当前位置:网站首页>Shell common scripts: Nexus batch upload local warehouse enhanced version script (strongly recommended)
Shell common scripts: Nexus batch upload local warehouse enhanced version script (strongly recommended)
2022-07-31 22:51:00 【Uh-huh**】
- The message prompt is more user-friendly
- Verify that the local repository exists
- Verify that the remote repository is connected to the network
- There is a file confirmation operation before uploading
- Displays the total number of files to be uploaded,The repository ends the script without any files to be uploaded
# author: LinRuChang
# date: 2022-07-27 04:15:00
# desc: nexus上传脚本
# use
# 第一种:sh enhanceMavenImport.sh -l The absolute path of the local warehouse directory -u nexus账号 -p nexus密码 -r remote private libraryURL地址
# sh enhanceMavenImport.sh绝对路径 -l /www/server/maven/repository2 -u admin -p admin123 -r
# 第二种:Put this script in your local repository directory,然后执行即可- 【Remember that the path relationship between the local repository directory and the script is a parent-child relationship,Non-grandchildren, etc】
# sh enhanceMavenImport.sh绝对路径 -u nexus账号 -p nexus密码 -r remote private libraryURL地址
if [[ $1 == 'help' || $1 == '--help' ]]; then
echo "用法: sh $(readlink -f $0) -l The absolute path of the local repository -u nexus账号 -p nexus密码 -r 远程仓库URL地址 "
exit 0
while getopts ":l:r:u:p:" opt; do
case $opt in
# 如果不传-l本地仓库路径,The local repository path of the directory where the current script is located
if [[ -z ${LOCAL_REP_DIR} ]]; then
LOCAL_REP_DIR=$(readlink -f $0 | xargs dirname)
echo "================入参============================="
LOCAL_REP_DIR=$( ( echo ${
LOCAL_REP_DIR} | grep '.*\(/\)$' &>/dev/null ) && echo ${LOCAL_REP_DIR} || echo ${LOCAL_REP_DIR}'/' )
echo "The address of the local warehouse to be uploaded:${LOCAL_REP_DIR}"
echo "Nexus账号:${USERNAME}"
echo "Nexus密码:${PASSWORD}"
REPO_URL=$( ( echo ${
REPO_URL} | grep '.*\(/\)$' &>/dev/null ) && echo ${REPO_URL} || echo ${REPO_URL}'/' )
echo "远程仓库URL地址:${REPO_URL}"
echo "============================================="
if [[ ${USERNAME} && ${PASSWORD} && ${REPO_URL} && -d ${LOCAL_REP_DIR} ]]; then
echo "The input parameter is not empty and the check is passed!!!"
echo "错误:可能Nexus的账号u、密码p、远程仓库地址rInformation is missing,Or a local repository directoryl不存在,请检查"
echo "用法: sh $(readlink -f $0) -l The absolute path of the local repository -u nexus账号 -p nexus密码 -r 远程仓库URL地址 "
exit 1;
echo -e "\n================Detects remote directory address network connectivity, 请耐心等待============================="
if [[ $(curl -X PUT -w '%{http_code}' ${
REPO_URL} 2>/dev/null) == '401' ]]; then
echo "远程仓库【${REPO_URL}】访问通"
echo "错误:远程仓库【${REPO_URL}】访问不通, 请检查"
exit 1;
echo -e "\n================A list of files to be uploaded is displayed============================="
# 进入本地仓库,Start retrieving files to upload
# 1. Exclude the script itself、以及含archetype-catalog、maven-metadata-deployment、maven-metadata-deploymentcharacter path to the file
# 2. The final filtered files are shaved off the front./字符
# 3. Begin one file callcurl上传
# 特殊字符/Adding the upper escape character becomes \/
LOCAL_REP_DIR_ESCAPE=$(echo "${LOCAL_REP_DIR}" | sed 's/\//\\\//g')
# The files to be uploaded in the current directory
findUploadFiles=$(find . -type f -not -path "./$0" -not -name '*.sh' -not -regex "\(.*archetype-catalog.*\|.*maven-metadata-deployment.*\)\|.*maven-metadata-local.*")
findUploadFilesCount=$(echo "${findUploadFiles}" | sed '/^s*$/d' | wc -l)
if [ ${findUploadFilesCount} -gt 0 ]; then
#uploadFiles=$(find . -type f -not -path "./$0" -not -name '*.sh' -not -regex "\(.*archetype-catalog.*\|.*maven-metadata-deployment.*\)\|.*maven-metadata-local.*" | sed "s|^\./||")
uploadFiles=$( echo -e "${findUploadFiles}" | sed "s|^\./||")
echo "$( [ ${
findUploadFilesCount} -gt 0 ] && ( echo "${uploadFiles}" | sed 's/^/'"${LOCAL_REP_DIR_ESCAPE}"'&/g') || echo '' )"
echo "文件个数:${findUploadFilesCount}"
if [ ${findUploadFilesCount} -eq 0 ]; then
echo -e "\nThere are no uploadable files in the local repository,脚本结束"
exit 0
while [ true ]; do
echo -e '\nPlease check if the above file path is what you need to upload?【OK to upload by pressingy、Cancel upload by pressing n】'
read ensureUpload
if [ $ensureUpload ] && [ $(echo $ensureUpload | tr [a-z] [A-Z]) == "Y" ]; then
echo -e "\n================A list of uploaded files is displayed============================="
#echo "${uploadFiles}" | sed "s|^\./||" | xargs -I '{}' sh -c 'echo 已上传文件: '"${LOCAL_REP_DIR}"'{};echo "========="'
echo "${uploadFiles}" | sed "s|^\./||" | xargs -I '{}' sh -c "curl -u '$USERNAME:$PASSWORD' -X PUT -v -T {} ${REPO_URL}/{} &>/dev/null ; echo '已上传文件: ${LOCAL_REP_DIR}{}'"
echo 'The local repository file upload is complete,脚本结束'
elif [ $ensureUpload ] && [ $(echo $ensureUpload | tr [a-z] [A-Z]) == "N" ]; then
echo "Cancel uploading local repository files,脚本结束"
echo -e "错误:[${ensureUpload}]非法字符,Please enter the corresponding content according to the prompts"
用法1 - 指定本地仓库
# 帮助文档
sh enhanceMavenImport.sh help
sh enhanceMavenImport.sh --help
# 指定本地仓库路径
sh enhanceMavenImport.sh -l /www/server/maven/repository2 -u admin -p admin123 -r
Really perform the uploading successful operation
用法2 - Do not specify a local repository,The directory where the script is located is the local repository
# 帮助文档
sh enhanceMavenImport.sh help
sh enhanceMavenImport.sh --help
# Do not specify the local repository path,Take the directory where the current script is located as the repository path
# 切记:The path relationship between the local repository and the script is a parent-child relationship
sh enhanceMavenImport.sh -u admin -p admin123 -r
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