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Dry goods | 10 tips for MySQL add, delete, change query performance optimization
2022-07-31 21:49:00 【IT study diary v】
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上一篇介绍了4种进行MySQLTips for performance optimization troubleshooting,This article is passed from the increase、删、改、Check how to optimize in the grammar,帮助大家更好理解MySQL语法,进行性能优化.
The optimization point of inserting data is mainly to maximize the utilization of each database connection,Avoid creating data connections frequently,因此,常见的优化方式如下:
批量插入(A single insert requires creating a link with the data each time,There is a relatively large consumption)
手动管理事务(Multiple bulk inserts can be batched together in a single transaction,Reduce turn on、Number of transactions closed)
Data is inserted in primary key order(Avoid page splits and repointing)
大数据量时使用load指令(For example, hundreds or even tens of millions of data are required during initialization,此时则使用loadcommand to insert data,mysqlNative support for large data volume insertion,性能非常不错)
如果是命令行连接,Need to specify that the client needs to execute the local file,Added in connection:--local-infile
服务端开启load指令支持:set grobal local_infile=1
语法:load data local infile '文件路径' into table '表名' fields teminated by 'Field splitting symbol' lines teminated by '行分割符号'
在MySQL的InnoDB中,表数据都是根据主键顺序组织存放的,这种存储方式的表称为索引组织表(Index Organized Table IOT)
页(Page): Stored is the specific row data
特点:页可以为空、也可以填充一半,或者填充100%.每个页包含了2-N行数据(If a row of data is too large,会行溢出),The data in the page is sorted according to the primary key【InnoDBMedium rules are at least greater than in each page2行,如果只有一行,The proof forms a linked list,在innodb中是允许的】.There are pointers to each other between pages and pages.
If the inserted data is the primary key of the data, it will be inserted out of order,因为InnoDBThe data is stored in the page in the order of the primary key,It finds the page of data that should have been inserted50%的位置(The data page is full due to out-of-order inserts),Then put the following elements and the newly inserted elements into the newly applied page.Then the pointer points to the phenomenon again.
注意:在InnoDB中,when deleting a record,实际上记录并没有被物理删除,Knowledge records are marked(flaged)为删除,并且它的空间变得允许被其他记录声明使用.
定义:When the data in the page is deletedMERGE_THRESHOLD(Default is page50%),InnoDB会开始寻找最靠近的页(前或后)看看是否可以将两个页合并以优化空间使用.
MERGE_THRESHOLDParameters can be specified when creating a table or index,The default is half of the page.
满足业务需求情况下,尽量降低主键的长度(Because the secondary index leaf node stores the primary key value,The longer the primary key value,占用的空间越大,It consumes disk while searchingIO的次数就越多)
插入数据时,尽量顺序插入,选择使用AUTO_INCREMENT自增主键(Out-of-order inserts can cause page splits,消耗性能)
尽量不要使用UUIDDo gradual or other natural primary keys like ID(因为它们是无序的,There will still be page splits,Also because of their longer length,It consumes a lot of disk while retrievingIO)
业务操作时,Try to avoid gradual changes(修改了主键,The corresponding index data structure needs to be re-maintained)
二、Order by优化
使用explain关键字查看SQL语句的执行计划,注意:出现Using indexThe premise is gone when covering indexes,多字段排序时,也遵循最左前缀法则.
1、Using filesort:通过表的索引或全表扫描,读取满足条件的数据行,Then in the sort buffersort buffer中完成排序操作.所有不是通过索引直接返回排序结果的排序都叫Filesort排序.
2、Using index: 通过有序索引顺序扫描直接返回有序数据,这种情况称为using index,It does not require additional sorting,操作效率高.
3、Backward index scan;Using index: No additional sorting is done,But a reverse scan index is done.
4、Using index;Using filesort: Ordered data is not returned directly by index,need to walksort buff进行排序,Efficiency is also lower.
Using filesort优化方式:
Create a joint index for the corresponding field(Note that you need to specify the order of the indexes according to the sorted order or in reverse)
如果不可避免出现filesort,When sorting large data volumes,Can be freed to increase the sort buffer sizesort_buffer_size(默认是256K),查询方式:show variables like 'sort_buffer_size'.
If the sort buffer is full,The sorting operation will be performed on disk,性能会降低
三、group by优化
分组操作中,The main reason is that the index has an optimization effect.使用explain关键字查看SQLStatement execution plan grouping:
Using temporary: 使用了临时表,性能较低
Using index: 走了索引,性能提高(案例:group by 和whereThe middle field satisfies the leftmost prefix rule)
Using index;Using temporary:Cases do not follow the leftmost prefix rule,But when hitting index coverage,This value may appear
优化:通过索引来提高效率,Note whether the leftmost prefix rule is satisfied
现象:When paging on large numbers,越往后的数据,It takes more time,效率越大
优化:子查询(多表关联) + 覆盖索引
方式:First query to the primary key that needs to filter the data,Then perform data sub-query or table association query to find the specific data needed
这个话题已经是老生常谈了,But there are always people arguing,其实,The most authoritative is the official statement,官方是推荐使用count(*)而不是其他,Let's get to know each onecountA difference in usage.
MyISAMThe engine stores the total number of rows in a table to disk,在执行count(*)不带where条件时,The data can be obtained directly,效率很高.
InnoDB在count时,The data needs to be read from the engine line by line,然后累计计数(It is time-consuming in large numbers,It is mainly determined by the storage engine).
优化思路:The total number of entries is maintained manually with the help of an in-memory database,Add when inserting1,删除时减1等
count(*): Count the returned data.逻辑:The engine has been specially optimized,不取值,服务层直接按行进行累加.
count(主键):主键不可能为NULL,InnoDB会遍历全表、Put the primary key of each rowID取出来,Return to the service layer for accumulation operations,No need to judge whether it isNULL.
count(1):Set for each piece of data returned1,Then accumulate.逻辑:The engine traverses the entire table,但是不取值,The service layer puts a number on each row returned"1"进去,The accumulation operation is performed directly.
count(列):Statistics field value is notNULL的条数.统计逻辑:没有not null约束,idbThe engine will traverse the field value of each row of the whole table and take it out,返回给服务层,The service layer will determine whether it isnull,不为null则进行累加.如果有not null约束,Then the engine will traverse the entire table and return the field value of each row,返回给服务层,The service layer directly performs the accumulation operation.
更新数据时whereConditions must use index fields,否则就会从行锁升级为表锁,并发情况下,性能降低.
Remove statement optimization
followed by the insert statement type,To take advantage of the bulk delete method,Minimize database connections,Transaction commit consumption.
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