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"Upside down salary", "equal replacement of graduates" these phenomena show that the testing industry has

2022-07-05 00:36:00 Two black

These two days, I talked with my friends about the development of the testing industry , In fact, great changes have taken place in the testing industry , With the continuous influx of career changers and graduates into the testing industry , At present, the demand of the industry is close to saturation .

Of course , What I'm talking about is that there is little demand for basic testing positions , and automated testing Even the big data test that may appear in the future 、AI There are still a lot of opportunities for testing .

“ The waves behind push the waves ahead , Qianlang died on the beach ”, Now it has become IT A true picture of the industry . Fresh blood is washing away the of the testing industry “ predecessors ” People , There's a lot of pressure , There is even “ Pay is hanging upside down ”、“ Graduates replace ” The absurdity of .

At the end of the day , Testing belongs to the technical position . Since it's a technical position , It's about technology . Master new skills 、 Improve test efficiency 、 To guarantee the quality of products 、 Support R & D progress It has also become an urgent problem for many testers . therefore , Now most junior testers first ask automated testing close .

But there are also many test engineers standing “ crossroads ” hesitate 、 anxious , No direction found .

All the confusion is because think too much and do too little ! Can we only watch opportunities and high salaries slip away from us ?

Not at all , Want to understand the development knowledge system of test engineers , Master automated testing , The notes I've compiled below will tell you where to go .

The content involves the : Test theory 、Linux Basics 、MySQL Basics 、Web test 、 The interface test 、App test 、 Management tools 、Python Basics 、Selenium relevant 、 Performance testing 、LordRunner Correlation, etc

Experience sharing of software testing posts in large factories

Through the interview summary, I found that , In fact, the interviews of software testing posts are almost the same . I often ask the following knowledge points :

  • Fundamentals of testing
  • Linux You're supposed to know
  • Shell Script
  • The principles of the Internet
  • MySQL database
  • Caught tools
  • Interface testing tool
  • Web automated testing Java&Python
  • Interface and mobile automation
  • Agile testing &TestOps structure
  • Performance testing & Security testing

The first part Fundamentals of software testing

 Insert picture description here

The second part Python Programming

 Insert picture description here

The third part MySQL

 Insert picture description here

The fourth part LordRunner relevant

 Insert picture description here

The fifth part Web test

What is? sql Inject , What is cross site scripting , What is cross station
Give you a website how to test ?
How to test the e-commerce payment module ?
How to conduct compatibility testing ?
nginx.tomcat.apache What are they ?
apache and nginx The difference between ?
 Insert picture description here

The sixth part Interface automation testing

 Insert picture description here

Part seven App test

 Insert picture description here

The above is the software testing learning notes I sorted out for you . so to speak , It's a process that's going to kill you , But as long as you get through it . Life will be much easier in the future . It's just that it's hard at the beginning , Just take the first step , You're halfway there , When we look back on this journey after it's finished , You're bound to feel a lot .

How to obtain notes

The notes , For those who want to engage in 【 software test 】 For our friends, it should be the most comprehensive and complete war preparation warehouse , This warehouse also accompanied me through the most difficult journey , I hope it can help you ! You can get it for free by joining our communication group below , I hope that's helpful …


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