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Detailed collection of common MySQL commands
2022-07-02 13:19:00 【No envy】
- Default port number :3306
- View the server version :select version(); perhaps cmd command mysql -verison
- Log in to the database :mysql -uroot -p
- Exit database :exit/quit
- View the database under the current system :show databases;
- Create database :create Library name ;
- Using a database :use Library name ;
- See the table :show tables;
- Build table :create table Table name ( Field name + Space + data type );
- View table structure :desc Table name ;
- Added value :insert into Table name ( Name ) values ( value );
- Look at all the data in the table :select * from Table name ;
- Query the structure when creating a table :show create table Table name ;
- Delete the value in the field :delete from Table name where Conditions ;
- Delete the fields in the table :delete from Table name drop column Field name ;
- Delete table :drop table Table name ;
- Delete Library :drop database Library name ;
- Primary key constraint :primary key
- Unique constraint :unique
- Non empty constraint :not null
- Default constraint :default
- Foreign key constraints :foreign key( Foreign keys )references Main table ( Primary key )
- Check the tables of other databases :show tables from Table name ;
where Conditions of the query
- Precise query :=、!=、>、<、>=、<=
- Fuzzy query :like( image )、not like( Unlike )
- wildcard :%: Any character 、-: Single character
- Logical operators :
- and: At the same time satisfy ( Priority is greater than or)
- or: If any condition is satisfied
- Interval operation :between a and b ( Closed interval )
- Set operations :in 、not in
- Non empty operation :is null 、is not null
Operations on the data in the table
- increase :insert into Table name ( Name ) values ( value );
- Delete :delete from Table name where Conditions ;
- see :select * from Table name where Conditions ;
- modify :update Table name set Field = The new value where Conditions ;
- Sort :order by Field name ;(asc Ascending 、desc Descending )
- example :select * from Table name order by Name 1 asc , Name 2 desc;
- Aggregate functions :
- sum() function : Sum up
- example :select sum( Field name ) as ‘ Alias ’/ Alias from Table name ;
- count() function : Number of rows at the same level
- (1)count(*): Indicates the total number of rows in the calculation table , Whether a column has a value or is empty
- select count(*) from Table name ;
- (2)count( Field name ): Indicates to calculate the total number of rows under the specified column , Null values are calculated or ignored
- select count( Field name ) from Table name ;
- (1)count(*): Indicates the total number of rows in the calculation table , Whether a column has a value or is empty
- avg() function : Return an average function
- example :select avg( Field name ) as Alias from Table name ;
- max() function : Returns the maximum value in the specified column
- select max( Field name ) as Alias from Table name ;
- min() function : Return minimum
- example :select min( Field name ) as Alias from Table name ;
- sum() function : Sum up
- grouping :
- group by Field : Press the query results into one column / Multi column value grouping , Equal values are in a column
- having Field : Second judgment , After using the aggregate function , When screening conditions are required ,having and group by Combination
- example :select Name 1 ,count( Name 2) Alias from Table name group by Name 1 having Alias >2;
- Limit the number of query results output :limit Numbers
- Pass a parameter ( Output the first five data )
- select * from Table name limit 5;
- Pass two parameters ( Output 6-15)
- select * from Table name limit 5,10;
- :5: from 5 Later on ,10: Number of pieces
- Pass a parameter ( Output the first five data )
- Modify the name of the table :alter table The old name of the table rename The new name of the table ;
- Modify the table id Field is sid:alter table Table name change id sid char;
- Take out a column :alter table Table name drop Name ;
- Add a column :alter table Table name add Name char;
- Change the column to character :alter table Table name modify Name char(20);
- Add more columns :alter table Table name add(xh int(4),zc char(8),ads char(50),);
- Delete multiple columns :alter table Table name drop xh,zc,ads;
- Add a field to set the primary key constraint :alter table Table name add id sm unsigned primary key auto_increment;
- Relational query - Equivalent query :select * from Table name where a.id=b.id and Conditions
- Internal connection :select * from Table name 1 inner join Table name 2 on Table name 1.xh= Table name 2.xh where Conditions ;
- Left connection :select * from Table name 1 left join Table name 2 on Table name 1.xh= Table name 2.xh where Conditions ;
- The right connection :select * from Table name 1 right join Table name 2 on Table name 1.xh= Table name 2.xh where Conditions ;
sql Performance tuning methods
One 、 Create index
- Link to the original text :https://blog.csdn.net/dengchenrong/article/details/88425762
- 1. Try to avoid full scan , The first thing to consider is where And order by Index the columns involved
- 2. Create indexes on fields that often need to be retrieved , For example, according to the table field username Search
- 3. The index number of a table should not exceed 6 individual , If there are too many, consider whether it is necessary to build indexes on columns that are not often used
1. General index (INDEX)
- This is the most basic index , It has no restrictions , For example, the above is title The index created by a field is a normal index ,MyIASM In the default BTREE Index of type , It's also the index we use most of the time .
- Create index directly
CREATE INDEX index_name ON table(column(length));
- Add indexes by modifying the table structure
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD INDEX index_name ON (column(length));
- When creating tables, create indexes at the same time
CREATE TABLE `table` (
`title` char(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL ,
`content` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL ,
`time` int(10) NULL DEFAULT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY (`id`), // primary key
INDEX index_name (title(length)) // General index
2、 unique index (UNIQUE)
- Similar to a normal index , The difference is that : The value of the index column must be unique , But you can have an empty value . If it's a composite index , Then the combination of column values must be unique , The creation method is similar to a normal index .
- Create unique index
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_name ON table(column(length));
- Modify table structure
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD UNIQUE INDEX index_name ON (column(length));
- Create indexes when creating tables
CREATE TABLE `table` (
`title` char(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL ,
`content` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL ,
`time` int(10) NULL DEFAULT NULL ,
UNIQUE indexName (title(length))
3、 Multi column index
- Statements generally have more restrictions , So in order to further extract MySQL The efficiency of , Consider building a composite index . For example, in the table above, for title and time Build a combination
ALTER TABLE article ADD INDEX index_titme_time (title(50),time(10));
ALTER TABLE `table_name` ADD INDEX index_name ( `column1`, `column2`, `column3` );
4、 Full-text index (FULLTEXT)
ALTER TABLE `table_name` ADD FULLTEXT ( `column`);
5、 primary key (PRIMARY KEY)
ALTER TABLE `table_name` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `column` );
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