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Several rolling captions based on LabVIEW
2020-11-09 07:30:00 【Oc jklrr90y】
After learning a little skill, I still need to CSDN once , In case you don't find it the next time you need it ..
(1) Scrolling down subtitles based on string array and string control
The basic idea is to take each string from the array and send it to display ; Scrolling is to use the number of cycles and the number of rows in the array to get the index value of the loop .
(2) Scrolling captions based on long strings and string controls
The basic idea is to use the intercepting string function , Add... To each offset 2, The length is the same .
(3) Horizontal pendulum type scrolling caption based on the whole movement of string control
This is when the length of the corresponding string is less than the width of the display area .
Ideas : String as a whole , Its left position in the display area can be written through the attribute node . Change it , The whole string is moving . The design pattern adopts the basic state machine pattern .
(4) Horizontal scrolling subtitles based on numeric display control slider and string image
Ideas : In custom controls , Replace the slide image on the slider bar with the picture to be displayed . By changing the size of the value to be displayed in turn, you can make the slider scroll .
Rolling subtitles , If the front panel screenshots can be made into execution animation , Not yet ; Among them, the size difference is relatively large , Browsing may seem disorganized . The procedure is relatively simple , No download address attached . Something like this , I wrote 1 More than an hour ? What efficiency? This is , Workers ! Which is the default title , We can't save or distribute ?
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