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Start foreground Activity
2022-07-30 19:20:00 【rookie xiaowang】
1.manifest configuration permissions
2. Permission to open the floating window
public static boolean checkFloatPermission(Context context) {if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT)//4.4-5.1return true;if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {//6.0try {Class cls = Class.forName("android.content.Context");Field declaredField = cls.getDeclaredField("APP_OPS_SERVICE");declaredField.setAccessible(true);Object obj = declaredField.get(cls);if (!(obj instanceof String)) {return false;}String str2 = (String) obj;obj = cls.getMethod("getSystemService", String.class).invoke(context, str2);cls = Class.forName("android.app.AppOpsManager");Field declaredField2 = cls.getDeclaredField("MODE_ALLOWED");declaredField2.setAccessible(true);Method checkOp = cls.getMethod("checkOp", Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE, String.class);int result = (Integer) checkOp.invoke(obj, 24, Binder.getCallingUid(), context.getPackageName());return result == declaredField2.getInt(cls);} catch (Exception e) {return false;}} else {if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {//8AppOpsManager appOpsMgr = (AppOpsManager) context.getSystemService(Context.APP_OPS_SERVICE);if (appOpsMgr == null)return false;int mode = appOpsMgr.checkOpNoThrow("android:system_alert_window", android.os.Process.myUid(), context.getPackageName());return Settings.canDrawOverlays(context) || mode == AppOpsManager.MODE_ALLOWED || mode == AppOpsManager.MODE_IGNORED;} else {return Settings.canDrawOverlays(context);}}}
if(!(checkFloatPermission(this))){Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"Please set the floating window permission for the software, otherwise it will not work normally!",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();Intent intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_MANAGE_OVERLAY_PERMISSION);startActivity(intent);}
3. Start activity
Intent intent1 = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), MainActivity.class);intent1.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);getApplicationContext().startActivity(intent1);
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