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Hit the programmer interview scene: What did Baidu interviewers ask me?
2022-08-02 03:00:00 【Java misty rain】
Today, a friend told me that he had already got an offer from Baidu.
And now the small partners in the group are just interviewing everywhere to find a better job. The programmer also selflessly wrote his interview process and interview questions.
Although these topics are indeed difficult, for a newcomer, many aspects of knowledge are temporarily out of reach and difficult to understand.
However, the editor still hopes to share it for everyone to see. As Jack Ma said, we always have a dream, in case it comes true!I wish you all a successful interview!
Baidu One Side
As follows:
1 Handwritten ArrayList
2 Handwritten hexadecimal conversion algorithm to find the number of binary numbers 1 of one number
3 JAVA basic equals and ==
4 Multithreading mode, threadlocal, eachkind of lock, synchronized and lock
5 design patterns, spring class loading method, where the instance is stored, aop ioc. reflection mechanism
6 class loader, parent delegation model, hot deployment
7 jvm memory model,Memory structure, heap generation algorithm, heap partition, gc algorithm, gc process.
8 tp ip seven-layer model rest connection] standardize the difference between get and post, length, security.
9 tcp ip arp protocol, how two hosts on the same network get each other's mac address.
10 Load balancing, high concurrency, high availability architecture
11 MysqI engine difference
12 Redis cache, redis cluster deployment, hot backup, master-slave backup, master-slave database, hash mapping to find knowledge
br> Road specifies the node.
13 Do you understand cloud computing, do you understand cloud container docker, the difference between container and virtual machine.
Baidu two sides
As follows:
1 Self-introduction to what I am responsible for in the project
2 Database backup in the project, master-slave database, cluster
3 Database indexing principle, b+ tree principle, trie tree extension, and second search treePrinciple
4 Find words one by one in massive data, distributed calculation map reduce, or use hsah map to filter some results
5 java abstract class and interface difference, java hashmap, java memory model, Partitioning, Generational Garbage Collection
Algorithms.Where are the instances and constants placed.
6 int 4 bytes, double 8 bytes.
7 The difference between wait and sleep in multi-threading, the role of notify
8 Design patterns to understand, write an observer pattern.Implement two interfaces, one is the subject and one is the observer, and write the corresponding method.
9 Write-a method of a producer-consumer queue, write two classes to represent the producer and the consumer, and use the queue
to simulate its production and consumption.It can be achieved with while loop and wait notify, but I forgot to add the
synchronize keyword to the queue, so let me write another question.What is written is: enter a string, enter the first character that appears only - - times, and write it out.
10 : The function of the four wave of tcp ip subnet mask, the subnet mask (subnet mask) is also called network mask,
address mask, subnet mask, it is a kind of mask used forIndicates which bits of an IP address identify the subnet the host is on, and which bits identify the host's bitmask.The subnet mask cannot exist alone, it must be used in conjunction with the IP
address.The subnet mask has only one function, which is to divide an IP address into two parts: the network address and the host
11 : Do you know linux, tell me about the linux kernel lock? I haven't touched it.
12 Have you ever used sed to use shell script to write a script that replaces the characters in the text, probably said
Replace it with grep III.I didn't ask about linux again
Baidu three sides
As follows:
1 Self-introduction
2 Responsible for the modules, which modules, the architecture of the project--I said it for too long, and said the most recent project.
3 What is the database connection pool used, the configuration file, how to download the database driver, and the persistence layer framework.
4 Why use the database connection pool, what are the benefits.
5java's memory model, where variables and instances exist.The role of the java stack, what is stored in java, and what is stored in the method area.
Java's generational recycling.
6 How to deploy the project to the cloud host, what is the speed improvement, why is there improvement, the answer is mainly equipment performance and
7tomcat configuration, what is the initial size of the heap, I don't know.
8 Matters related to internship at NetEase.
9 Ask what problems you have encountered.
10 Questions about Taiwan exchange experience and learning content.
11 Ask what to do when you have a problem.
12 Compressive Ability
13 Advantages and Disadvantages
14 Accept overtime.
15 What should I do if my colleagues do not cooperate with work problems.
16 ways to get started quickly.
17 The methods of studying at ordinary times, cite a few points.
18 Why change jobs, personal, girlfriend.Details.
19 When can I come.
20 Career Planning
Generally speaking, large companies have 4 faces
, or even more. This is almost a simplified version, but there are a lot of questions asked, so you must prepare more before the interview.Don't blindly waste the opportunity of the interview. It is a pity that you have the skills in your hand, but you fail because the expression of the interview is not clear!
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See you next time!How to get the answer: Liked Commented Closed~
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