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2022 Hangzhou Electric Power Multi-School Session 3 K Question Taxi
2022-08-05 00:23:00 【Rain Sure】
Given our two-dimensional plane n n n个点,We are from the current point ( x , y ) (x, y) (x,y),前往第 i i i个点,Can reduce the cost m i n ( ( ∣ x − x i ∣ + ∣ y − y i ∣ ) , w i ) min((|x - x_i | + |y - y_i |), w_i) min((∣x−xi∣+∣y−yi∣),wi),给定我们 q q q个询问,Every time give us a 2 d plane of a point,We need to calculate the maximum to reduce the cost of.
Mainly with the help of a magical transformation,我也没遇到过,Game when my teammates told me~
We need pretreatment out all points of the four most value,When calculated in this way can O ( 1 ) O(1) O(1)Time was calculated.
We according to each point w w w值从小到大进行排序,Then the binary label,Then calculate the maximum distance d d d,通过 d d d和 w w w进行判断,The next step to the left or right,It's important to note that we need to record the value in the process of binary.具体细节看代码,See the code will understand some.
using namespace std;
#define int long long
#define IOS ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0);
const int maxn = 100010, inf = 1e18;
typedef struct node
int x, y, w;
bool operator < (const struct node &t) const{
return w < t.w;
Node points[maxn];
int a[maxn], b[maxn], c[maxn], d[maxn];
int n, q;
int sx, sy;
int res;
bool check(int mid)
int t = -inf;
int w = points[mid].w;
t = max(t, sx + sy + a[mid]);
t = max(t, sx - sy + b[mid]);
t = max(t, -sx + sy + c[mid]);
t = max(t, -sx - sy + d[mid]);
res = max(res, min(w, t));
return w <= t;
signed main()
int t; cin >> t;
while(t --){
cin >> n >> q;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i ++){
int x, y, w; cin >> x >> y >> w;
points[i] = {
x, y, w};
sort(points, points + n);
a[n] = b[n] = c[n] = d[n] = -inf;
for(int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i --){
a[i] = max(a[i + 1], -points[i].x - points[i].y);
b[i] = max(b[i + 1], -points[i].x + points[i].y);
c[i] = max(c[i + 1], points[i].x - points[i].y);
d[i] = max(d[i + 1], points[i].x + points[i].y);
while(q --){
res = -inf;
cin >> sx >> sy;
int l = 0, r = n - 1;
while(l < r){
int mid = l + r + 1 >> 1;
if(check(mid)) l = mid;
else r = mid - 1;;
cout << res << endl;
return 0;
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