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C pitfalls and pitfalls Chapter 8 Suggestions and answers 8.2 Answers
2022-08-01 21:15:00 【weixin_Guest time】
练习0-1 If you reason to buy manufacturer produces a car repair rate is very high?If the manufacturer declaration has been improved to him,Will your attitude change??The user finds out the program for youbug,what do you really lose?
The reason we choose a product and not to choose another product,One of the important consideration is the vendor's reputation.If credibility is lost,hard to get.We need to seriously think about a problem,Which companies recently high quality of the products is real,or purely accidental.
Most people already know that a product may be major design flaws,will not buy this product---unless this is a software product.Many people have written some programs for use by the others.People used to all software products cannot work situation,见怪不怪.We should use the products of high quality to surprise them.
练习0-2 修改一个100英尺(约30.5米)long guardrail,The distance between the railings of the guardrail10英尺(约3.05)米,How many rail use?
11根.Fence into total10段,但需要11根栏杆.3.6Section discussed the issue with a kind of common programming errors relationship.
练习0-3 Do you miss when cooking with a kitchen knife cut his hand?How to improve the choppers will make use safer?Would you like to use such a modified chopper?
It's easy to think of ways to make a tool to safer,But at the expense of the original simple tools will become complicated now.Video processing machines generally have interlocking devices,Protect users don't let the injured finger.But the knives are different,give such a simple、Flexible tool attached to protect the fingers from the injured device,Only let it lost the characteristics of simple and flexible.实际上,Do get maybe more like a food processor,rather than a kitchen knife.
make it difficult“傻事”often makes it difficult to do“smart thing”,正所谓“弄巧成拙”.
练习1-1 某些C编译器允许嵌套注释.请写一个测试程序,Asked whether to allow nested comments compiler,The compiler is not allow nested comments,该程序都能正常通过编译(No error message appears),But in both cases the results of the program is not the same.
提示:在用双引号括起的字符串中,注释符/*属于字符串的一部分,而在注释中出现的双引号" "又属于注释的一部分.
In order to judge whether the compiler allows nested comments,Such a set of symbol sequences must be found,Make both for compiler allows nested comments,The compiler is not allow nested comments,it's all legal.但是,For two different compilers,it means different things.Such a set of symbol sequence inevitably involves nested comments,Let's start the discussion here:
For a one that allows nested commentsC编译器,whatever the sequence of symbols above is followed by,Belong to a part of the comments;And for those that do not allow nested commentsC编译器,Followed by is the real content of the code.Maybe someone so think,Can be in the back with a comment in a pair of quotation marks the end:
If nested comments are allowed,The notation is equivalent to a quote;如果不允许,is equivalent to a string"*/".因此,We can then in the back with an annotation started to operator and a quote:
If nested comments are allowed,Above is equivalent to in a pair of quotation marks annotations to sign"/*";如果不允许,Is equivalent to a quoted comments end,后跟一段未结束的注释.We can easily make the last comments end:(*/Just in order not to affect the test code below)
这样,If nested comments are allowed,The above expression is equivalent to"/*";如果不允许,就等效于"*/"
In I use is similar to the above form to solve this problem after,Doug McllroyFound the following to amaze the solution:
Mainly using the method of the compiler lexical analysis“大嘴法”规则.If the compiler allows nested comments,Then the above formula will be interpreted as:
/* /* /0 */ * */ 1
两个/*symbol matches exactly two symbols,So the value is of type1.If nested comments are not allowed,注释中的/*将被忽略.因此,即使是/出现在注释中,no special function;The above expression therefore will be to explain:
/* / */ 0* /**/ 1
练习1-2 如果由你来实现一个C编译器,do you allow nested comments?如果你使用的C编译器允许嵌套注释,You will use the compiler of this feature?Your answer to the second question will affect you for the first1个问题的回答?
Nested comments useful for temporarily removed a piece of code:Add a comment at this piece of code before starting character,Add a comment after code terminator,就一切OK了.然后,这样做也有缺点:If removed from the program by annotation a chunk of code,It is easy to notice the code has been removed.
但是,CThe language definition does not allow nested comments,Therefore a full complianceCLanguage standard compiler will have no choice.而且,If a programmer depend on nested comments,So his program in many compilers will fail.这样,Use of any nested comments,Inevitably can only be limited to those who are not prepared to the source code distributed application.此外,在新的C语言实现上,or when the originalCWhen the language changes,This program will be can't run the risk of.
出于这些原因,If I were to write aC编译器,I would not choose to implement nested comments;而且,Even if I used the compiler allows nested comments,I won't be in the program to use this feature.当然,The final decision is made by the reader to.
练习1-3 为什么n-->0的含义是n-- > 0,而不是n- -> 0?
练习1-4 a+++++b的含义是什么?
a++ + ++b
a++ ++ +b
但是,a++的结果不能作为左值,So the compiler will not accepta++作为后面的++运算符的操作数.这样,If we follow the rules of the parsing lexical ambiguity,For the example from the syntax parsing on and no sense.当然,在编程实践中,The prudent approach is to try to avoid using similar structures,Unless the programmer is very clear the meaning of these structures.
练习2-1 C语言允许初始化列表中出现多余的逗号,例如:
int days[] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30,
31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31,};
int days[] =
31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30,
31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31,
Now we can easily see,The initialization list is comma at the end of the.Because of this similarity on every line of grammar,Automated programming tools to make it easier to deal with a lot of initialization list.
练习2-2 2.3Section points out that inCEnd with a semicolon as a statement in the language sign some of the problems brought by the.虽然我们现在考虑改变CIt's too late for the language,But imagine if there are other ways to separate statements is a interesting thing.Other language is how to separate the statement?这些方法是否也存在它们固有的缺陷呢?
A line of code meaning to be affected by the following lines of code,This how many somewhat“怪异”.因此,Some programming languages are changed tonuse some kind of indicator in the line,to express then+1Lines of code should be treated as a part of the same statement.例如,UNIX系统的Shell(如bash、ksh、csh等)Use characters at the end of lines of code\as an indicator,Said the next line of code is part of the same statement.CLanguage in the preprocessor and string inside,沿用了UNIXthis convention in the system.
练习3-1 Assume that the subscript crossing the line array element,Taking its address is illegal,那么3.6节中的bufwriteHow should the program be written??
bufwriteProgram actually implied a assumption that:even when the buffer is completely filled,bufwriteFunction can still return,and leave it for next timebufwriteWhen the function is called to refresh again.如果指针变量bufptrCan't point to the position of the buffer outside,The problem suddenly gets tricky:How should we indicate the buffer is full of the situation?
The least troublesome case seems to be,Avoid when the buffer is fullbufwrite函数中返回.要做到这一点,We need to put the last one to enter the buffer character as a special case processing.
unless we already know the pointerpDirected and is not the last element of an array of a,否则,we must avoidp进行递增操作.也就是说,In the final after an input character was sent to buffer,We shouldn't be increasing againp了.此处,We are each time through the loop iterations add an additional test to do this;An alternative plan is to repeat the whole cycle.
void bufwrite(char *p, int n) {
while (--n >= 0) {
if (bufptr == &buffer[N-1]) {
*bufptr = *p;
} else {
*bufptr++ = *p;
if (n > 0) {
读者可能注意到,Here we carefully to avoid buffer to fill withbufptr进行递增操作,in order not to generate illegal addresses&buffer[N].
bufwriteThe second version of the program change is more difficult.when entering the program,We know the location of the at least one character in the buffer has not been filled,We don't need to empty the first because the buffer;但是,在程序结束时,We may need to empty the buffer.与对bufwriteThe first version of the program to deal with the same,When we are at the end of the cycle one iteration must also avoid top进行递增操作:
void bufwrite(char *p, int n) {
while (n > 0) {
int k, rem;
rem = N - (bufptr - buffer);
k = n > rem ? rem : n;
memcpy(bufptr, p, k);
if(k == rem) {
} else {
bufptr += k;
n -= k;
if(n) { /*Judge whether the current iteration for circulation of the last iteration,避免对p进行递增操作 */
p += k;
我们把k与rem进行比较,The former is the need to copy the number of characters in loop iteration,The latter is the buffer has not fill in the number of characters.The purpose of this comparison is to look at the buffer after the copy operation is filled with,如果缓冲区已满,则需要清空.在对pbefore incrementing,我们首先检查n是否为0,To determine whether the current iteration is the last iteration.
练习3-2 比较3.6节函数flushThe last version of the same as the following version:
void flush() {
int row;
int k = bufptr - buffer;
if (k > NROWS) {
k = NROWS;
for (row = 0; row < k; row++) {
int *p;
for (p = buffer + row; p < bufptr; p += NROWS) {
if (k > 0) {
flushThe difference between the two versions () function:上面的flushfunction under testk是否大于0The statement contains only theprintpage函数的调用,而3.6节的flushFunction in the test statement includes the wholefor循环.3.6节的flush函数的版本,Described in natural language is like this:“If you have any need to print the contents of the buffer,just print them,then start a new page.”此处的flush函数的版本,用自然语言描述就是,“Regardless of whether there is a surplus of buffer content,All print;If there is indeed remaining in the buffer,start a new page.”与3.6节中flushversion of the function compared to,这个版本的k在forThe effect of the cycle is not obvious.在3.6in the version of the section,我们可以很容易看出k的作用:当k
为0时,will skip the loop.
虽然从技术上说flushFunction of the two versions are equivalent,But they expressed intention programming there are subtle differences.Programmers can best reaction actual programming intention version,is the best version.
练习3-3 编写一个函数,To perform binary search a sorted integer.Function of the input consists of a pointer to the header、The number of elements in the table and to find the value.The output of the function is a pointer to the element that could satisfy the requirement of finding;When the requested value is not found,输出一个NULL指针.
Binary search conceptually very simple,But people often can't correctly realize in programming practice.这里,We will develop two version of binary search,They both use asymmetric boundaries.The first version uses array subscripting,The second version uses pointers.
Let's assume that the element to be searched isx,如果x存在于数组中的话,So we assume it in the array subscript ask.最开始,我们只知道0<=k<n.Our goal is to keep shrinkingk的取值范围,until the element to search for is found,Or be able to determine there is no such element in an array.
为了做到这一点,我们把xCompared with, in the middle position elements may range.如果xequal to the element,we're done.如果两者不相等,at the element's“错误”all elements on one side,We don't and consideration,This narrows down the search.
任何时候,我们都假定lo和hiare the two ends of the asymmetric boundary.也就是说,我们要求lo<=k<hi.如果lo与hi相等,At this point, the possible range has been reduced to empty,我们就能判断x不在表中.
如果lo小于hi,You may has at least one element in the range.我们不妨假定midFor a possible range of values,然后比较xwith the subscripts in the integer table asmid的元素.如果xsmaller than the element,那么midIs located in May's largest subscript beyond the,因此我们可以设置hi=mid.如果xlarger than the element,那么mid+1Is located in the new reduced the minimum possible within the subscript,因此我们可以设置lo=mid+1.最后,如果xequal to the element,we're done searching.
我们是否可以设置mid=(hi+lo)/2,Will this setup cause any problems??如果hi与lo相隔较远,Obviously there will be no problem doing this.但是,如果hi和lo隔得很近,又是怎样的情况呢?
hi等于lothe situation does not need to be considered at all.Because at this point we already knowxThe possible range of is empty,We don't even need to setmid.当hi=lo+2时,这也不是问题:hi+lo等于2*lo+2,这是一个偶数,因此(hi+lo)/2等于lo+1.当hi=lo+1时,情况又如何呢?在这种情况下,May the only element in the range even iflo,因此如果(hi+lo)/2等于lo,This result is acceptable to us.
幸运的是,由于hi+lo恒为正数,(hi+lo)/2会得到我们希望的结果lo.因为在这种情况下,Integer division certainly will be truncated to deal with.因此,(hi+lo)/2等价于((lo+1)+lo)/2,亦即(2*lo+1)/2,The result of this formula islo.
根据上面的讨论,This program is roughly as follows:
int *bsearch(int *t, int n, int x) {
int lo = 0, hi = n;
while (lo < hi) {
int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
if (x < t[mid]) {
hi = mid;
} else if (x > t[mid]) {
lo = mid + 1;
} else {
return t + mid;
return NULL;
值得注意的是,Evaluate the expression below:
int mid = (hi + lo) / 2;
The division operation can use a shift instead of:
int mid = (hi + lo) >> 1;
That it really can raise the speed of program.Now let us first remove the addressing arithmetic,Reason is that in many machine subscript operations will be slower than pointer arithmetic.我们把t+midThe value is stored in a local variable,So you don't need to recount every time,Thus may slightly reduce some addressing arithmetic:
int *bsearch(int *t, int n, int x) {
int lo = 0, hi = n;
while (lo < hi) {
int mid = (hi + lo) / 2;
int *p = t + mid;
if (x < *p) {
hi = mid;
} else if (x > *p) {
lo = mid + 1;
} else {
return p;
return NULL;
And assume that we want to further reduce the addressing arithmetic,By using Pointers instead of indices in the entire program to do.乍一看,We seem to be as long as the step-by-step procedure for use subscript place,To all in the form of Pointers can be rewritten again:
int *bsearch(int *t, int n, int x) {
int *lo = t, *hi = t + n;
while (lo < hi) {
int *mid = (hi + lo) / 2;
if (x < *mid) {
hi = mid;
} else if (x > *mid) {
lo = mid + 1;
} else {
return t + mid;
return NULL;
实际上,这个程序是“功败垂成”,It's almost working.The problem is with the following statement:
mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
this statement is illegal.Because it is trying to put the two pointer addition.正确的做法是,先计算出lo与hi之间的距离(This can be obtained by pointer subtraction,and the result is an integer),Then take half this distance(also still integers)与lo相加:
mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
上面的hi-lo计算出结果后,and divide it.虽然大多数Ccompiler is enough“智能”,Automatically make such division for a shift to optimize application performance,But for the division2运算,These compilers are not smart enough,won't implement it as a shift operation.because all the compiler knows ishi-lo可能为负,而对于负数来说,除2Operations and shift operations will get different results.因此,We really should be manually write it as a shift in the form of.
mid = lo + (hi - lo) >> 1;
很不幸,That's still wrong.Because the arithmetic operators priority is higher than the shift operator priority!因此,我们必须写成:
mid = lo + ((hi - lo) >> 1);
int *bsearch(int *t, int n, int x) {
int *lo = t, *hi = t + n;
while (lo < hi) {
int *mid = lo + ((hi - lo) >> 1);
if (x < *mid) {
hi = mid;
} else if (x > *mid) {
lo = mid + 1;
} else {
return mid;
return NULL;
Binary search often use symmetry boundary to express.Because the symmetrical boundary is adopted,The resulting program looks neat to many:
int *bsearch(int *t, int n, int x) {
int lo = 0, hi = n - 1;
while (lo <= hi) {
int mid = (hi + lo) / 2;
if (x < t[mid]) {
hi = mid - 1;
} else (x > t[mid]) {
lo = mid + 1;
} else {
return t + mid;
return NULL;
然而,If we try to write the above procedure“纯指针”的形式,就会遇到麻烦.问题在于,我们不能把hi初始化为t+n-1.因为n为0时,This is an invalid address!因此,If we want to write pointer application form,就必须对n=0case of separate test.
练习4-1 Suppose a program in a source file contains a statement:
long foo;
And in another source file included:
extern short foo;
further assume,如果给long类型的fooassign a smaller value,例如37,那么short类型的fooget a value at the same time37.We can make what kind of inference to the program of hardware?如果short类型的foo得到的值不是37而是0,We are able to make what kind of infer that?
If the value37赋给long型的foo,is equivalent to putting the value at the same time37page assigned toshort型的foo,那么这意味着short型的foo与long型的fooContains the value37part of the significant bits of,Both in memory footprint is the same area.这有可能是因为long型和shorttype is implemented as the same type,但很少有CThe implementation of the language will do this.更有可能的是,long型的foothe lower part of theshort型的fooshared the same memory space,一般情况下,This part of the memory address is low;So we one possible reasoning is,Run the program of the hardware is a low priority(little_endian)的机器.同样道理,如果在long型的foo中存储了值37,而short型的foo却是0,We used the hardware can be a high priority(big-endian)的机器.
endian的意思是“Data in memory byte order”,A word in memory or transmit the byte order in the process of.in microprocessing,像long/DWORD(32 bit)0x12345678Such data is always in accordance with the high priority way to store.但在内存中,Data store order is due to the difference of the microprocessor manufacturers and different.an order calledbig-endian,Is the highest bytes of the memory on the front;Another order is calledlittle-endian,即把 The least significant byte in memory on the front.
big-endian:最低地址存放高位字节,big endian.Memory starts at the lowest address,按顺序存放.This way of storage is just the way we write,Write high digits first,And all the processor is to store the data in this order.
little-endian:The lowest address for low byte,little endian.Memory starts at the lowest address,顺序存放.little-endianThe processor is through hardware will be in memorylittle-endianSort order is converted to register'sbig-endian排列顺序,So no data is loaded/存储的开销.
练习4-2 4.4Error procedures discussed in section,After appropriate simplification it looks like this:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("%g\n", sqrt(2));
Please why is this?
在某些C语言实现中,There are two different versions ofprintf函数:One of the implements used to represent a floating-point format item,如%e、%f、%g等;Another did not achieve the floating-point format.At the same time provides the library filesprintfTwo versions of the function,这样的话,Those who don't use floating point arithmetic program,You can use does not provide support floating-point format version,To save space program,减少程序大小.
在某些系统上,The programmer must be explicitly informed whether the compiler USES floating point arithmetic;而另一些系统,By the compiler to tell the linker in the program is a floating point arithmetic,to make a choice automatically.
The above procedure without floating point arithmetic!it neither containsmath.h头文件,也没有声明sqrt函数,So the compiler has no way of knowingsqrtis a floating point function.This program doesn't even have a floating-point parameter passed tosqrt函数.所以,编译器“self-confessed reasonable”notifies the linker,The program does not do floating point arithmetic.
那sqrtHow to explain the function?难道“sqrtThe function is taken from the library file”This fact is not sufficient to prove the program used to floating point arithmetic?当然,“sqrtThe function is taken from the library function”这一点没错,但是,The linker may were taken out from the library filesqrt函数之前,What version has made use ofprintffunction decision.
练习5-1 当一个程序异常终止时,程序输出的最后几行常常会丢失,原因是什么?How we can take measures to solve this problem?
A abort program may not have the opportunity to clear the output buffer.因此,The program produces the output may be in a certain position of the memory,但却永远不会被写出了.在某些系统上,These cannot be write output could last several pages.
Programmers for trying to debug the program,这种丢失输出的情况经常会误导他们,因为这会造成这样一种印象,即程序发生失败的时刻比实际上运行失败的真正时刻要早得多.Solution is mandatory when debugging doesn't allow for output buffer.要做到这一点,Different systems have different practices,Although there are subtle differences in these practices,但大致如下:
setbuf(stdout, (char *)0);
练习5-2 下面程序的作用是把它的输入复制到输出:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
register int c;
while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
remove from this program#include语句,will cause the program to fail to compile,因为这时EOF是未定义的.Suppose we manually defineEOF(当然,这是一种不好的做法):
#define EOF -1
int main() {
register int c;
while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
This program in many systems can still run,But in some systems to run much slower.这时为什么?
函数调用需要花费较长的程序执行时间,因此getcharOften implemented as a macro.这个宏在stdio.h头文件中定义,Therefore if a program contains nostdio.h头文件,编译器对getcharthe definition of.在这种情况下,编译器会假定getcharIs a function of a return type for the integer.
实际上,很多CThe language implementation is included in the library filegetchar函数,Part of the reason is to prevent the programmer's careless,Another part of the reason is for the convenience of those who need to getgetcharaddress programmer.因此,Forgot to include in the programstdio.hThe result of the header file is,在所有getchar宏出现的地方,都用getchar函数调用来替换getchar宏.The reason why this program is running slow,就是因为函数调用所导致的开销增多.The same rationale applies exactly toputchar.
练习6-1 请使用宏来实现max的一个版本,其中max的参数都是整数,要求在宏max的定义中这些整型参数只被求值一次.
maxThe macro twice the value of each parameter are likely to use:Once in two parameters to do comparison;A is returned in it as a result.因此,It is necessary to store each parameter in a temporary variable.
遗憾的是,There is no direct way toCExpression is declared within a temp.因此,If you want to use in an expressionmax宏,You must declare these temporary variable elsewhere,For example, after the macro definition,But not these variables as part of a macro definition to declare.如果maxMacros are used in more than one program file,We should put these temporary variable declarations forstatic,以避免命名冲突.Assume the definition will appear in a file:
static int max_temp1, max_temp2;
#define max(p, q) (max_temp1 = (p), max_temp2 = (q),\
max_temp1 > max_temp2 ? max_temp1 : max_temp2)
只要不是嵌套调用max宏,上面的定义都能正常工作;在嵌套调用max宏的情况下,We can't make it work properly.
练习6-2 6.1节中提到的“表达式”
(x) ((x)-1)
can be a legalC表达式?
一种可能是,如果x是类型名,例如xis defined as such:
typedef int x;
(x) ((x)-1)
(int) ((int)-1)
This formula means that the constant-1转换为inttype twice.We can also be defined through the preprocessor directivexAs one type,以达到同样的效果:
#define x int
Another possibility is whenxWhen it is a function pointer.If a particular context should be and actually using the function pointer to function,Then the pointer to a function will automatically obtain and replace the function pointer.因此,This question can be interpreted as callingx所指向的函数,这个函数的参数是(x)-1.为了保证(x)-1是一个合法的表达式,xMust be real pointer to a function is an element of the array.
我们假定x的类型是T,So it can be declared as followsx:
T x;
显而易见,x必须是一个指针,Points to the parameters of the function type isT.这一点让Tmore difficult to define.Here's the easiest way to think of it,但却没有用:
typedef void (*T)(T);
因为只有当Tafter it has been declared,to define thisT!不过,xPoints to the parameters of the function type do not have to beT,它可以是任何Ttypes that can be converted to.具体来说,void *type can be:
typedef void (*T)(void *);
(void (*)(void *))((void (*)(void *)) - 1)
The purpose of this exercise is to illustrate,For those who look don't start、形式“怪异”的结构,We should not rashly shall be treated as a mistake to.
练习7-1 7.3节中讲到,If a character length of the machine to8位,then its integer length might be16位或32位.请问原因是什么?
Some machines for each character is assigned a unique memory address,And other machine is according to the word of memory addressing.According to the word of addressing machines are usually exist cannot effectively deal with the issue of character data,Because in order to make one character at a time from memory,must read the entire word,Then all the parts do not need to use discarded.
Because according to the characters of the addressing model has the efficiency superiority in character processing,They are relative to word-addressable models,More popular in recent years.然后,Even if the machines according to the characters of the addressing,In word, the concept of integer arithmetic is also still is important.Because of the character of storage location in memory is continuous,So a word contains the number of characters,Will decide in memory for storing the addresses of the word.
If a word contains the number of characters is2的某次幂,因为乘以2Once the power of operations can be converted to shift operations,So computer hardware can easily finish converting from characters address to the word.因为,我们可以合理地预期,word length is character length2的某次幂.
Then why the length of the integer is not64位呢?当然,Some of the time to do this will definitely be useful.但是,For those with floating point arithmetic hardware machine,It doesn't make much sense,And considering the doesn't often need to use64bits of integer precision,实现64Bit integers are too expensive.if only occasionally,can be simulated by software64位(或者更长)的整数,And do not affect the efficiency.
练习7-2 函数atolThe effect is to accept a pointer tonullAt the end of the string pointer as the argument,返回一个对应的long型整数值.Under the following assumptions,请写出atola portable version of the function.
*pointer as input parameter,Points to the string always represents a legallong型整数值,因此atolFunction does not need to check whether the input of crossing the line.
*The only legal input character is digital and plus or minus.At the end of the encounter the first illegal character in input.
Assume that machine the collating sequence of Numbers are continuous arrangement:Any a kind of modern computers are true,而且ANSI CThe standard also requires.
因此,We are faced with the main problem is to avoid the intermediate result overflows,Even if the end result within the scope as well.
正如printnumcase in function,如果longType the smallest possible value of negative and positive number of possible values do not match,the problem gets tricky.Especially if we put a value as a positive treatment,then make it negative,In the case of the largest possible value of negative,In many machines will overflow.
The solution is to use only negative numbers(和零)to get the result of the function,thus avoiding overflow:
long atol(char *s) {
long r = 0;
int neg = 0;
switch(*s) {
case '-':
neg = 1;
case '+':
while (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') {
int n = *s++ - '0';
if (neg) {
n = -n;
r = r * 10 + n;
return r;
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