())
// initialization data One of the data
Object.assign(this.$data.xxx, this.$options.data().xxx)
This is added successfully when adding Prevent the next click to add The last addition is still
this.$refs["ismenu"].resetFields();// Empty the contents of the form In case of the next click, the original data is still
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