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[PIMF] OpenHarmony Thesis Club - Inventory of the open source Hongmeng tripartite library [3]
2022-07-31 18:32:00 【InfoQ】
OpenHarmony third_party三方库:

tree -L 1
├── abseil-cpp
├── benchmark
├── boost
├── boringssl
├── bounds_checking_function
├── bzip2
├── cares
├── cef
├── chromium
├── cJSON
├── cmsis
├── css-what
├── curl
├── e2fsprogs
├── EGL
├── ejdb
├── eudev
├── exfat-utils
├── expat
├── f2fs-tools
├── FatFs
├── ffmpeg
├── flatbuffers
├── flutter
├── FreeBSD
├── freetype
├── fsck_msdos
├── gettext
├── giflib
├── glib
├── gn
├── googletest
├── gptfdisk
├── grpc
├── gstreamer
├── harfbuzz
├── icu
├── iniparser
├── iowow
├── jerryscript
├── jinja2
├── jsframework
├── json
├── jsoncpp
├── libcoap
├── libdrm
├── libevdev
├── libexif
├── libffi
├── libinput
├── libjpeg
├── libnl
├── libphonenumber
├── libpng
├── libpsl
├── libsnd
├── libsoup
├── libunwind
├── libusb
├── libuv
├── libwebsockets
├── libxkbcommon
├── libxml2
├── littlefs
├── ltp
├── lwip
├── lz4
├── markupsafe
├── mbedtls
├── mindspore
├── mingw-w64
├── minimp3
├── minimp4
├── mksh
├── mtdev
├── musl
├── newfs_msdos
├── nghttp2
├── ninja
├── node
├── ntfs-3g
├── NuttX
├── openGLES
├── openh264
├── openmax
├── openSLES
├── openssl
├── optimized-routines
├── parse5
├── pcre2
├── pixman
├── popt
├── protobuf
├── pulseaudio
├── python
├── PyYAML
├── qrcodegen
├── quickjs
├── re2
├── selinux
├── skia
├── sqlite
├── toybox
├── typescript
├── typescript_eslint
├── tzdata
├── uboot
├── unity
├── wayland-ivi-extension
├── wayland-protocols_standard
├── wayland_standard
├── weex-loader
├── weston
├── wpa_supplicant
└── zlib
115 directories, 0 files

- Abseil 是C++ An open source collection of library code,Designed to enhance the standard library C++.AbseilThe library code is from Google自己的C++collected in the codebase,Extensive testing and production use,And the same code you rely on in your day-to-day coding life.
- 在某些情况下,Abseil提供C++Missing part of the standard.
- 遵循C11 Annex K (Bounds-checking interfaces)的标准,Common memory is selected and implemented/String manipulation class functions,如memcpy_s、strcpy_s等函数.
- 由openeuler的libboundscheck移植到openHarmony得来.

- c-ares 是用于异步 DNS 请求(Including name resolution)的 C 库.
- It works for needs to be executed DNS Queries without blocking or needing to execute multiple in parallel DNS 查询的应用程序.The prime examples of such applications are servers that communicate with multiple clients and programs with graphical user interfaces.

- Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) 是一个简单的框架,For embedding in other applications based on Chromium 的浏览器.
- CEF Multiple programming languages and operating systems are supported,And can be easily integrated into new and existing applications.它从头开始设计,Both performance and ease of use were considered.基本框架包括通过本机库公开的 C 和 C++ 编程接口,这些库将主机应用程序与 Chromium 和 Blink 实现细节隔离开来.它提供了浏览器和主机应用程序之间的紧密集成,包括对自定义插件,协议,JavaScript对象和JavaScript扩展的支持.主机应用程序可以选择控制资源加载、导航、上下文菜单、打印等,同时利用与 Google Chrome Web The same performance and in the browser HTML5 技术.
- Chromium是由Google主导开发的网页浏览器,以BSD许可证等多重自由版权发行并开放源代码,是Google的Chrome浏览器背后的引擎,其目的是为了创建一个安全、稳定和快速的通用浏览器.
- OpenHarmony nwebview基于Chromium构建.


- EXT是LinuxA disk partition format under the system,等同于XP下的FAT/FAT16/FAT32
- 1、EXT是LinuxA disk partition format under the system,等同于XP下的FAT/FAT16/FAT32,Everyone knows that Android is based on LinuxSystem developed mobile phone system,Then there are the same partition formats,Usually we say opena2sd功能,就是在SDA disk format supported by the system is separated from the card,Let's talk about the difference between these formats!
- 2、Ext2(第二扩展文件系统): 是 GNU/Linux 系统中标准的文件系统,其特点为存取文件的性能极好,对于中小型的文件更显示出优势,这主要得利于其簇快取层的优良设计.其单一文件大小与文件系统本身的容量上限与文件系统本身的簇大小有关,在一般常见的 x86 电脑系统中,block最大为 4KB, 则单一文件大小上限为 2048GB, 而文件系统的容量上限为 16384GB.但由于目前核心 2.4 所能使用的单一分割区最大只有 2048GB,因此实际上能使用的文件系统容量最多也只有 2048GB.
- 3、Ext3(第三扩展文件系统): 顾名思义,它就是 ext2 的下一代,也就是在保有目前 ext2 的格式之下再加上日志功能.
- 4、EXT4(第四扩展文件系统):文件系统是Linux系统下的日志文件系统,是ext3文件系统的后继版本,但是Ext4是LinuxAn improvement to the file system.在很多方面,Ext4相对于Ext3progress is far more than thatExt3相对于Ext2的进步.Ext3相对于 Ext2The improvements are mainly in logging,但是Ext4相对于Ext3The improvements are deeper,It is an optimization of the file system data structure,是一个高效的、优秀的、Reliable and very characteristic file system,并且EXT3可以转为EXT4的.
- 它处理图形上下文管理,表面/缓冲区创建,绑定和渲染同步,
- 并使用其他Khronos API实现高性能,加速,混合模式2D和3D渲染OpenGL / OpenGL ES渲染客户端API OpenVG渲染客户端API原生平台窗口系统.
- 与设备的原生窗口系统通信.
- 查询绘图表面的可用类型和配置.
- 创建绘图表面.
- 在OpenGL ES 和其他图形渲染API之间同步渲染.
- 管理纹理贴图等渲染资源.
- EJDB 是一个嵌入式的 JSON 数据库引擎,Aims to provide fast classes MongoDB 的嵌入式数据库,可用于 C/C++ 应用程序中.主要特性包括:Collection-level write locks、Collection-level transactions、String match queries as well Node.js 绑定.
- EXFATThe file system is also called the extended allocation table file system,可以说它是FAT32文件系统的升级版.EXFAT和FAT32Filesystems are different,
- FAT32的FATTables can only be used at most28位,EXFAT的FATTables can be used in full.
- FAT32The file system size can only be used4个字节表示,也就是最大为0xFFFFFFFFSectors are2T.而EXFATThe size of the file system is used8个字节表示的.
- FAT32A single file in the file system is also used4个字节表示的0xFFFFFFFF字节也就是4G.而EXFATThe single file size of the file system to use8个字节(也就是fat32A single file storage cannot exceed4个G)
- 可以使用f2fsFilesystem tools format the disk as f2fs文件系统.要使用 f2fs 文件系统,应使用f2fsFormat the bucket.否则无法挂载 f2fs.

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