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DataGrid directly edits and saves "design defects"

2022-07-05 21:44:00 Full stack programmer webmaster

Hello everyone , I meet you again , I'm the king of the whole stack

Use today easyUI Of datagrid Component time , There are some problems , Write it down for the next high-speed solution .

The requirement is that a list will be associated in a form , Can add, delete, check and modify

It didn't work easyUI When , I usually use a dialog To do it . Save before ajax Send it to the list through hidden To submit .

Of course, now I can do the same , But I want to change my way , because easyUI Of datagrid Provides direct access to datagrid Editing function on (Row Editing in DataGrid).

According to the official website demo Tried it on . That is to say editor Application . Editing is no problem , Save also OK

But when you save it, you put it directly value convert to text To save the . In this case ,value The information disappeared .

Let's say it's a combobox. Then there is only text The information of .

You can always get it before you save it value Of . Tried it on , The first idea is to start from editor Generated input Get the data , After all, with form Submitting is the most familiar way , But found out editor No designation name The place of ( Maybe I didn't know ), So it's hard to get data . Since I can't , Well, it's still through datagrid Of getSelected Method to get the currently selected row ( Here we need to stop the current editing (endEdit) Only then can we get the filled data ).

var row = $('#dispatches_details').datagrid('getSelected');

What we get here row It's a json, And inside combobox All you get is value

At this point . Suppose there is no associated form in the outer layer ( Just create a new one and save it ) Under the circumstances , So directly put row Send it to the background and you can save it , Then the display just needs text Without having to value Information about , This may be datagrid Design My original intention . However, it may not take into account the slightly complex situation of associated forms . For example, our business here , Saving to the database must be saved together when the outer form is submitted , So this row We need to record the data temporarily .

How to record ? stay js There may only be array Such a data type that saves a string of data . So I created a array(rows) To preserve row

Here comes the question , that js Medium array How to send it backstage ? This is also a problem that bothered me all afternoon .

First I use it directly {”rows”:rows} This format postserver. Caught HTTP request . In fact, the request parameters sent are this {rows[0][a], rows[0][b],……rows[1][a], rows[1][b]…….} among a、b yes row Field name in

I'm very happy to see such a situation , think Spring You can actively bind parameters by yourself . Baidu ran to server

Write a line of code :

public void saveDispatches(@RequestParam(“rows[]”) Ddetails ddetails[])

I thought I could receive data directly . It turned out that I couldn't get . Try again

public void saveDispatches(@RequestParam(“rows[][]”) Object ddetails[][]) Neither.

Finally, directly request.getParameter(“rows[0][a]”) So there is , Fuck the horse , You can't get dead by connecting parameters like this .

I just try this way .js Of array There will definitely be problems when it is delivered directly to the background .

Think again , Each record in the list is best given one name. then value That's it row(json type ). For example, similar row1:””, row2:””, row3:””

After thinking for a while, I think it is still not feasible . Because the number of parameters is uncertain , There is no good way to receive parameters in the background

Later from form Get inspiration by transmitting data , Can use the same name , Then separate with a separator , You can get an array in the background . But in fact, what the backstage gets is json The data of , There is no way to directly bind parameters to entities .

But here is another problem . I find json As a array When an element of ,HTTP Ask for the past , It won't convert itself into a string , But will use rows[a],row[b] Send in this form

This is not what we want , So first we have to json convert to string type :

		var str = "";
		$.each(json, function(k,v){
			str += "," + k + ':"' + v + '"';
		str = "{" + str.substring(1) + "}";
		return str;

Next, when the form is submitted . You can transmit data like this :

	$("#dispatches_form").form('submit', {
	    onSubmit: function(param){
	    	param.ddetails = jsonArr.join('@');

So the backstage can receive json Format string , Re pass “@” Separate into strips json Record , Next

We need to bind to entities manually , In order to prevent such demand . So I wrote a fairly general will json Methods bound to entities :

	public static <T> T transferFromJsonObject(Class<T> clazz,
			JSONObject jsonObject) {
		T t = null;
		try {
			t = clazz.newInstance();
			Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
			for (Field field : fields) {
				Object value;
				if ((value = jsonObject.get(field.getName())) != null
						&& StringUtils.isNotEmpty((String) value)) {
					if (field.getType() == Date.class) {
						SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(
						value = format.parse((String) value);
					} else if (field.getType() == Integer.class) {
						value = Integer.parseInt((String) value);
					} else if (field.getType() == Double.class) {
						value = Double.parseDouble((String) value);
					field.set(t, value);
		} catch (Exception e) {
		return t;

thus . Although the process is relatively tortuous , But finally got ~

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Publisher : Full stack programmer stack length , Reprint please indicate the source :https://javaforall.cn/117564.html Link to the original text :https://javaforall.cn


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