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DTG-SSOD: The latest semi-supervised detection framework, Dense Teacher (with paper download)
2022-08-02 11:47:00 【Computer Vision Research Institute】
“从Sparse to dense”The paradigm makesSSODprocess is complicated,While ignoring the powerful direct、Intensive teacher supervision
Mean-Teacher (MT) Scheme in semi-supervised object detection (SSOD) 中被广泛采用.在MT中,Final predictions by teachers(例如,In non-maximally inhibited (NMS) after post-processing)The provided sparse pseudo-labels intensively supervise students through hand-crafted label assignments.然而,“从Sparse to dense”The paradigm makesSSODprocess is complicated,While ignoring the powerful direct、Intensive teacher supervision.
在今天分享中,The researchers attempted to supervise the training of students directly using intensive instruction from teachers,即“dense to dense”范式.具体来说,The researchers proposed the inverseNMS聚类(INC)and rank match(RM)to instantiate dense supervision,without the widely used traditional sparse pseudo-labels.INCGuide students inNMSgroup the candidate boxes into clusters like a teacher,This is done by learning from the teacherNMSThe grouping information displayed in the program is realized.在通过INCAfter getting the same grouping scheme as the teacher,学生通过Rank MatchingFurther mimicking the teacher's ranking distribution among clustered candidates.
通过提出的INC和RM,将Dense Teacher GuidanceIntegrated into semi-supervised object detection(称为“DTG-SSOD”)中,Sparse pseudo-labels are successfully discarded,And achieves more informative learning on unlabeled data.在COCO基准测试中,新方法的DTG-SSODState-of-the-art performance is achieved at various labeling ratios.例如,在10%at the labeling rate,DTG-SSODWill monitor the baseline from26.9提高到35.9mAP,比之前的最佳方法Soft Teacher高19个百分点.
Comparison of teacher-supervised signals:下图(a)The previous method was performed on teachersNMSand fractional filtering to obtain sparse pseudo-labels,This further translates to intensive supervision of students through label assignment;下图(b)提出的DTG-SSODDirectly adopt the intensive predictions of teachers as intensive guidance for students.
Sparse-to-dense Paradigm
Task Formulation
SSOD的框架如下图(a)所示.Mean-TeacherScenarios are common practice with previous technologies,实现了端到端的训练,Passed after each training iterationEMABuild teachers from students.Teachers will be weakly enhanced(For example flip and resize)image as input to generate pseudo labels,Students apply strong reinforcement(例如剪切、几何变换)进行训练.Robust and appropriate data augmentation plays an important role,It not only increases the difficulty of students' tasks and alleviates the problem of overconfidence,It also enables students to remain invariant to various input perturbations,This enables robust representation learning.
Sparse-to-dense Baseline
所有以前的SSODThe methods are all based on a sparse-to-dense mechanism,which generates sparse pseudo-boxes with class labels,to serve as the ground truth for student training.It comes with a confidence based threshold,Among them only keep with high confidence(例如,大于0.9)的伪标签.This makes foreground supervision on unlabeled data much sparser than on labeled data,因此,The class imbalance problem is thereSSOD中被放大,It seriously hinders the training of the detector.
为了缓解这个问题,The researchers took advantage of some of the strengths of previous work:Soft Teacherthe mixing ratior设置为1/4,in order to sample more unlabeled data in each training batch,This brings the number of foreground samples on unlabeled data close to labeled data;Unbiased Teacher用Focal lossInstead of cross-entropy loss,Thereby reducing the gradient contribution of simple examples.
These two improvements,That is, the appropriate mixing ratior(1/4)和Focal loss,Both are used for the sparse-to-dense baseline and the researchers' dense-to-denseDTG 方法.Because the teacher only provides sparse pseudo-labels,This further translates into intensive supervision of student training,这些方法被称为“Sparse to dense”范式.理论上,新提出的SSODThe method is independent of the detection framework,Can be applied to single-stage and two-stage detectors.For a fair comparison with previous works,使用Faster RCNNas the default detection framework.
displayed as a table,Under the full tag data setting,新提出的DTG-SSOD大大超过了以前的方法,beyond at least1.2mAP.Follow the previous practice,The researchers also applied weak boosting to the labeled data,并获得了40.9mAPstrong supervised baseline.Even based on such a strong baseline,DTG-SSOD仍然获得了+4.8mAP的最大改进,达到了45.7mAP,This verifies the effectiveness of the new method when the amount of labeled data is large.
研究者在30kA checkpoint is used for analysis at the iteration.Student training labels provided by sparse pseudo-labels are carefully compared with researcher-intensive teacher guidance.(a)sparse-to denseParadigms and researchersdense-to-denseThe paradigm brings different training labels to student samples.(b)Teachers assign higher marks to high-quality candidates,This preserves the exact box.
Some visual examples to demonstrate the advantages of the newly proposed method over the traditional sparse-to-dense paradigm.(a-b)For the same student proposal,The new dense-to-dense paradigm and the traditional sparse-to-dense paradigm will assign different labels.很明显,The new dense-to-dense paradigm can assign more precise and reasonable training labels.(c)Teachers are better at modeling the relationships of cluster candidates than students.
The summary of transformations used in weak and strong augmentation
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