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There is a gap in traditional home decoration. VR panoramic home decoration allows you to experience the completion effect of your new house

2022-07-06 17:46:00 Cool Lehman VR panorama

I believe that for many people who have bought new houses , Are full of longing and longing for the new home , I also do a lot of homework before home decoration , For example, go to various home decoration companies to ask for solutions , Go to the home building materials market to see products and ask for home decoration experience everywhere . But after a period of busy , As the saying goes, the ideal is fuller , But the reality is more skinny , The effect of many home decoration is not what we expect . So how to solve this problem ?VR Panoramic home decoration can help owners get the effect you want .

In fact, for most people , We can't understand professional home decoration drawings . For home decoration videos or renderings , For us, it's just unilateral propaganda . however VR Home decoration is different , He can let you personally experience the effect of the completion of your new house , Feel every furniture in the room 、 Every design . If you don't like the layout of the room , We can experience it in another way , If you don't like the design , Immediately change to other designs .

adopt VR Panoramic home decoration , We can view in real time and match various materials at will , At the same time, it reflects the effect of collocation . If it's the past , When users communicate with home decoration designers , Designers cannot grasp many details , It's easy to contradict with users about the style matching and effect presentation . And now there is VR Home decoration , Users can immersively experience the designed furniture scene , The home decoration design of each place can also be accurately described . For designers , This undoubtedly improves the efficiency of your decoration plan , It reduces the cost and time of communication with users .

VR Panoramic home decoration from design scheme to furniture collocation and location , Can be restored in advance , This breaks the deadlock of traditional information asymmetry . At the same time, it also gives users a sense of participation , Match your home decoration style , Feel the effect of the design in advance , In this way, contradictions and disputes with the designer's opinions are avoided to a great extent , There will be no psychological gap in the later stage .

And from the perspective of home decoration company ,VR Home decoration helps solve the problem of building model rooms at high cost , Just replace the cases regularly . And there is a time for new customers to consult , We also have a large number of cases to use , All these can show the strength of the company , At the same time, it also makes consumers more confident in the company , Only in this way can we choose cooperation .


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