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With a monthly salary of 12K, the butterfly changed to a new one and moved forward bravely - she doubled her monthly salary through the career change test~
2022-08-01 23:37:00 【Rejoice in the testing world】
In the discussion of career and life,There is a topic has always been a focus of people,For the importance of career choice.
When we find the current career is not suitable for yourself whether it should be in time to change?Change after one thousand again meet is not suitable for their own to do?These problems always around in each phase of our professional,Also in our vast have been searching for in life.
My experience is that a series of process,But she is on the choice of career,Is much a resolute and firm,And it is the courage,Help yourself to achieve the goal of a career change.
After several twists and turns of the professional tour
I read university majored in finance,在大四的时候,To the securities company internship for more than a month,没有一分钱,Start time is don't want to do sales,Inner resistance to do sales in the industry,Start in the securities industry,Because there is no connections,This position can only be engaged in securities marketing,Need to looking for customers,开户、Fund products.
Then, in North-East,The securities industry does not rise,Need to go on a business trip to other cities,去找客户,Salary depends on performance,Also need to take an examination of a pile of certificate,Regardless of the degree is a specialized subject、本科还是研究生,But decided to whether through6Months probation or performance decision,So after its more thought,Decided not to engage in the securities industry.
后来,To find a financial job again,In a small company account,Because there is no engaged in accounting work,No accountant card,So the first month500元,当时500Yuan is not enough rent,Did the half month time.
很多时候,都在想500Yuan a month also don't insist on,Because I don't want to take home a little money,只想靠自己,Although at that time don't like sales,风吹日晒,But earn also is really too little,Even the basic food and drink can't guarantee,So behind and decided to quit.
Of course pay a points also didn't get,I also didn't go to,After all, just graduated at that time,Feel about each other,也没有多少钱,就算了.
之后,With the financial knowledge I learned this only,去了大城市,也是运气好,Found an income6000的财务工作,This time I have to take an examination of the accountant card,But because they have no experience in accounting,So can only do the cashier work related,Probably work for half a year or so.
Once and friends talk about salary level in Beijing,I wanna see, works through the proportion of high,I have lost,Think of me when can pay through wan?Know the accounting industry is more and more popular,But at the same time also has a risk,As I so timid,Doesn't suit to do an accounting general ledger,What's more, in the city of Beijing,General accounting pay only8000多,The financial manager may to reach12k左右,But the risk is also.
So start thinking about what kind of work would be earning for yourself and all?When people lost,Really hope you can have a old fairy point road for myself,The truth is the reality,一切还得靠自己,In the later work also with confusion and anxiety through slowly,Because you really don't know what I would,What kind of work you can also find,Don't want to do sales…
The turning point of career
Understand the software testing industry,Can be said to be the chance.I have a university students worked as a data analysis,Our chat records may be big data matching,I brush video software will always see the process of data analysis related to video,Just at that time my colleague object is to develop,My colleagues and I have to the idea of career.
Through her behind to know,Said that this industry is suitable for testing the girl,Learning knowledge and not hard work did not develop so hard,I started back with my colleague also check a lot of information on the Internet,Also make a phone call to ask,Then I learned about China measure.This is our first field trip agency.
The reason make me want to go to,First China measuring brand effect,At least I don't think he institutions at least will pit student,Back to my colleagues and details about the software testing industry prospects,感觉非常好,非常心动,Because the industry has given me hope,Let me think it is capable of achieving the earning thousands.
To institutions understand that time I haven't left,But after that night to understand,I have decided is the institution,Of course worry must be followed by some,The new confusion began,Doubt that you can learn to?If you can find work?The industry will not be saturated?
But in order to achieve an income about the goal,Yourself or the firm chose to sign up,Because I'm itself once decided what my own,Immediately determined to choose,After the day to understand,In order to catch up with the next class,That night I put forward resignation,After half a month will go to class study.
Because I know their self-discipline ability more bad,So I chose to let the teacher always supervise me to learn,Such a teacher and classmates help themselves to the supervision of learn,Money will not worth,Teachers are also very good,No matter how busy the teacher,As long as you have doubt they will answer,The teacher is also very patient,Behind the work,There is a problem can also ask the teacher.
In the back of the stage of employment,说不慌是假的,Catch up with the outbreak of Beijing again,Employment teacher or a very awesome,Help me to recommend a good company,Such as the interview today,Will the second interview tomorrow by receivedoffer, Wages have doubled,拿到了12k的offer ,When the month6000I already very satisfied,So the back of the second-round exam I don't have to go to,Immediately went to work.
在工作中,不会很正常,There will be a senior take you familiar with the process,In general the life now is what I want.
To achieve their earning thousands,First of all to thank most is yourself,Because of his brave choice turned this step,To improve the possibility of earning thousands,Also thank China test platform and teachers,To realize the desire that I want to earning thousands.
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