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MySQL Syntax Basics
2022-08-01 20:35:00 【Come to the pot】
1. 创建数据库: create database 数据库名;
2. 查看所以数据库:show databases;
3, 选中数据库:use 数据库名;
4, 删除数据库:drop database 数据库名;
1. 创建表:create table 表名(列名 类型 , 列名 类型);
2. 查看当前数据库中的所有表:show tables;
3. 选中数据库:use 数据名;
4, 删除数据库:drop database 数据库名;
1. 常用数据类型
1.1 数值类型
数值类型可以指定为无符号(unsigned ),but not recommended
数据类型 | 大小 | 说明 | 对应java类型 |
bit[((M)] | M指定位数,默认1 | 二进制数,M范围(1-64) 存储数值范围0~2^M-1 | 常用Boolean对应bit,此时默认1位,存0或1 |
tinyint | 1字节 | Byte | |
smallint | 2字节 | Short | |
int | 4字节 | Integer | |
bigint | 8字节 | long | |
float(M,D) | 4字节 | Mlength of significant digits D小数点后的位数 发生精度丢失 | Float |
double(M,D) | 8字节 | 同上 | Double |
decimal(M,D) | M/D最大值+2 | 双精度 Variable-length space storage similar to strings 优点:误差小 缺点:计算效率低,storage space becomes larger | BigDecimal |
numeric(M,D) | M/D最大值+2 | 同上 | BigDecimal |
1.2 字符串类型
数据类型 | 大小 | 说明 | 对应java类型 |
varchar(SIZE) | 0-65535字节 | 可变长度字符串 SIZE表示最大长度 String representing at most a few characters(不是字节) | String |
text | 0-65535字节 | 长文本数据 | String |
mediumtext | 0-16777215字节 | 中等长度文本数据 | String |
blob | 0-65535字节 | text length data in binary form | byte[] |
1.3 日期类型
数据类型 | 大小 | 说明 | 对应java类型 |
datetime | 8字节 | 范围1000~9999年 不会进行时区的检索及转换 | java.util.Date java.sql.Timestamp |
timestamp | 4字节 | 范围1970~2038年 自动检索当前时区并进行转换 | 同上 |
2. 数据库的操作
say an inputSQL代码技巧
(1)使用上下方向键,Can find previous or nextsql语句
(2)如果有一个sqlhalf of the sentence,I don't want to continue,可以按Crtl+cterminate this statement(this is not a copy!!!)
2.1 显示数据库
show databases;
这行代码,also designedThe interaction between the client and the server
2.2 创建数据库
create database 数据名;
(1)Cannot create a database with the same name
(2)不能以sql中的关键字命名 数据库/表/列
(If you must use keywords,backticks can be added` ` (键盘数字1旁边的键))
(3) database can be created like thiscreate database if not exists 数据库名;
(The advantage is that there will be no error,No matter to create success)
(1) 需要注意If the database already exists in the server,continue to create,就会创建失败
(2) and when creating the database,The name of the database cannot be a keyword either
如果必须要使用,可以加反引号` `(键盘上数字1旁边的键)
create database if not exists 数据库名;
You can see that there is more than before if not exists,这样写的好处是
The role is, for example, when writing code,without writing in the console,Instead do batch execution in one file,Wouldn't an error shall be terminated
(4)You can also specify the character set used by the database,指定数据库字符集的校验规则
The default character set for data is,拉丁文(不支持汉字)
Other character sets areascii、unicode、GBK、utf8(Mainstream character encoding uft8mb4)
2.3 使用数据库
use 数据库名;
After selecting the database,You can work with this library
2.4 删除数据库
drop database 数据库名;
3. 表的操作
Before any operation on the table,Database must be selected first
3.1 查看当前数据库中的表
show tables;
3.2 创建表
create table 表名 (列名 类型 , 列名 类型);
(1) 类型在后,列名在前
(2)Comments can also be added(comment ‘注释’ 或者 -- '注释')
(3)If the table creation statement is long,It can also be divided into multi-line statements to write
(1)Creating tables requires attention,Tables with the same name cannot exist in the same database,And the table name can't be a keyword either(如果非要使用,加反引号` `)
(2)can be annotatedcomment ‘注释’ 或者 -- '注释'
(3) If the statement is long when creating the table,可以把sqlThe statement is divided into multiple lines to write,更美观(Can be written in a text file)
3.3 查看指定表结构
desc 表名;
3.4 删除表
drop table 表名;
Be careful when deleting databases and deleting tables!!!
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