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C language - branch statement and loop statement
2022-08-01 23:10:00 【Protect Xiao Zhou】
大家好!我是保护小周ღ,本期为大家带来的是C语言的分支语句和循环语句,详细的介绍了 if()、 switch() The two statements,以及while()、do while ()、for(),三种循环语句,There are two control statements usage:break和continue;保姆级讲述,包您一看就会,快来试试吧~
CLanguage statement can be divided into the following five categories:
- 表达式语句
- 函数调用语句
- 控制语句
- 复合语句
- 空语句
控制语句用于控制程序的执行流程,Different kinds of structure used to implement the program.
C语言是结构化的程序设计语言,几乎所有的CThe code is made up of three kinds of structure.
- 顺序结构
- 选择结构
- 循环结构
- 条件判断语句也叫分支语句:if 语句、switch 语句;
- 循环语句:for 语句、while 语句、do while 语句;
- 转向语句:break 语句、continue 语句、return 语句、goto 语句.
2.1 if() 语句
不知道大家有没有用过Excel 表里面的 if 函数,if(条件,表达式1,表达式2),如果条件成立,则执行表达式1,如果条件不成立,则执行表达式2.而且,if 语句里,也可以嵌套 if 语句.
用通俗一点的话来讲就是,如果成绩<60分,执行表达式1,输出“不及格”,如果成绩>=60,To perform the expression2,By this time the expression2是嵌套的 if 判断语句,Execute the judgment again so,Is the scope of data to be processed at this time >=60,如果,成绩小于80,Data range is at this time60<=成绩<80,执行第二个if 语句表达式1,输出“良好”,如果成绩在>=60,And under the condition of not less than80,The second is executedif 语句表达式2,输出“优秀”
C语言当中 if() 语句大同小异,逻辑是相似的,在 if() 语句中,条件:0为假,非0为真 ,条件成立,为真,执行表达式1;条件不成立,为假,执行表达式2.
2.1.1 if() 语句的语法结构
if (表达式)
if (表达式)
if (表达式1)
else if (表达式2)
else的匹配:else是和它离的最近的 if 匹配的.
例2:经典的 if语句的嵌套
给大家解释一下:What is a compound statement,控制语句break;Then the loop statement will tell you.
2.1.2 复合语句
如果条件成立,要执行多条语句,Use the compound statement,这里的一对 { } 就是一个代码块(复合).
复合语句从形式上看是The combination of multiple statements,But it is a whole on grammatical meaning,相当于一条语句,So anyone who can use simple statements compound statements can be used to realize.
1、Compound statements in the program design is seen as a statement,而不是多条语句.
2、Where can only use a single statement can perform multiple instructions.
3、Here can only write an instruction,With compound statement can satisfy the limitation of an instruction,And execute multiple instructions.
如果你好好学习,Later you can find a goodoffer,走上人生巅峰,如果你不好好学习,毕业就等于失业,If your home has at this time80套房子,可以继承家业,Or go home and farm.
To introduce the first blogger a function strcmp() To understand the function,Let's turn to examples to play.
strcmp,是C/C++的库函数,在string.h 头文件里,作用是比较两个字符串.
strcmp()Function in general situation:strcmp(字符串1,字符串2);
设这两个字符串为 str1,str2,则strcmp(str1,str2);
若str1 ==str2,则函数返回值为0;
若str1 < str2(字符串长度),The function return value is negative;
若str1 > str2,The function return value is positive;
例3: By using multi-branch judgment,(if嵌套)
2.2 switch 语句
switch语句也是一种分支语句. 常常用于多分支的情况.
switch One theory is that it switching function,Why call switching function,Because of his execution flow like traverse a row of switch,Find qualified switch,Turn on the switch,Electric lights go on after the corresponding(语句就执行了),但是呢,If we don't want to continue to traverse the switch,In the light after use,The whole circuit is power off,break;终止.If not found eligible switch,We also have the corresponding operation,这个之后讲.
switch 语句中的breakIs out of the body of the function,Don't continue to perform thecase后面的语句(默认继续执行).
2.2.1 switch 的语法结构
switch()The inside of the expression must be整型表达式.通俗一点可以理解为,The result of the entire expression for integer.
case 后面的必须是整型常量表达式,1,2,3等,不允许是变量.
switch() 语句支持嵌套,就像 if 语句一样,case Execute statement statement can be anotherswitch()语句.
在switch()语句中,break;Like a soul,搭配break使用才能实现真正的分支;
To enter a grade,Level of judgment result,不及格,及格,良好,优秀,非常优秀.
int main()
int report = 0;//成绩
printf("Please enter a result judgment level:");
//So how do we how to set the condition,
switch (report/10)//整型表达式,“条件”
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5: printf("成绩不及格\nThe next time a good effort");
break;//只有遇到break;以后case Judge will stop,默认是继续执行的
//所以case 1:case 2:……可以跟case 5:共用一个printf(),
case 6:
case 7: printf("Have to pass the,成绩良好,继续努力");
case 8: printf("Have to pass the,成绩优秀,继续保持");
case 9:
//这个有问题,因为101,102,103,等数字/10After all into10了,满分则是100分,所以switch()Function has not convenient place.
//使用if语句,We can accurately control the data range.
case 10:printf("Have to pass the,成绩非常优秀");
return 0;
是不是有点复杂,我感觉比 if Statements to achieve the same functionality to bother.
2.2.2 default子句
如果表达的值与所有的case标签的值都不匹配怎么办?The program also is not wrong,只是所有caseStatements will skip,什么也不会发生,If we need in allcaseLabel without matching values give some hints,
例如:输入错误,case 不匹配,请重新输入.Give a person a prompt.
这个时候我们就可以使用 default:
default:子句的位置,可以写在任何一个case标签可以出现的位置,Also at the beginning also can,最后也可以,当 switch 表达式的值不匹配所有 case 标签的值时,这个 default 子句后面的语句就会执行. 所以,每个switch语句中只能出现一条default子句.
每个switch Write a statement bestdefault 子句,Behind the clause is best plus abreak;
We learn through the if Statement to know,当条件满足时,执行 if 后面的“语句”.But the statement can only be executed once.
There are many things in our life we need to repeat judge perform,That in the program, what should we do?
C语言中给我们引入了 while,do while ,for 语句可以实现循环.
关于循环语句,打个比方,Like a car tire,You hang out、给油,Light engine,The rotation of the tire can be repeated(循环).Of course you want to let the car go what way,去哪里,干什么,Depends on the people to drive,The wheels turn honestly.
When you cross the road when traffic lights stop,离合,空挡、踩刹车,The engine is no need to shut down,绿灯亮,挂挡、For a gasoline can be directly run,The wheels turn to continue(continue),
哎呀,Open open as you can see the had a flat tire,你想了一下,There's a pile of broken glass in front of the,Should give the tyres drew a hole,导致呢A flat wheels turn to turn to,为了保证安全,You're parked(break)
如果You have to arrive,Don't want to make the wheels turn,刹车、发动机熄火,The wheels did not turn(Conditions for termination cycle 或break;)
Of course you also can let the cars don't stop,一直跑,The tire has been turned,会有什么结果?(死循环)
最后呢,油没了,车子就不跑了,The wheels did not turn.(内存耗尽,程序挂掉)
3.1 while 语句
while 语句的语法结构:
while()The expression often are loop termination conditions,条件成立为真,不成立为假,0为假,非0为真.
About end cycle we can also use the control statementbreak;来实现.
循环语句,We can use the compound statement,To achieve the purpose of a program in a cycle.
breakThe meaning of is suspended,Is often used to terminate the loop,But if the outer loop and,Is can't jump out of the outer loop range of.Can only terminate containbreak的循环
3.1.1 控制语句break;
breakThe meaning of is suspended,Is often used to terminate the loop,But if the outer loop and,Is can't jump out of the outer loop range of.Can only terminate containbreak的循环,switch中的breakIs out of the body of the function,Don't continue to perform thecase后面的语句(默认继续执行).break Statement terminated recently closed do while、 for、 switch, while 语句的执行.循环中的break是用于永久终止循环的.
The meaning of this code is the loop to print1,2,3,4,5这五个数,打印5次.
We put the inner loop to joinbreak;试一试;
3.1.2 控制语句 continue;
continue 在while循环中的作用就是: continue 是用于终止本次循环的(一次),也就是本次循环中continue 后边的代码不会再执行, 而是直接跳转到while语句的判断部分,条件成立,继续循环,条件不成立,就终止循环.
由上例可知,当 i 等于3 的时候 if 语句条件成立,执行了continue,跳出本次循环,continue Behind the code does not perform again.所以没有打印 3.But after the jump out of the loop,循环条件成立,Or continue to perform the cycle.直到循环条件不成立为止.
为什么这次 3 Behind the number did not print,Is the same truth, 当i 等于3时,if Statements conditions ofcontinue; Jump out to the circulation,所以后面的 i Are not performed on the,所以 i 又以 3The value of the repeated cycle,然后跳出循环,The results into a infinite loop,所以 3 The value behind the no printing.这一点大家一定要注意.
3.2 do while 语句
This one look,就是while的亲戚,Usage also close,The za is not introduced,
do while 就一句话,不管三七二十一,先执行一次循环,To judge whether the conditions established.
所以使用do while According to the practical use of scene,不经常使用.
The use of the other with while()差不了多少,Is to perform a program,Judgment shall continue to cycle again.
3.3 for 语句
最后一个了,Let's just simply a little,关于for 语句,Blogger is very like to use,Is often used when control subscript,很方便.
for(表达式1; 表达式2; 表达式3)
循环语句;//Also can be a compound statement { }
表达式1:表达式1 为初始化部分,用于初始化循环变量的.
表达式2:条件判断,Used to judge the loop termination.
表达式3:为调整部分,用于循环条件的调整,Driving cycle ends.
注意:Three expressions between with分号(;)隔开
//使用for循环 在屏幕上打印1-10的数字.
Three expressions believe everyone can understand.
如果我们用 while 循环实现相同的功能,What's the gap between two statements?
We can see two statements to achieve the same function,同样需要 “三个表达式”,三个部分.
We can choose according to individual hobby to use.实际当中 for Statement USES the most.
3.3.1 不一样的 for
for Three of the loop expression——初始化部分,判断部分,调整部分,都可以省略.//Do not recommend all omit
for 使用多个变量控制循环,
//使用for循环 在屏幕上打印1-10的数字.
至此,C语言的分支、The basic way of using the loop statement bloggers had finished to share,大家可以自己动手敲敲代码,感受一下.希望对大家有所帮助.
感谢每一个观看本篇文章的朋友,更多精彩敬请期待:保护小周ღ **,°*:.*( ̄▽ ̄)/$:*.°**
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