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CV learning notes - reasoning and training

2022-07-03 10:07:00 Moresweet cat

Reasoning and training

1. summary

Training (Training): An initial neural network continuously optimizes its own parameters , To make yourself accurate . This whole process is called training (Training)

Reasoning (Inference): You trained a model , Perform well in the training data set , But our expectation is that it can recognize pictures that we haven't seen before . You take a new picture, throw it into the Internet and let the Internet judge , This kind of picture is called field data (livedata), If the discrimination accuracy of field data is very high , So it proves that your online training is very good . This process , It's called reasoning (Inference).

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Supervised Learning Supervised learning : The input data is called training data , A model needs to go through a training process , Make anticipatory judgments in this process , If it is wrong, correct it , The training process continues until the expected accuracy is achieved based on the training data . The key method is classification and regression , For example, logical regression (Logistic Regression) and BP neural network (Back
Propagation Neural Network).

Unsupervised Learning Unsupervised learning : No training data , A model that takes a derivation structure based on unmarked input data , The key way is association rule learning and aggregation , such as k-means.

Optimize (optimization): It refers to adjusting the model to get the best performance on the training data ( Learning in machine learning ).

generalization (generalization): It refers to the performance of a trained model on unprecedented data .

The fundamental problem of deep learning is the opposition between optimization and generalization .

2. Classification of data sets

1. classification

Data sets can be divided into :

  • Training set : Data set of actual training algorithm ; To calculate the gradient , And determine the update of network weight in each iteration ;

  • Verification set : Data set for tracking learning ; It's an indicator , It is used to indicate what happens to the network function formed between training data points , And the error value on the verification set will be monitored in the whole training process ;

  • Test set : The data set used to produce the final result .

Test set features ( The purpose is to ensure that the test set can effectively reflect the generalization ability of the network ):

  1. Test sets must not be used in any form to train networks , Even if it is used to select networks from the same set of alternative networks . The test set can only be used after all training and model selection ;
  2. The test set must represent all situations involved in network usage .

2. Cross validation

Here's a bunch of data , We cut him into 3 Parts of ( Of course, you can share more )
The first part is the test set , The second and third part is the training set , Calculate the accuracy ;
The second part is the test set , The first three parts are the training set , Calculate the accuracy ;
The third part is the test set , Part one and two are training sets , Calculate the accuracy ;
Then calculate the draw value of three accuracies , As the final accuracy .

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3.BP neural network

1. summary

BP The Internet (Back-Propagation Network):1986 Was proposed in , It is a training method based on error back propagation algorithm
Multilayer feedforward network , It is one of the most widely used neural network models , For function approximation 、 Model recognition and classification 、 Data pressure
Shrinkage and time series prediction .

characteristic :BP Network is also called back propagation neural network , It is a supervised learning algorithm , It has strong adaptability 、 Self learning 、 The ability of nonlinear mapping , It can better solve the problem of less data 、 Information is poor 、 The problem of uncertainty , And it is not limited by the nonlinear model . A typical BP The network should include three layers : Input layer 、 Hidden layer and output layer . All layers are connected , There is no connection between the same floor .
Hidden layers can have many layers .

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2. Neural network training

1. summary

Popular speaking , We use neural network to solve image segmentation , Boundary detection and other issues , Our input ( Assuming that x), With the desired output ( Assuming that y) What is the relationship between ? That is to say y=f(x) in ,f What is it? , We don't know , But we
I'm sure of one point , That's it
f Not a simple linear function
, It should be an abstract complex relationship , Then use God
Through the network is to learn this relationship , Store in model in , Use what you get model To speculate on data outside the training set , have to
The expected result .

2. Some concepts in the training process

Positive communication : The input signal propagates from the input layer through each hidden layer to the output layer . Get the actual response value at the output layer , If there is a large error between the actual value and the expected value , It will turn into the error back propagation stage .

Back propagation : According to the gradient descent method, it passes through each hidden layer from the output layer, and continuously adjusts the connection weight and threshold of each neuron layer by layer , Repeated iteration , Until the error of network output is reduced to an acceptable level , Or go to the preset number of studies .

generation (Epoch): Use all the data of the training set to train the model completely , go by the name of “ Generation training ”.

Batch size (Batch size): A small number of samples from the training set are used to update the parameters of the model weight by back-propagation , This small sample is called “ A batch of data ”

iteration (Iteration): Use one Batch The process of updating parameters of the model with data , go by the name of “ One training ”( One iteration ). The result of each iteration will be used as the initial value of the next iteration . An iteration = A positive pass + A reverse pass .

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For example, the training set has 500 Samples ,batchsize = 10 , So train a complete sample set :iteration=50,epoch=1.

3. Training ( Study ) The process

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The following describes the training process of neural network from abstract to concrete :

Process description ( summary ):

  • Extract feature vectors as input .
  • Define the neural network structure . Including the number of hidden layers , Activation functions and so on .
  • Through training, the back-propagation algorithm is used to continuously optimize the weight value , Make it to the most reasonable level .
  • Use the trained neural network to predict the unknown data ( Reasoning ), Here, the trained network refers to the situation that the weight reaches the optimal
    condition .

Process description ( Data angle ):

  • Select a sample of the sample set ( A i , B i ) (A_i,B_i) (Ai,Bi), A i A_i Ai For data 、 B i B_i Bi Label ( Category )
  • Into the network , Calculate the actual output of the network Y Y Y,( At this point, the weights in the network should be random )
  • Calculation D = B i − Y D=B_i-Y D=BiY( That is, the difference between the predicted value and the actual value )
  • According to the error D D D Adjust the weight matrix W W W
  • Repeat the above process for each sample , Until for the entire sample set , The error shall not exceed the specified range

Process description ( Concrete realization ):

  • Random initialization of parameters
  • Forward propagation calculates the activation function value of the output node corresponding to each sample
  • Calculate the loss function
  • Back propagation calculates partial derivatives
  • Use gradient descent or advanced optimization methods to update weights

4. Random initialization of parameters

The problem background of parameter random initialization : For all parameters, we must initialize their values , And their initial values cannot be set to the same , For example, they are all set to 0 or 1. If it is set to the same value, all parameters will be equal after updating . That is, all neurons have the same function , Creates a high degree of redundancy . So we have to randomize the initial parameters .

Special , If the neural network has no hidden layer , You can initialize all parameters to 0.( But this is not called deep neural network )

Method of random initialization of parameters : Weight initialization is not a simple random initialization , It's a key step that will affect your performance , And sometimes it depends on the selected activation function . If you just initialize the weights randomly to some very small random numbers , It will break the gradient update symmetry

  • The weight parameter initialization is uniformly random from the interval .
  • XAvier initialization (sigmoid、tanh) w ∼ U [ − 6 n i n + n o u t , 6 n i n + n o u t ] w\sim U[-\frac{\sqrt6}{\sqrt{n_{in}+n_{out}}},\frac{\sqrt{6}}{\sqrt{n_{in}+n_{out}}{}}] wU[nin+nout6,nin+nout6]
  • Initialize to a small random number ( Small networks ): such as , It can be initialized to a mean value of 0, The variance of 0.01 Gaussian distribution of
  • The weight is initialized to a normal distribution (relu)
  • MSRA Filler(relu): The mean square deviation is 0, The variance of 4 n i n + n o u t \sqrt{\frac{4}{n_{in}+n_{out}}} nin+nout4 Gaussian distribution of
  • bias bias The initialization : It is usually initialized to 0

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Standardization (Normailization):

background : Because when building and training classifiers or models , The input data range may be large , At the same time, the data in the sample can
The energy program is inconsistent , Such data is easy to affect the results of model training or classifier construction , Therefore, it needs to be standardized
Chemical treatment , Remove the unit limit of data , Convert it to dimensionless pure values , It is convenient for indicators of different units or orders of magnitude to be carried out
Comparison and weighting .

  • One of the most typical is the normalization of data , Unified mapping of data to [0,1] On interval .

y = x − m i n m a x − m i n y=\frac{x-min}{max-min} y=maxminxmin

  • z-score Standardization ( Zero mean normalization zero-mean normalization):

    • The average value of the processed data is 0, The standard deviation is 1( Normal distribution )

    • among μ It's the mean of the sample , σ That's the standard deviation of our sample
      y = x − μ σ y=\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma} y=σxμ

5. Loss function

The loss function is used to describe the difference between the predicted value and the real value . There are two common algorithms —— Mean squared difference
(MSE) And cross entropy .

  • Mean squared difference (Mean Squared Error,MSE), Also known as “ Mean square error ”:
    M S E = ∑ i = 1 n 1 n ( f ( x i ) − y i ) 2 MSE=\sum_{i=1}^{n}\frac{1}{n}(f(x_i)-y_i)^2 MSE=i=1nn1(f(xi)yi)2

  • Cross entropy (cross entropy) It's also loss One of the algorithms , Generally used in classification problems , The expression means prediction input
    The probability of which class the sample belongs to . The smaller the value. , It means the more accurate the prediction results are .(y Represents the real value classification (0 or 1),a generation
    Table predicted value ):
    C = − 1 n ∑ x [ y l n a + ( 1 − y ) l n ( 1 − a ) ] C=-\frac{1}{n}\sum_{x}[ylna+(1-y)ln(1-a)] C=n1x[ylna+(1y)ln(1a)]

The choice of loss function depends on the type of input tag data :

  • If you enter a real number 、 Unbounded value , The loss function uses MSE.
  • If the input label is a bit vector ( Classification mark ), Using cross entropy would be more suitable for .

6. Gradient descent method

gradient :
∇ f = ( ∂ f ∂ x 1 , ∂ f ∂ x 2 , . . . ) \nabla f=(\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_1},\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_2},...) f=(x1f,x2f,...)

The direction of the gradient indicates the direction in which the value of the function increases , The modulus of the gradient represents the rate at which the value of the function increases .

So as long as the value of the parameter is constantly updated to a certain size in the opposite direction of the gradient , We can get the minimum value of the function ( Global minimum or local minimum ).

Learning rate (learning rate): Learning rate is an important super parameter , It controls the speed at which we adjust the weights of the neural network based on the loss gradient . In the long run , This cautious and slow choice may be good , Because it can avoid missing any local optimal solution , But it also means we have to spend more time converging , Especially if we are at the highest point of the curve .

New weight = Current weight - Learning rate × gradient

The lower the learning rate , The slower we descend along the loss gradient .

Update of gradient parameters : Generally, when updating parameters with gradient, the gradient will be multiplied by a value less than 1 Learning rate of (learning rate), This is because the modulus of the gradient is always large , Directly using it to update parameters will make the value of the function fluctuate , It is difficult to converge to an equilibrium point ( This is also the reason why the learning rate should not be too high ).
θ t + 1 = θ t − α t ∇ f ( θ t ) \theta_{t+1}=\theta_t-\alpha_t\nabla f(\theta_t) θt+1=θtαtf(θt)
Gradient descent method :
∂ E ∂ w j k = − ( t k − o k ) ⋅ s i g m o i d ( ∑ j w j k ⋅ o j ) ( I − s i g m o i d ( ∑ j w j k ⋅ o j ) ) ⋅ o j \frac{\partial E}{\partial w_{jk}}=-(t_k-o_k)\cdot sigmoid(\sum_jw_{jk}\cdot o_j)(I-sigmoid(\sum_jw_{jk}\cdot o_j))\cdot o_j wjkE=(tkok)sigmoid(jwjkoj)(Isigmoid(jwjkoj))oj
− ( t k − o k ) -(t_k-o_k) (tkok): The difference between the correct result and the node output solution , That's the error

s i g m o i d ( ∑ j w j k ⋅ o j ) sigmoid(\sum_jw_{jk}\cdot o_j) sigmoid(jwjkoj): Activation function of node , All links input to this node are multiplied by the signal passing through it and the link weight, and then summed , Then the sum result is operated by activation function ;

o j o_j oj: link w j k w_{jk} wjk The signal value output by the front-end node .

7. Generalization capability classification

  • Under fitting : The model has no structure that can well represent the data , But the fitting degree is not high . The model can't get enough low error in the training set ;
  • fitting : The difference between test error and training error is small ;
  • Over fitting : The model fits the training sample too much , However, the prediction accuracy of test samples is not high , That is to say, the generalization ability of the model is very poor . The difference between training error and testing error is too big ;
  • Nonconvergence : The model is not based on the training set .

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8. Over fitting solution

Over fitting phenomenon : Overfitting refers to a given set of data , This pile of data is noisy , Use the model to fit the data , The noise data may also be fitted .

Influence of over fitting :

  • On the one hand, it will make the model more complex ;
  • On the other hand , The generalization performance of the model is too poor , Encountered new data , Using the resulting over fitted model , The accuracy is very poor .

The cause of over fitting :

  • Wrong sample selection method is selected for modeling samples 、 Sample labels, etc , Or the number of samples is too small , The selected sample data is not enough to represent the predetermined classification rules

  • Excessive sample noise interference , This allows the machine to interpret parts of the noise as features, thus disrupting the preset classification rules

  • The hypothetical model cannot reasonably exist , In other words, the assumption cannot be reached

  • Too many parameters lead to high complexity of the model

  • For the neural network model :

    a) The classification decision surface may not be unique to the sample data , As the learning goes on ,,BP The algorithm may make the weight converge to the decision surface which is too complex ;

    b) Enough iterations of weight learning , The noise in the training data and the non-representative characteristics in the training sample are fitted .

The solution to over fitting :

  • Reduce features : Delete features not related to the target , For example, some feature selection methods
  • Early stopping
  • More training samples .
  • Re cleaning the data .
  • Dropout

Early Stopping:

  • In every one of them Epoch At the end , Calculation validation data Of accuracy, When accuracy When it's no longer raised , Just stop training .

Then a key point of this approach is how to think that validation accurary No more improvement ? Is not to say that validation
accuracy As soon as it comes down, it is considered that it will not be improved any more , Because it could go through this Epoch after ,accuracy To reduce the , But then the Epoch And let the accuracy Go up again , So you can't go from one or two drops in a row to no improvement . The general way is , During the training , The record is by far the best validation accuracy, As the continuous 10 Time Epoch( Or more times ) Under the hood accuracy when , You could say accuracy It's not improving anymore . At this point you can stop iterating (Early Stopping). This strategy is also called “No-improvement-in-n”,n namely Epoch The number of times , You can take it based on the actual situation , Such as 10、20、30


In the neural network ,dropout The method is realized by modifying the structure of the neural network itself :

  • At the beginning of training , Delete some at random ( It can be set to 1/2, It can also be for 1/3,1/4 etc. ) Hidden layer neurons , namely
    Think these neurons don't exist , At the same time, the number of neurons in input layer and output layer remains unchanged .
  • And then according to BP Learning algorithm is very important for ANN Learn and update the parameters in ( Units connected by dashed lines are not updated , Because I think this
    Some neurons were temporarily deleted ). So an iterative update is done . In the next iteration , Also delete one randomly
    Some neurons , It's not the same as last time , Do random selection . This goes on all the time , Until the end of training

Dropout The method is to modify ANN The number of neurons in the hidden layer to prevent ANN Over fitting .

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Dropout Principle of action :

  • Hidden nodes all appear randomly with a certain probability , Therefore, there is no guarantee that every 2 Hidden nodes appear at the same time each time .
  • Dropout Is a random choice to ignore hidden layer nodes , In the training process of each batch , Because the hidden layer nodes that are randomly ignored each time are different , In this way, the network of each training is different , Every workout can be treated as a “ new ” Model ;

In this way, the update of weights no longer depends on the joint action of hidden nodes with fixed relationships , Prevents certain features from being effective only in the case of other specific features .

summary :Dropout It is a very effective neural network model averaging method , By training a large number of different networks , To average the probability of prediction . Different models are trained on different training sets ( Every epoch All the training data are randomly selected ), Finally, we use the same weight in each model “ The fusion ”.

Experience :

  • Cross validation , Hide nodes dropout The rate is equal to 0.5 It works best when .
  • dropout It can also be used as a method of adding noise , Direct pair input To operate . The input layer is set closer to 1 Number of numbers . send
    The input will not change much (0.8)
  • dropout The drawback is that there is no training time dropout Online 2-3 times .

Personal study notes , Just learn to communicate , Reprint please indicate the source !


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