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The electromagnetic compatibility EMC protection study notes
2022-08-04 15:33:00 【Arshavin - bridge】
一、Electromagnetic compatibility principle
二、EMSThe principle and application of commonly used devices
2.4、Screening and isolation device
三、Protection circuit design and the matters needing attention
3.1、Surge protection circuit is recommended
3.2、Surge protection circuit design considerations
The choice of decoupling inductance and resistance
The design of the surge circuit
3.3、ESD(静电)Protective circuit to recommend
3.4、ESDProtection circuit design considerations
Dielectric isolation and shielding
ESDThe choice of protective devices
3.5、EFTProtection circuit design considerations
一、Electromagnetic compatibility principle
Frequency band of the electromagnetic compatibility design:<400GHz,90%The equipment damage<10KHz
静电:1.5KVThe static voltage,The body feel:3000~5000V
一、Electromagnetic compatibility test standard
1、Static test
The body's energy storage capacitor:150pF;The human body resistance:330Ω
Relay electric shock,切断感性负载
耦合/Decoupling network parameters:耦合电容:33nF;耦合方式:共模 1KV 0.5V
Output voltage surge in1.25/50,1.25Is up to90%,50下降到50%时间 电流8/20us
4、Rf induction
5、电波暗室(Radio waves propagation)
二、EMSThe principle and application of commonly used devices
Overpressure device、Over-current device、滤波器件、Screening and isolation
2.1、Overpressure device
压敏电阻 ZNO
压敏电阻是Voltage sensitive resistor的简称,Is a kind of nonlinear resistance element. Pressure sensitive resistance tolerance and the size of the applied voltage on both ends,When added to the pressure sensitive resistor voltage within its nominal value on,The resistor value show infinite state,Almost no current through. When the pressure sensitive resistor voltage is slightly greater than the nominal voltage,Breakdown conduction varistor quickly,Their resistance soon,The resistor in the conduction state. When the voltage decreases below the nominal voltage,Its resistance began to increase again,Varistor again for the high impedance state.Its transient interference suppression is done by way of clamping,This part of the energy is the harm of line pressure sensitive resistance through into the form of heat to absorb(W=Pt).压敏电阻的响应时间为ns级,比气体放电管快,比TVS管稍慢一些,一般情况下用于电子电路的过电压保护其响应速度可以满足要求.
价格便宜,通流量大(开关电容)、寄生电容大(Not suitable for high frequency circuit)
ZnOGrain aging,So generally tandem hot melting point to avoid,Psa can use series-parallel
器件:Note that the material of pin(铜、铜包钢、钢)
When the circuit to meet220V不稳定时(如印度),当电压高时,External direct conduction,Easy to cause the power trip
选型规则:1、220V不用471,使用511、561;110V用241、271(India to Riga death620、680)
Considering the exchange、Consider the attenuation
瞬态抑制二极管 TVS(ESD)
TVS是一种二极管形式的高效能保护器件.当TVS二极管Poles are reverse transient high-energy impact,它能以10的负12次方秒量级的速度,将其两极间的高阻抗变为低阻抗,吸收高达数千瓦的浪涌功率,使两极间的电压箝位于一个预定值,有效地保护电子线路中的精密元器件,免受各种浪涌脉冲的损坏.Because it has a fast response、瞬态功率大、漏电流低、击穿电压偏差小、箝位电压较易控制、无损坏极限、体积小等优点,Has been widely used in computer system.
优缺点:Working voltage precision、响应时间快、Can be single and double to
VrClose the conduction;VbrIs a diode conduction voltage protection;VcLess than the maximum voltage of the damage to protect the circuit
Ir漏电流;It测试电流;IppThrough the wave surge current calculation way:Normal circuit5V、1A时
- Inductive load is small,
的10~30倍,The surge current for30A
- Inductive load is bigger,
的100倍,The surge current for141A
Can be in series to increaseW,By doing low voltage,Increase the surge current.
SMBJ6.0CA(DO214AA),The fixed voltage6V,CA双向、A是单向,600W,Vc=Vrm*1.67
Affordable surge voltage as:5*1.67*1.4 = 13V 10/1000(90%/50%)Surge waveform
- 选型
5V/2A:感性负载,IPP=2A*100=200A Maximum voltage circuit for11V,那么VC=10,2000W ,3000W
Car circuit:24V(柴油),用36V;12V(汽油),用24V
瞬态抑制二极管 TSS
半导体放电管是一种过压保护器件,是利用晶闸管原理制成的,依靠PN结的击穿电流触发器件导通放电,可以流过很大的浪涌电流或脉冲电流.. 其击穿电压的范围,构成了过压保护的范围.SMA、SMD
优缺点:Protect sensitive equipment,Low power loss,低漏电流.
It is mainly used for analog to digital card,调制解调器,POS系统,交换机
气体放电管 GDT
放电管的工作原理是气体间隙放电i当放电管两极之间施加一定电压时,便在极间产生不均匀电场:在此电场作用下,管内气体开始游离,当外加电压增大到使极间场强超过气体的绝缘强度时,两极之间的间隙将放电击穿,由原来的绝缘状态转化为导电状态,导通后放电管两极之间的电压维持在放电弧道所决定的残压水平,这种残压一般很低,从而使得与放电管并联的电子设备免受过电压的损坏.Inert gas ionization.
特点:通流量大,漏电流小、寄生电容小,速度慢、Action is low voltage precision,A continued flow phenomenon
应用环境:防雷模块、Communication lightning protection
过压保护器 OVP
2.2、Over-current device
Thermal power device NTC
Its resistance increases with temperature and lower.Using this feature can be made into temperature、Temperature compensation and temperature control components,Type and can be made into power components,Inhibition of surge current of the circuit(This is because the thermistor has a rated zero-power resistance,当In series in power supply circuit,Can effectively suppress the surge current boot).And after complete the inhibitory effect of surge current,Using the current continuous action,将NTCThermistor resistance value of the extent of the decline is very small.
特点:体积小、功率大、Inhibition of surge current ability、反应速度快、材料常数(B值)大,Small residual resistance long life,可靠性高.
选型规则:R > 1.414*u / Im 5D9/5D11
自恢复保险丝 PPTC
PPTC,Polymer Positive Temperature Coefficent,学名 Polymer positive temperature coefficient thermistor.PPTCMainly used for short circuit and overload protection of the electronic equipment,与传统保险丝相比,With functions of recoverable,故又称为自恢复保险丝 .
PPTC Is mainly composed of polymer resin and conductive material.在正常工作条件下,It showed a very low resistance,Won't impact on circuit performance is basically.When abnormal in current or temperature increase,Its resistance rapidly improve,Present a high impedance state,Limiting abnormal current flows through the PPTC 元件,此过程称为“动作”.After the failure to get out,PPTC Component to a low resistance state automatically,The circuit and can return to normal working state of.
上图PPTC在EMCMainly in the decoupling or coupling effect,As over-current protection QiaJian,Can reduce the temperature,Maintenance and repair costs.
Capacitance and capacitor is different,主要功能:滤波、储能、耦合作用、降压作用、Dc insulation effect、储能作用、The bypass effect、谐振作用
In circuit mainly play:滤波、振荡、延迟、Filtering signal、过滤噪声、稳定电流、Electromagnetic interference suppression等.The most common in capacitance together,组成LC滤波电路.
2.4、Screening and isolation device
The electromagnetic radiation to control three recruit:1、优化电路设计;2、Wiring separation technology,主要PCB layout技术;3、屏蔽
静电屏蔽:Is used to prevent electrostatic field and the effect of constant magnetic field
电磁屏蔽:To prevent the alternating electric field,The effect of alternating magnetic field
Ground loop problem is to use floating ground technology can achieve,With floating ring ground interference technology there is no way to solve,Only through isolation solution.
Common isolation way:隔离变压器、光电耦合、Optical fiber isolation
三、Protection circuit design and the matters needing attention
3.1、Surge protection circuit is recommended
FUSE:According to the actual circumstance of circuit selection.作用:Surge test current is very big,Do wipe surge generator power supply end resistance is2欧姆,2KVSurge test impact current1KA(8/20微秒级)
MOV:14D471K / 14D511K / 14D561K .作用:压敏电阻(ZnO),With aging,Short circuit failure,Will be a fire,This is the fuse will break.
GDT:2R800L(Can be in accordance with the requirements for pressure to choose).作用:Limit leakage current,防止MOVThe high failure leakage
There are other variant circuit,Such as two levels of protection,Using the temperature fuse, and so on and so forth
The circuit is generally behind with 整流桥/MOS,Need to test whether withstand,Isolation type power supply no problem,But the isolation power you need to add a common-mode inductor,Then add level protection.
Two levels of protection,The first level through large flow,The second JiTong flow small
15VThe following the first level can be used alone in the red box circuit just with the gas discharge tube
FUSE:According to the actual circuit usage,See note
TVS:According to the power supply voltage selection5V 一般选6.5V,12选15V TVS,15选18,24选28,48选58
There are other variant circuit,Such as two levels of protection,Using the temperature fuse, and so on and so forth
High and low voltage requires measuring
So protective circuit
Car power protection circuit
3.2、Surge protection circuit design considerations
The front-end fuse selection
When higher level of surge,The use of disposable fuse;When surge level is low,Can use the restore the fuse.
The front-end try not to use the recovery,One-time fuse has hot melt valueI2T是关键参数(Fast and slow).
The choice of decoupling inductance and resistance
Some require the two levels of anti surge circuit or level 3 protection,Slopes would require the decoupling between,In general signal lines or small current power decoupling using resistance;The power cord will need hollow inductive decoupling.
The design of the surge circuit
The power cord or the wiring must segment lightning protection devices,And because of the reason of the radiation energy to avoid signal lines.
Surge test problems
The test must be recorded,Damage to the device,干扰分析
The bottom line is not clean
3.3、ESD(静电)Protective circuit to recommend
Interference channels is not easy to find
BEFFeet or don't pick up,Either by high voltage
3.4、ESDProtection circuit design considerations
Between a sensitive parts do best,To do a loop closed.
Battery power supply or the board is small、The best is a multilayer,With magnetic beads
Interface circuit protection circuit
Dielectric isolation and shielding
堵、输.Add plastic layer or plastic shell,Believe that the increase of discharge distance.Internal circuit to avoid the seam、通风口、Installation mouth mouth.Grooves join baffle,Inflection point to make arc shape
Lap and ground
Lap and grounding is important means to prevent interference of electrostatic discharge.Between the metal parts is a low impedance path was established through lap,To minimize the pressure difference between each other.While grounding eventually release accumulated charge.In order to effectively prevent the occurrence of electrostatic discharge interference,Ensure path electrostatic discharge circuit of low current density and low impedance is the key.
ESDThe choice of protective devices
Suppression device quick reaction capability of high,压敏电阻、TVS、TSS、高分子材料
3.5、EFTProtection circuit design considerations
Energy is not high,频率很高,Rising along the steep
Power supply end of the test,Decoupling network
Device does not choose too cheap
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