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Detailed explanation of TCP and UDP
2022-07-31 03:13:00 【A salted fish..】
UDP全称为用户数据报协议.UDP 为应用程序提供了一种无需建立连接就可以发送封装的 IP 数据包的方法.
1-1 UDP协议报文格式:
1-2 UDP协议的特点:
- 无连接:只知道对端的IP和端口号就可以发送,不需要实现建立连接.(就像寄信).
- 不可靠:没有确认机制, 没有重传机制.如果因为网络故障该段无法发到对方, UDP协议层也不会给应用层返回任何错误信息.
- 面向数据报: 应用层交给UDP多长的报文, UDP原样发送既不会拆分,也不会合并.所以UDP不能够灵活的控制读写数据的次数和数量.
- UDP存在接收缓冲区,但不存在发送缓冲区.UDP没有发送缓冲区,在调用send to时会直接将数据交给内核,由内核将数据传给网络层协议进行后续的传输动作.UDP具有接收缓冲区,但是这个接收缓冲区不能保证收到的UDP报文的顺序和发送UDP报的顺序一致,如果缓冲区满了再到达的UDP数据报就会被丢弃.
为什么UDP不需要发送缓冲区? 因为UDP不保证可靠性,它没有重传机制,当报文丢失时,UDP不需要重新发送,而TCP不同,他必须具备发送缓冲区,当报文丢失时,TCP必须保证重新发送,用户不会管,所以必须要具备发送缓冲区.
- 大小受限.UDP协议首部中有一个16位的最大长度.也就是说一个UDP能传输的数据最大长度是64K(包含UDP首部).
1-3 扩展问题
- UDP本身是无连接,不可靠,面向数据报的协议,如果要基于传输层UDP协议,来实现一个可靠传输,应该如何设计?
- UDP大小是受限的,如果要基于传输层UDP协议,传输超过64K的数据,应该如何设计?
TCP全称传输控制协议,The transfer of data must be controlled.
2-1 TCP协议报文格式:
源端口号/目的端口号:表示数据从哪个进程来,to that process
的关键因素.TCP将要传输的每个字节都进行了编号,序号是本报文段发送的数据组的第一个字节的编号,序号可以保证传输信息的有效性.比如:一个报文段的序号为300,此报文段数据部分共有100字节,则下一个报文段的序号为401.32位确认序号:每一个ACKCorresponding to this confirmation number,It indicates the sequence number of the next byte expected to be received,表明该序号之前的所有数据已经正确无误的收到.确认号只有当ACK标志为1时才有效.比如建立连接时,SYN报文的ACK标志位为0.
4位首部长度(数据偏移): 表示该TCP头部有多少个32位bit(有多少个4字节),所以TCP头部大长度是15 * 4 = 60.According to this section, theTCP报头和有效载荷分离.TCPThe default packet size is20个字节.
: It in order to sign the emergency pointer is valid.ACK
: Prompt the receiver application to immediately take away the data in the receive buffer.RST
:It is for handling abnormal connections, tell the party that the connection is inconsistent,Our connection has not been established, 要求对方重新建立连接.我们把携带RST标识的称为复位报文段.SYN
: 请求建立连接; 我们把携带SYN标识的称为同步报文段.FIN
: 通知对方, 本端要关闭连接了, 我们称携带FIN标识的为结束报文段.16位的紧急指针:Arrival in order isTCPA mechanism for the protocol to guarantee reliability,But there are also some packets that want to be processed first,At this time, you can set the emergency pointer,point to the message,At the same time, the effective bit of the emergency pointer is set1.
16位窗口大小:If the sender sends a large amount of data,The receiver cannot receive it,Can lead to a large number of data loss.Then the receiver can send a message to the sender to make the sender slow down,This is flow control.The receiver tells the sender the size of the remaining space in its receive buffer called16位窗口大小.Sending can adapt the sending speed and size according to the window size,The maximum window size is2的16次方,及64KB,but can also be expanded based on certain positions in the options,最大扩展1G.
16位校验和:发送端填充,CRC校验.如果接收端校验不通过, 则认为数据有问题(此处的检验和不光包含TCPThe header also containsTCP数据部分).
2-2 什么是可靠性?
- TCP会尽自己最大的努力,将数据发送给对方
- 如果真的遇到发送不过去的情况,TCP至少会告诉发送进程,数据发送失败了
- 保证不会收到错误的数据(通过checksum)
- TCP能保证收到的数据一定是有序的(按照发送进程发送时的顺序)
- TCP会根据对方的接收能力和网络线路的承载能力,进行流量的控制
TCPWhat mechanisms have been done to ensure reliability?
- 确认应答机制
- 超时重传机制
- 连接管理机制
2-2-1 确认应答机制
接收方(对方的TCP)有责任对收到的数据进行确认(acknowledge) 应答.
TCPNumber each byte of data,即序列号.每一个ACK都带有对应的确认序列号,意思是告诉发送者,我已经收到了哪些数据;下一次你从哪里开始发.
2-2-2 超时重传机制
- Linux中(BSD Unix和Windows也是如此),超时以500ms为一个单位进行控制,每次判定超时重发的超时时间都是500ms的整数倍.
- 如果重发一次之后,仍然得不到应答,等待 2500ms 后再进行重传.如果仍然得不到应答,等待 4500ms 进行重传.依次类推,The timeout period increases exponentially.
- 累计到一定的重传次数,TCP认为网络或者对端主机出现异常,强制关闭连接.won't keep retransmitting.
Timeout increments.
won't keep retransmitting.
2-2-3 连接管理机制
在正常情况下, TCP要经过三次握手建立连接
2-2-3-1 三次握手
From a sign point of view
SYN就是TCPID when establishing a connection,ACKis the confirmation mark.
首先主机A和主机BA connection is required between the client and the client sends it onceSYN,服务器就会返回一个ACK,Indicates that the client wants to establish a connection with the server,The server then sends aSYN,The client is returning aACK,Indicates that the server wants to establish a connection with the client,Complete four interactions,Make sure the connection is established successfully,这是一个"双向奔赴"的过程,
And obviously there are four interactions,Why is it called a three-way handshake?,It's because the two times in the middle(SYN和ACK)是一定会合二为一的,只需要把ACK和SYN同时置为1就可以了,因此被称为三次握手.
四次可以,但是效率低,没有必要.Each transmitted data requires a series of encapsulation and demultiplexing, So transferring twice is definitely much slower than transferring once.
两次是绝对不行的,两次只能确定双方中一方的发送和接收能力正常,另一方就不清楚了,This is not satisfying reliability.
2-2-3-2 四次挥手
FINis to notify the other party, The end segment identifier of the connection to be closed by the local end.Here, the four waves of hands are the two parties each sending each other.FIN,and receiving the other party'sFINA request after replyACK.
The initiator of the three-way handshake must be the client,And the initiator of the four waves may be the client,Possibly the server,And two times in the middle of the three-way handshake can be merged,And the middle two of the four waves are not necessarily combined.,Whether it can be merged here depends onB发送ACK和发送FINwhether the timing is the same,same words can be combined,If they are not the same, they cannot be combined.,
In the three-way handshake, the server sends theSYN和ACKare executed by the operating system kernel,收到客户端的SYN请求之后,会把ACK和SYNsent at the same time,This happened at the same time so it can be merged,
而四次挥手B给A发送的ACKis the responsibility of the operating system kernel,而FIN请求只有当BThe code in the executionsocket.close()method will startFIN,If the time interval between these two operations is relatively short, they can be combined,Unable to merge for a long time,it's impossible to determine,Therefore, in general, there are four interaction processes.,也就是四次挥手!
以上就是今天的学习内容,本文是计算机网络的学习,详细讲解了TCP和UDP的工作原理、各自的特点,and three handshakes and four waves.之后的学习内容将持续更新!!!
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