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Leetcode skimming: stack and queue 02 (realizing stack with queue)
2022-07-02 00:26:00 【Taotao can't learn English】
225. Using queue to implement stack
Use queues to implement the following operations of the stack :
- push(x) – Elements x Push
- pop() – Remove the top element
- top() – Get stack top element
- empty() – Whether the return stack is empty
Be careful :
- You can only use the basic operations of the queue -- That is to say push to back, peek/pop from front, size, and is empty These operations are legal .
- The language you use may not support queues . You can use list perhaps deque( deque ) To simulate a queue , As long as it's a standard queue operation .
- You can assume that all operations are valid ( for example , No call to an empty stack pop perhaps top operation ).
For this question , First of all, we need to know several methods
- pop Stack exit element
- push Put elements at the end of the stack
- peek Look at the top of the stack
- offer Team tail in element
- poll The first element of the team
- peek View queue elements
I use it ArrayDeque Simulated . Actually check API This class has many duplicate methods .
boolean add(E e)
Inserts the specified element at the end of this double ended queue .
void addFirst(E e)
Inserts the specified element at the beginning of this double ended queue .
void addLast(E e)
Inserts the specified element at the end of this double ended queue .
void clear()
Remove all elements from this double ended queue .
ArrayDeque clone()
Return a copy of this double ended queue .
boolean contains(Object o)
If this double ended queue contains the specified element , Then return to true.
Iterator descendingIterator()
Returns an iterator that iterates over the elements of this two-way queue in reverse order .
E element()
obtain , But do not remove the head of the queue represented by this double ended queue .
E getFirst()
obtain , But do not remove the first element of this double ended queue .
E getLast()
obtain , But do not remove the last element of this double ended queue .
boolean isEmpty()
If this double ended queue does not contain any elements , Then return to true.
Iterator iterator()
Returns the iterator that iterates over the elements of this double ended queue .
boolean offer(E e)
Inserts the specified element at the end of this double ended queue .
boolean offerFirst(E e)
Inserts the specified element at the beginning of this double ended queue .
boolean offerLast(E e)
Inserts the specified element at the end of this double ended queue .
E peek()
obtain , But do not remove the head of the queue represented by this double ended queue ; If this double ended queue is empty , Then return to null.
E peekFirst()
obtain , But do not remove the first element of this double ended queue ; If this double ended queue is empty , Then return to null.
E peekLast()
obtain , But do not remove the last element of this double ended queue ; If this double ended queue is empty , Then return to null.
E poll()
Get and remove the header of the queue represented by this double ended queue ( let me put it another way , The first element of this two-way queue ); If this double ended queue is empty , Then return to null.
E pollFirst()
Gets and removes the first element of this double ended queue ; If this double ended queue is empty , Then return to null.
E pollLast()
Get and remove the last element of this two-way queue ; If this double ended queue is empty , Then return to null.
E pop()
Pop an element from the stack represented by this double ended queue .
void push(E e)
Push the element into the stack represented by this double ended queue .
E remove()
Get and remove the header of the queue represented by this double ended queue .
boolean remove(Object o)
Remove a single instance of the specified element from this double ended queue .
E removeFirst()
Gets and removes the first element of this double ended queue .
boolean removeFirstOccurrence(Object o)
Remove the specified element that first appears in this double ended queue ( When traversing a double ended queue from head to tail ).
E removeLast()
Get and remove the last element of this two-way queue .
boolean removeLastOccurrence(Object o)
Remove the last occurrence of the specified element in this double ended queue ( When traversing a double ended queue from head to tail ).
int size()
Returns the number of elements in this double ended queue .
Object[] toArray()
Returns an array containing all the elements of this double ended queue in the proper order ( From the first element to the last element ).
toArray(T[] a)
Returns an array containing all the elements of this double ended queue in the proper order ( From the first element to the last element ); The runtime type of the returned array is the runtime type of the specified array .
package com.programmercarl.stacks_queues;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
/** * @ClassName MyStack * @Descriotion TODO * @Author nitaotao * @Date 2022/6/29 12:10 * @Version 1.0 * https://leetcode.cn/problems/implement-stack-using-queues/ * 225. Using queue to implement stack * Ideas : * Stack First in, then out Can only A End entry ,A hold sth. level with both hands * queue fifo Can only A End entry ,B hold sth. level with both hands * pop Stack exit element * push Put elements at the end of the stack * peek Look at the top of the stack * * offer Team tail in element * poll The first element of the team * peek View queue elements * * **/
public class MyStack {
// Source queue
private ArrayDeque queueOrigin;
// Copy queue
private ArrayDeque queueCopy;
public MyStack() {
queueOrigin = new ArrayDeque();
queueCopy = new ArrayDeque();
/** * Push an element * @param x */
public void push(int x) {
// Push data at the end of the source queue
/** * Launch an element * @return */
public int pop() {
/** * The source queue removes The last element , All other elements are pushed into the replication queue */
int lenOrigin = queueOrigin.size();
while (lenOrigin > 1) {
// Get the value to be pushed
int result = (int) queueOrigin.poll();
/** * Copy the queue and push all elements into the original queue */
int lenCopy = queueCopy.size();
while (lenCopy > 0) {
return result;
/** * View top element * @return */
public int top() {
/** * The source queue removes The last element , All other elements are pushed into the replication queue */
int lenOrigin = queueOrigin.size();
while (lenOrigin > 1) {
// Get the value to be pushed
int result = (int) queueOrigin.peek();
/** * Copy the queue and push all elements into the original queue */
int lenCopy = queueCopy.size();
while (lenCopy > 0) {
return result;
/** * Sentenced to empty * @return */
public boolean empty() {
return queueOrigin.size() == 0;
In fact, it's not easy to think , After all, every time you use elements, you have to put all the elements in another place , Take this element again . This kind of inefficient and farting thing is unnecessary in reality . Code is not hard , There are notes , Just look for yourself .
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