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Redis database persistence
2022-07-02 13:14:00 【Reef of】
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One 、Redis summary
Redis It is a non relational database of high-level key value pairs , It is also a cache database
Redis and memcache Very similar , The difference is ,Redis Data can be persisted , And there are a lot of data types to support
Redis The data type of has string 、 list 、 aggregate 、 Ordered set , It supports computing the sum of collections on the server side 、 Payment and supplement ( Bad ) Set , It also supports a variety of sorting functions , therefore Redis It can also be regarded as a data structure server
Two 、Redis The persistence of
- Redis All the data of is stored in memory , If persistence is not configured ,Redis Data will be lost after restart , So it needs to be turned on Redis Persistence of , Save the data in the memory on the hard disk , stay Redis After reboot , Data can be restored from hard disk to memory , And this process is divided into two modes :
Semi persistent mode : Irregularly save the data in memory to the hard disk through asynchronous synchronization , Also called RDB Pattern
Full persistence mode : Write every data change in memory to a append only file(AOF file ) Inside , Also called AOF Pattern
(1) The persistence process
- The client sends a write operation to the database server , The written data is saved in the memory of the client
- The database server receives the client write request , The data of the write operation is saved in the memory of the server
- Server calls write This system process , Write the data in the memory to the hard disk , The data will go to the buffer in the system memory first
- The system transfers the data in the buffer to the disk controller , The data will be stored in the disk cache
- The disk controller writes data to the physical media of the disk , At this time, the data is really saved to the disk
The above five steps are the ideal data saving process , But in most cases , The actual server will have various failures , The following are two cases of successful persistence after failure
- Redis Database failure , Just complete the first three steps above , Then you can complete persistence , The rest of the operation is done by the system
- If the system fails , You must complete all the above five steps , Data can be persisted
These two situations only refer to the possible failures during the storage process , But in fact, the saved data may also be damaged , A certain recovery mechanism is needed
Redis There are two policy mechanisms to implement the five steps of persistence , Namely RDB and AOF, By configuring redis.conf Master configuration file to configure two persistence methods , When the two persistence methods are enabled at the same time ,AOF A little higher priority
(2)RDB Mechanism
RDB The data saving mechanism of is actually to save the data in the form of snapshots on the disk , The meaning of this snapshot is similar to that of the virtual machine , It should be noted that each generation RDB The document will put the old RDB File topping , That is to say, there is only one RDB file
RDB Persistence refers to writing a snapshot of a data set in memory to disk within a specified time interval , It's also Redis Default persistence method , This way is to write the data in memory to the binary file in the form of snapshot , The default file name is dump,rdb
since RDB The saving mechanism of is to generate a snapshot of the data within a specified time interval to save , Then there must be a trigger mechanism , about RDB Come on ,Redis There are three mechanisms , Namely :save、bgsave、 automation
-save Trigger mode
When there is a client to Redis After sending the order , The command will block Redis The server , In execution Save Mechanism ( Save data to RDB file ) In the process of ,Redis You cannot execute other commands , You can't save it until it's finished
When Redis In preservation RDB When you file , If the previously saved RDB file , that Redis The new document will replace the old one , In the real world ,Redis The received client requests may be tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands , This approach is obviously not desirable
-bgsave Trigger mode
Use bgsave after , The operation sent by the client ,Redis Asynchronous snapshot saving will be performed in the background , and Redis You can also continue to accept the operations of other clients
When the client sends the operation to Redis Server time , stay Redis After the operation , Will execute fork() Action create subprocess ,RDB The persistence operation of is completed by the child process , After the subprocess completes the operation , Will automatically end . The blocking in this process only occurs in the stage of the child process , Basically Redis Internally owned RDB The operation is to use bgsave Accomplished
- automation
Automation means automatic triggering , By Redis Primary profile for Redis.conf To complete , The following options can be configured :
- save:
This is used to configure trigger Redis The persistence condition of , That is, when to save the data in memory to the hard disk , The format is save m n, When m Within seconds n Changes in data , Just save the data to the hard disk , And the mechanism adopted is bgsave, If you don't need persistence, you can put all save Line comment out to disable this function
- stop-writes-on-bgsave-error:
The default configuration of this option is yes, It means when it starts RDB And when the last background save of data failed ,Redis Whether to stop receiving data , To configure yes It can make managers realize that the data is not correctly persisted to the hard disk , Otherwise, configure no The management personnel will not be aware of the accident . After stopping receiving data, you only need to restart Redis, You can start receiving data again
- rdbcompression
The default value for this option is yes, It means whether to compress and store snapshots stored on disk
- rdbchecksum
The default value for this option is yes, It means after storing the snapshot , Whether to let redis Use crc64 Algorithm to check data , After being turned on, the performance consumption will increase by about 10% , if necessary redis Maximum performance , You can turn this option off
- dbfilename
Configure the file name of the snapshot , The default is dump.rdb
- dir
Set the path to save the snapshot , This path must be a directory , Not the file name , The default is to save to the current directory ./
contrast save and bgsave:
command | save | bgsave |
Synchronization mode (IO type ) | Sync | asynchronous |
Is it blocked | Blocking | Blocking ( Occurs in child processes ) |
advantage | No extra memory consumed | Do not block clients , You can continue to receive commands |
shortcoming | Block client command | Child processes are required , Memory consumption |
-RDB Advantages and disadvantages of
- advantage :
- RDB The files are compact , And full backup , Ideal for backup and disaster recovery
- In the use of bgsave Mechanism generation RDB When you file ,redis The main process will create a new sub process to handle all data saving work , The main process does not need any disk IO operation , And you can continue to receive operations from other clients
- RDB It's faster to recover large data sets than AOF fast
- Inferiority :
- Generated RDB Snapshot is a full backup , What is stored is the binary serialization form of memory data , Very compact in storage .
- During snapshot persistence , A child process will be started for snapshot persistence , During this period, the data modified by the main process will not be reflected in the child process , That is, the data during data persistence will not be saved , Data may be lost . And when the data set is large , It can cause the whole server to stop serving for hundreds of microseconds or even a second
(3)AOF Mechanism
Full backup is always time consuming , and AOF Provides a more efficient way , Working mechanism is very simple ,redis I will pass every write command I receive write Function is appended to the specified file , This and mysql The binary log of is very similar
AOF Persistence mode :
whenever Redis When you receive a write command ,Redis It will record AOF In file
- File rewriting
AOF The persistence method of also brings a problem , persistent AOF The file will get bigger and bigger , To compress AOF Persistent files ,Redis Provides bgrewriteaof command , When saving the data in the current memory to a temporary file in the form of a command , At the same time, a new subprocess will be created to rewrite the file to a new AOF In file , This method is a bit similar to snapshot
-AOF Three trigger mechanisms
Every change is synchronized (always): Synchronous persistence , Every time the data changes, it will be immediately recorded on the disk , Poor performance but good data integrity
A second synchronous (everysec): Asynchronous synchronization , Every second , But if in a second Redis Server down , Then one second of data will be lost
No synchronization (no): No synchronization , This means that the system decides when to synchronize
Compare the three mechanisms :
command | always | everysec | no |
advantage | No data loss | One synchronization per second | No management |
shortcoming | Poor performance | At most one second of data will be lost | Uncontrollable |
-AOF Advantages and disadvantages of
- advantage :
- AOF Better protect data from loss , commonly AOF Every second , Then perform a synchronization operation through a background thread , So at most one second of data is lost
- AOF The log file does not have any disk addressing overhead ( The location of the log file is self specified ), Very high write performance , The file is not easy to be damaged
- AOF When there is a background rewrite operation in the log file , It will not affect the reading and writing of the client
- AOF Log files record commands , This feature is very suitable for disaster recovery accidental deletion and emergency recovery , for example : Someone accidentally used flushall Command clears all data , At this time, as long as the rewrite operation does not happen , You can copy it immediately AOF file , Delete the last item flushall Command and then AOF File back , Through the recovery mechanism , Recover database
- shortcoming :
- For the same data ,AOF Documents are usually better than RDB The snapshot file of is larger
- AOF After opening , Supported, written QPS( Query rate per second ) than RDB Written QPS low , because AOF Generally, it is configured to synchronize files every second , Of course , Synchronization every second , Performance consumption will not be very high
(4) choice RDB still AOF
- Willing to sacrifice some performance , You can choose AOF
- In exchange for higher cache consistency , Ensure the highest possible integrity of the database , choice AOF
- Willing to write frequently , Do not enable backup for better performance , In manual operation save Make a backup when , choice RDB
Generally speaking, the effect of using the two together is the best , But if you open both ways at the same time , Only AOF Will take effect ,Redis By default RDB,AOF coordination RDB when , Both can be operated manually save
3、 ... and 、RDB Persistent configuration
Get ready Reids:
[[email protected] ~]# vim /usr/local/redis/redis.conf
218 save 900 1 # Turn on RDB after , stay 900 Within seconds 1 Changes in data trigger the generation of snapshots
219 save 300 10
220 save 60 10000
234 # permissions, and so forth.
235 stop-writes-on-bgsave-error yes # When RDM After the snapshot fails , It does not affect the user's write operation
240 # the dataset will likely be bigger if you have compressible values or keys.
241 rdbcompression yes # Whether or not to RDB Snapshot file compression , Performance will increase after shutdown
250 rdbchecksum no # close RDB Check and verify snapshots , Will increase performance
252 # The filename where to dump the DB
253 dbfilename dump.rdb # The name of the snapshot
262 # Note that you must specify a directory here, not a file name.
263 dir /usr/local/redis/rdb # Storage path of snapshots
# Save and exit
[[email protected] ~]# mkdir /usr/local/redis/rdb
[[email protected] ~]# /etc/init.d/redis start # Turn on redis
/var/run/redis_6379.pid exists, process is already running or crashed
Redis is running...
[[email protected] ~]# redis -h -p 6379 # Get into redis Writing data> auth 123123
OK> set aaa bbb
OK> set bbb ccc
OK> keys *
1) "aaa"
2) "bbb"> exit
[[email protected] ~]# /etc/init.d/redis restart # restart redis
Stopping ...
Warning: Using a password with '-a' or '-u' option on the command line interface may not be safe.
Redis stopped
Starting Redis server...
1073:C 05 Jun 2021 21:54:27.156 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
1073:C 05 Jun 2021 21:54:27.156 # Redis version=5.0.4, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=1073, just started
1073:C 05 Jun 2021 21:54:27.156 # Configuration loaded
Redis is running...
[[email protected] ~]# redis -h -p 6379 # Enter again to check whether the data is still there> auth 123123
OK> keys *
1) "aaa"
2) "bbb"
# Data found to exist ,redis The data of is stored in memory , If persistence is not configured , restart redis The data is lost , But it turns on RDB Persistence mechanism , And every... Is configured in the configuration file 600 Take a snapshot when the data changes every second , Just now I wrote two data , After you've written Redis In fact, the snapshot has been taken and saved in the specified path , So restart Redis Post data still exists> exit
[[email protected] ~]# ll /usr/local/redis/rdb/
Total usage 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 115 6 month 5 21:54 dump.rdb
Four 、AOF Persistent configuration
[[email protected]s7 ~]# vim /usr/local/redis/redis.conf
218 #save 900 1 # hold save To all comments means to close RDB Persistence mode
219 #save 300 10
220 #save 60 10000
262 # Note that you must specify a directory here, not a file name.
263 dir /usr/local/redis/rdb # This is also AOF File storage path
699 appendonly yes # Turn on AOF Persistence mode
701 # The name of the append only file (default: "appendonly.aof")
703 appendfilename "appendonly.aof" # Set persistent files
728 # appendfsync always
729 appendfsync everysec # Set up AOF The way of persistence , The default is everysec Once a second
730 # appendfsync no
751 no-appendfsync-on-rewrite no # If set to yes, be redis The executed commands will be stored in the buffer , Wait for the system to automatically synchronize to the hard disk ,no Can
770 auto-aof-rewrite-percentage 100 # If currently written AOF The file has reached the size of the last rewritten file 100% Words , Trigger rewrite
771 auto-aof-rewrite-min-size 64mb # Set up AOF The minimum size of the persistent rewrite file , When reach 64MB And in accordance with 100% when , The rewrite operation is triggered
# Save and exit
[[email protected] ~]# /etc/init.d/redis restart
Stopping ...
Warning: Using a password with '-a' or '-u' option on the command line interface may not be safe.
Redis stopped
Starting Redis server...
1122:C 05 Jun 2021 22:08:19.456 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
1122:C 05 Jun 2021 22:08:19.456 # Redis version=5.0.4, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=1122, just started
1122:C 05 Jun 2021 22:08:19.456 # Configuration loaded
Redis is running...
[[email protected] ~]# redis -h -p 6379> auth 123123
OK> keys *
(empty list or set)> set aaa bbb
OK> keys *
1) "aaa"> set bbb ccc
OK> keys *
1) "bbb"
2) "aaa"> exit
[[email protected] ~]# cat /usr/local/redis/rdb/appendonly.aof # You can see AOF All the commands in the file are executed
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