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What are the project management tools like MS Project
2022-07-31 01:44:00 【InfoQ】
Microsoft Project 7Big alternative

- Support kanban project、任务依赖,可视化每个项目/任务所处阶段,Identify risks as early as possible;
- 支持项目、项目集管理,Can effectively monitor the project schedule,管理项目资源;
- 支持甘特图、And all kinds of analysis report, etc,可视化项目进度、资源分配、目标完成,Team rate analysis;
- 工时管理,支持工时登记、汇总统计,帮助企业管理者获知工时数据,以便协调资源,控制成本;
- Custom project process,Rich project template and custom,Meet the personalized requirements management different project teams,
- 不限量不限速的网盘,管理团队内部文件;
- 聊天功能,团队可以在工具内实时沟通,且记录、文件永久保留;
- 工具集成,与第三方软件协作使用
- 开箱即用,上手简单
- 强大的自定义能力,Rich project template,满足市场、销售、客户、财务、Such as research and development of all types of teams use;
- 一个工具就是一个工具集,To help the team to solve approval、简报、网盘、Target and other regulatory requirements,节省成本;
- 10人以下免费(部分高级功能不可用)

- PingCode Support the management by objectives、产品管理、项目管理、测试管理(测试用例、缺陷)、文档管理、Effectiveness of weights and measures、自动化管理等;
- And by applying the market with the mainstream tools such asgitlab、jinkens、To like the flying book,Implementation requirements associated with the code,构建等;
- Able to support agile project management mode、Waterfall project management mode、Kanban project management mode,And set scale agile and project management;
- 产品开箱即用,简单易上手
- 25人以下免费,收费版价格仅为国外产品Jira的30%-40%;
- 覆盖目标、项目、任务、需求、缺陷、迭代、版本规划、开发文档、Testing of the whole process management;
- 在提供产品的同时,Able to provide some professional consulting team management;

- It support team collaboration and online project management;
- Kanban management ability,Can identify risks better visualization management、管理优先级;
- The user can through the gantt chart and orderly project planning;
- 集成电子邮箱等100多种办公应用;
- 营销、销售、Projects and operations team applying the software to process all kinds of work,In order to plan、Track and manage different plans.
- 优势在于:Easy task management、跟踪和协作、内置通讯工具;支持个人+团队项目管理;在提供软件的同时,同样也提供专业的管理咨询(当然,Only parts of foreign);支持多种语言;Integrated with the rich external tools;
- 劣势在于:Domestic use usually slow access and after-sales service problems;
4、Zoho Projects

- Gantt chart and report:In addition to the gantt chart can provide actual schedule and schedule task contrast details,And baseline、资源日历、Resource use figure、计划VSThe actual timesheets, etc;
- Project process automation:Such as simple process、The complicated approval;
- 工时管理:Easily record the project in each person's actual working hours;
- 自定义字段,Such as flexible customization project template、流程、视图、筛选等;
- 优点:Managing complex project phase,Support across teams and communication,Easy to record working hours;
- 缺点:学习成本比较高,And lack of intuitive project progress analysis of kanban,No ready-made project template;Present utilization chart need to be better;

- 优点:Visual task priority and project scheduling、With the critical path of gantt chart、定制功能.
- 缺点:Domestic users need to use a ladder,No service support and so on;Need to better management level、User wants to notice more control;

- 优点:Smartsheet 可从任何浏览器和设备访问;有效地将电子表格的易用性与可视化时间线管理、Collaborative document sharing and discussion and workflow automation function knot;它可以管理不同类型的工作,例如程序、项目和核心业务运营;它还与顶级网络服务集成,包括 Google Apps、Box 和 Salesforce.
- 缺点:Learning for a long time,使用较为复杂;Only in the foreign service team;

- 优点:Easy to use and Settings;Drag and drop the gantt chart;Quick response of customer support.
- 缺点:Mobile applications need to enhance the matching network version;Need to improve communication tools.
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