当前位置:网站首页>8. Unified exception handling (controller notifies @ControllerAdvice global configuration class, @ExceptionHandler handles exceptions uniformly)
8. Unified exception handling (controller notifies @ControllerAdvice global configuration class, @ExceptionHandler handles exceptions uniformly)
2022-07-31 02:39:00 【一个偷笑】
- SpringBoot设计,如果出现错误404或500,Automatically call under a specific pathhtml页面(Paths and names are specific)./templates/error/404.html、/templates/error/500.html.This page is automatically called when there is an error in the program.
- But the error has async request error,Also want to log at the same time.Then use the unified processing method,即全局配置.使用HomeController,Add a request to get the error page,手动重定向路径.
@RequestMapping(path = "/error", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getErrorPage() {
return "/error/500";
在Controller下新建adviceNotification configuration package,新建ExceptionAdvice.用到两个注解:@ControllerAdvice,@ExceptionHandler.
- 是Controller全局配置类,Not to anyControllerdo the configuration again,can be done uniformlyController的全局配置.@ControllerAdvice用来修饰类.
- 异常处理方案**@ExceptionHandler**、绑定数据方案**@ModelAttribute**、绑定参数方案**@DataBinder**. They are both used to decorate methods.
- 这里只演示,统一处理异常(@ExceptionHandler)
// 是Controller全局配置类,Not to anyControllerdo the configuration again,can be done uniformlyController的全局配置[email protected]用来修饰类.
// 异常处理方案@ExceptionHandler、绑定数据方案@ModelAttribute、绑定参数方案@DataBinder. They are both used to decorate methods.
// 这里只演示,统一处理异常(@ExceptionHandler)
@ControllerAdvice(annotations = Controller.class) // 限定注解@Controller,Otherwise the component scans allbean
public class ExceptionAdvice {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExceptionAdvice.class);
Exception.class})// 处理哪些异常?Exception是所有异常的父类,All exceptions are handled
// 有异常controllerwill passException
public void handleException(Exception e, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
// 记录日志
logger.error("服务器发生异常:" + e.getMessage());//Unusual summary
for (StackTraceElement element : e.getStackTrace()) {
//Record the information of all stacks of exceptions
// 给浏览器响应
// Depends what the request is,Want the server to return the web pagehtml/异步请求JSON(xml).Get it from the request header.
String xRequestedWith = request.getHeader("x-requested-with");
if ("XMLHttpRequest".equals(xRequestedWith)) {
// 异步请求
PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter();// 输出流
writer.write(CommunityUtil.getJSONString(1,"服务器异常!"));// 输出JSON字符串
// 请求html,重定向到错误页面
response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/error");
Click on the Unconfigured page to appear404,并记录日志:
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