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[practical project] autonomous web server
2022-07-03 05:10:00 【Xiao Ni-_-】
List of articles
- Project brief introduction
- know http agreement
- structure tcp The server
- HTTP Requests and responses
- Tool class
- Log information
- Design of request and response classes
- Request processing
- Build response preprocessing
- Back to the web
- CGI Mechanism
- Build response
- Send a response
- HTTP The server
- Introduce thread pool
- Project process
- summary
Project brief introduction
What is? web The server : adopt HTTP The protocol builds a web The server , The server can handle the messages sent by the browser http request , And according to http Request to return the corresponding http Corresponding to browser . Equivalent to building a personal website , You can store all kinds of resources on your personal website , Others can visit your website through the browser , And get resources .
background : This project mainly uses http agreement , In the network ,http Protocols are widely used, such as mobile terminals ,pc End browser .http Protocol is an important protocol to open the Internet application window , Its position in the network application layer cannot be shaken , It is an important protocol that can accurately distinguish the front and back .
The goal is : The goal of the project is , Yes http There is a deeper understanding of the theory of agreement , Finish from scratch web Server development , Connect to the lower layer 3 protocol , From technology to application , Let the network difficulties have nowhere to hide .
sketch : use C/S Model , Write programs that support small and medium-sized applications http, And combine mysql, Understand common Internet application behavior , Finish the project , You can fully understand it from the technical point of view, starting from your surfing the Internet , Technical details of all operations to close the browser .
Technical characteristics : This project is a back-end development project , The development environment is centos 7 + vim/gcc/gdb/VS Code, The development language is C/C++, Application network programming (TCP/IP agreement , socket Streaming socket ,http agreement ), Multithreading technology ,cgi technology , Thread pool and other technologies .
know http agreement
http Layered overview
And http Relevant important agreements are TCP,IP,DNS
Here is an introduction DNS
DNS( The domain name system ) It's the domain name and IP A distributed database with address mapping , Make it easier for people to access the Internet .
How do the agreements work together ?
http Background knowledge supplement
At present, the mainstream servers use http/1.1 edition , The project is based on http/1.0 Version to complete the explanation , meanwhile , We will also compare 1.1 and 1.0 The difference between .
http The characteristics of the agreement are as follows
- Simple and fast ,HTTP The program size of the server is small , So communication is fast .
- flexible ,HTTP Allow transfer of any type of data object , The type being transmitted is by Content-Type To mark .
- There is no connection , Only one request is processed per connection . The server completes the client's request , And received the customer's response , disconnect . This way you can save transmission time .(http/1.0 Functions ,http/1.1 compatible ).
- No state (HTTP The protocol itself does not have the function of saving previously sent requests or responses )
Be careful : http Protocol whenever a new request is generated , There will be a corresponding new response . The agreement itself does not retain all your previous requests or responses , This is to process a large number of transactions faster , Make sure the protocol is scalable .
We want to visit web Resource identifier is required for resources on (URI) Positioning , and URI There's more to it URL,URN.
- URI, yes uniform resource identifier, Uniform resource identifiers , Used to uniquely identify a resource .
- URL, yes uniform resource locator, Uniform resource locator , It's a concrete URI, namely URL Can be used to identify a resource , It also shows how to locate This resource .
- URN,uniform resource name, Unified resource naming , Resources are identified by their names .
URI In an abstract way , High level concept defines uniform resource identity , and URL and URN It's a specific way to identify resources .URL and URN Is a kind of URI,URL yes URI Subset . Anything , As long as it can be uniquely identified , It can be said that this logo is URI . If this identifier is a path to get the above object , So at the same time, it can also be a URL ; But if this identifier does not provide the path to get the object , Then it must not be URL .
HTTP URL (URL It's a special type URI, It includes how to obtain the specified resources ) The format is as follows :
- http To pass HTTP Protocol to locate network resources
- host To express legitimate Internet Host domain name or IP Address , This host IP:
- port Specify a port number , If it is empty, the default port is used 80.( The default port number is usually used according to the Protocol )
- abs_path Specifies the URI
- If URL There is no such thing as abs_path, So when it's a request URI when , Must be “/” Given in the form of , Usually this work browser will help us to finish .( without abs_path, It will access the homepage of the server by default ).
example :
A more complete http request :
structure tcp The server
We have tcp The server creates a network socket , binding , Monitor and so on , Convenient use .
Here we put tcp server Classes are designed as singleton patterns , Let the program access tcp server Is the same . The code is as follows
#pragma once
#define PORT 8081
#define BACKLOG 5
class TcpServer{
int port;// Port number
int listen_sock;// Socket
static TcpServer *svr;
TcpServer(int _port = PORT):port(_port),listen_sock(-1)
TcpServer(const TcpServer &s){
static TcpServer *getinstance(int port)
static pthread_mutex_t lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;// Thread mutex , Prevent contention when multithreading
if(nullptr == svr){
if(nullptr == svr){
svr = new TcpServer(port);// establish tcpserver
svr -> InitServer();// initialization
return svr;
void InitServer()// initialization
void Socket()
listen_sock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);// Create socket
if(listen_sock < 0){
int opt = 1;
setsockopt(listen_sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,&opt,sizeof(opt));// Set socket options , Allow address multiplexing
void Bind()
struct sockaddr_in local;
memset(&local,0,sizeof(local));// Zero clearing
local.sin_family = AF_INET;
local.sin_port = htons(port);
local.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;// ECS cannot be directly bound to the public network IP
if(bind(listen_sock,(struct sockaddr*)&local,sizeof(local))<0){
// Binding failure
void Listen()
TcpServer* TcpServer::svr = nullptr;
About setsockopt Function can refer to this blog setsockopt() Function function introduction
HTTP Requests and responses
Request and response process
The browser needs to send to the server when requesting server resources http request , The server needs to return http Respond to the browser , We need to understand the format of request and response in detail , Prepare for later coding .
HTTP Request message
HTTP The request message is divided into Request line , Ask the head of the newspaper , Blank line , Request body
- Request line : Request method , request URL,HTTP Protocol and version
- Ask the head of the newspaper : Request properties , Each line represents an attribute , An empty line indicates the end of the request header .
- Blank line : Used to split request header and request body
- Request body : If there is a body , In the request header, you need Content-Length Property to identify the size of the body
HTTP response message
HTTP The response message is divided into Response line , Respond to the headlines , Blank line , Response Content
- Response line :http Agreement and version , Status code , State descriptor
- Respond to the headlines : Response properties , Each line represents an attribute , An empty line indicates the end of the response header .
- Blank line : Split the response header and response body
- Response Content : If there is a body , In the response header, you need Content-Length Property to identify the size of the body
Tool class
When we write the agreement, it is inevitable that some programs are often used , Such as : Read a line in the header . We can design a tool class , Store these programs .
ReadLine() function
ReadLine() The function reads sock A row of data in the socket . Whether it's a request header or a response header , Their attributes are divided by rows . But sent by different browsers http request , The row delimiters in them are different , It can be roughly divided into the following three categories
- xxxxx \r\n
- xxxxx \n
- xxxxx \r
We need to design an algorithm , Compatible with various line separators .
Reading data , If you read \n Indicates that the line change has ended , If you read \r , You need to determine whether the next character is \n . No , Then the line is over , Otherwise you need to put \r\n Turn into \n.
Here we need to use recv function
recv function
function : Receive data from connected datagrams or streaming sockets .
The function prototype :
int recv( int sockfd, void *buf, size_t len,int flags);
Parameter description :
- sockfd : Socket for sending data
- buf : Deposit recv Data received by function
- len :buf The length of
- flags :recv Options for sending data , Generally set as 0
Return value : Successfully returns 0, Erroneous return -1
#pragma once
// Tool class
class Util{
static int ReadLine(int sock,std::string &out)
char ch = 'x';
while(ch != '\n'){
ssize_t s = recv(sock,&ch,1,0);// from sock Read a character to ch in
if(s > 0){
if(ch == '\r'){
recv(sock,&ch,1,MSG_PEEK);// MSG_PEEK Peek into the next character ( Not from sock Take it from me )
if(ch == '\n'){
// hold \r\n -> \n
// Snooping successfully reads this character
ch = '\n';// \r -> \n
// There are two situations 1. Ordinary character 2.\n
else if(s == 0){
return 0;
return -1;
return out.size();
CutString() function
CutString() The function divides a string into left and right parts according to specific characters , The code is as follows
#pragma once
// Tool class
class Util{
static int ReadLine(int sock,std::string &out)
static bool CutString(const std::string &target, std::string &sub1_out, std::string &sub2_out, std::string sep)
size_t pos = target.find(sep);// Find the delimiter
if(pos != std::string::npos){
sub1_out = target.substr(0,pos);
sub2_out = target.substr(pos+sep.size());
return true;
return false;
// Pass in
// target = Content-Length : 18
// sep = " : "
// Efferent
// sub1_out = Content-Length
// sub2_out = sep
Log information
To facilitate code parsing and debugging , We need to design functions to record log information , The contents of the log information are as follows
At first glance, there are a few parameters passed in , In fact, we just need to pass in The level of logging and Log information These two parameters , We can let the operating system find the remaining parameters , To do this, you can set macros , Get through macro substitution Log files and Lines of code .
#pragma once
#define INFO 1
#define WARNING 2
#define ERROR 3
#define FATAL 4
#define LOG(level,message) Log(#level,message,__FILE__,__LINE__)
void Log(std::string level,std::string message,std::string file_name,int line)
std::cout << "[" << level << "]" << "[" << time(nullptr) << "]" << "[" << message << "]" << "[" << file_name << "]" << "[" << line << "]" << std::endl;
Design of request and response classes
http When the server receives a request , The server needs to do the following : Read request , Analysis request , Build response , Send a response . In order to better manage request headers and response headers , We need to design a class to store request headers and response headers .
http Request class
class HttpRequest{
std::string request_line;// Request line
std::vector<std::string> request_header;// Ask the head of the newspaper
std::string blank;// Request a blank line
std::string request_body;// Request body
// Parsing of the request line
std::string method;
std::string uri;
std::string version;
// Request header parsing
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> header_kv;// Property name : Attribute information
int content_length;// Request body length
// URI analysis
std::string suffix;// Request the suffix of the file name
std::string path;// URI route
std::string query_string;// URI Parameters
bool cgi;// cgi Processing flags
int size;// Open file size
http Response class
#define LINE_END "\r\n"
class HttpResponse{
std::string status_line;// Response line
std::vector<std::string> response_header;// Response line
std::string blank;// Respond to blank lines
std::string response_body;// Response Content
int status_code;// Response status code
int fd;// Save the file descriptor temporarily
Request processing
Request message
When processing request headers , First read out the header data , Then deal with it
void RecvHttpRequest()
// Read request line and header
if((!RecvHttpRequestLine()) && (!RecvHttpRequestHeader())){
ParseHttpRequestLine();// Parse request line
ParseHttpRequestHeader();// Parse request header
RecvHttpRequestBody();// Read request body
Read request line
Use ReadLine() The function reads the request line into the request class
bool RecvHttpRequestLine()
auto& line = http_request.request_line;
if(Util::ReadLine(sock,line) > 0){
line.resize(line.size()-1);// Remove the end of the line \n
LOG(INFO,http_request.request_line);// Log
stop = true;// Tag read failed
return stop;
Read request header
By behavior unit , Insert the read header attribute into the request header .
bool RecvHttpRequestHeader()
std::string line;
line.clear();// Empty before reading line
if(Util::ReadLine(sock,line) <= 0){
// According to the line read
stop = true;
if(line == "\n"){
// Read empty line , The request header has been read
http_request.blank = line;
line.resize(line.size()-1);// Remove the last '\n'
http_request.request_header.push_back(line);// Insert the tail of the read header attribute into the request header
return stop;
Parse request line
Request line by Request method , request URI,HTTP Protocol version constitute , They are separated by spaces , Here's the picture
Parsing the request line is to divide the string by spaces .
By dividing the string by spaces, we can call stringstream
stringstream Examples of use :
int main()
std::string msg = "GET /a/b/c.html http/1.0";
std::string method;
std::string uri;
std::string version;
std::stringstream ss(msg);
ss >> method >> uri >> version;
std::cout << method << std::endl;
std::cout << uri << std::endl;
std::cout << version << std::endl;
Running results
Parse the request line code
void ParseHttpRequestLine()
auto &line = http_request.request_line;// Get request line
std::stringstream ss(line);
ss >> http_request.method >> http_request.uri >> http_request.version;
auto &method = http_request.method;// Get the request method in the request line
std::transform(method.begin(),method.end(),method.begin(),::toupper);// Capitalize letters , Convenient for later use
Parse request header
The request header contains all kinds of requested information , They are both Property name : Attribute information In the form of vector In the container , In order to find the information in the request header easily , We need to split each attribute in the request header into ( Property name , Attribute information ) Key value pairs are stored in unordered_map in .
The attribute and attribute name in the header are used : The separation is shown in the following figure
So , We put : As a separator , Separate attribute names from attribute information
#define SEP ": "
void ParseHttpRequestHeader()
std::string key;
std::string value;
for(auto &iter : http_request.request_header)
Read request body
The request body does not necessarily exist , If the request method is GET, Then the request body is set to empty , namely GET Method does not need to read the request body . If the request method is POST, The request body can exist , By requesting Content-Length Get the size of the request body , however Content-Length by 0 when , Request body does not exist .
// Determine whether the request body needs to be read
bool IsNeedRecvHttpRequestBody()
auto &method = http_request.method;
if(method == "POST"){
// The request method is POST There may be a request body
auto &header_kv = http_request.header_kv;
auto iter = header_kv.find("Content-Length");
if(iter != header_kv.end()){
LOG(INFO,"Post Method, Content-Length: "+iter->second);
http_request.content_length = atoi(iter->second.c_str());// Convert string to number
return true;
return false;
// Read request body
bool RecvHttpRequestBody()
// Determine whether the request body needs to be read
int content_length = http_request.content_length;
auto &body = http_request.request_body;
char ch = 0;
ssize_t s = recv(sock,&ch,1,0);// Read request body from socket
if(s > 0){
stop = true;
LOG(INFO, body);
return stop;
Build response preprocessing
The browser sends... To the server http The purpose of the request is to let the server complete a certain task , Or want to access resources on the server . When the server receives a message from the browser http After the request , According to URI Look for resources locally to deal with problems , After the problem is solved, the processing result is built into a http The response header is returned to the browser .
- Determine the path of the resource before building the response , This requires us to parse URI.
Under different request methods URI The format is different ,GET In the method ,URI Between path and parameter ? separate , and POST In the method ,URI Only the path .
- After getting the path , It's time to look for resources under the path . Before accessing the path , We need to modify the path , Add... Before it wwwroot Catalog . Because our resource directory is wwwroot, It and http The process is in the same directory , So our http Processes can be accessed through relative paths wwwroot Catalog . For example, the requested path is /test_cgi, After modification, it becomes wwwroot/test_cgi, here http The process will go wwwroot Look for test_cgi.
- Looking for resources will have 4 In this case
1) Resource does not exist . At this point, we set the error code to 404, That is, resources do not exist .
2) A resource is a file . We need to record the size of the file , Add the file name to the path .
3) A resource is an executable program . We need to mark cgi It's true , Indicate need cgi Handle .
4) A resource is a directory . We will add the default file under the directory in the path index.html( In the design wwwroot Resource time , We will add default files in each directory index.html).
So how to get file attributes ? We make use of stat function
stat() function
function : Check if a file exists , And store the attributes of the file in struct stat variable .
Return value : Successfully returns 0, Failure to return -1
struct stat
among st_size Property is to view the size of the file , In bytes ,st_mode It stores the type and permission of the file .
S_ISDIR (st_mode) Is a macro definition , You can judge whether the file is a directory .
st.st_mode&S_IXGRP,st.st_mode&S_IXOTH,st.st_mode&S_IXUSR Determine the group to which the file belongs , Others in the file , Whether the person to whom the file belongs has executable permission , If one of them is true , Then the file has executable permissions .
In addition, we need to get the suffix of the file name from the request line , If the acquisition fails, the default is html.
GET Methods and POST Differences in methods
- GET Method passes parameters from the browser to http Server time , It is necessary to follow the parameters to URI hinder
- POST Method passes parameters from the browser to http Server time , It is necessary to put parameters into the request body
- GET Method , If there is no reference ,http In the usual way , Just return the resource
- GET Method , If a parameter is passed in ,http You need to follow CGI Method processing parameters , And will execute the results ( Expected resources ) Back to the browser
- POST Method , Generally, we need to use CGI To deal with
The overall code is as follows
#define NOT_FOUND 404
#define BAD_REQUEST 400
// Build response
void BuildHttpResponse()
auto &code = http_response.status_code;// Status code
std::string _path;// route
struct stat st;
int size = 0;// Record file size
std::size_t found = 0;
if(http_request.method != "GET" && http_request.method != "POST"){
// Method does not exist. Set the error code to 400
// Illegal request
LOG(WARNING,"method is not right");
code = BAD_REQUEST;// Set error code
goto END;
if(http_request.method == "GET"){
// Will get URI Paths and parameters in
size_t pos = http_request.uri.find('?');
if(pos != std::string::npos){
http_request.cgi = true;// need cgi Handle
http_request.path = http_request.uri;
else if(http_request.method == "POST"){
http_request.cgi = true;// need cgi Handle
http_request.path = http_request.uri;
_path = http_request.path;
// Build resource path
http_request.path = WEB_ROOT;// Add before the path wwwroot Catalog
http_request.path += _path;
if(http_request.path[http_request.path.size()-1] == '/'){
http_request.path += HOME_PAGE;// Add html Webpage
// Resources are directories
// The requested resource is a directory and needs to be processed
// Be careful , In the previous article, we put the last '/' Delete , Here we need to add
http_request.path += "/";
http_request.path += HOME_PAGE;
stat(http_request.path.c_str(),&st);// to update st
// Resources are executable programs
if((st.st_mode&S_IXUSR) || (st.st_mode&S_IXGRP) || (st.st_mode&S_IXOTH)){
// cgi Handle
http_request.cgi = true;
http_request.size = st.st_size;// Record the size of the open file
// Resource does not exist
LOG(WARNING,http_request.path + "Not Found");
code = NOT_FOUND;// Mark the error code
goto END;
// Find the suffix
found = http_request.path.rfind(".");
if(found == std::string::npos){
http_request.suffix = ".html";
http_request.suffix = http_request.path.substr(found);
code = ProcessCgi();// Execute the target program , Get the results :http_response.response_body;
code = ProcessNonCgi();// Simple web page return , Return to static web page ( Open the can )
BuildHttpResponseHelper();// Build response message
Back to the web
A web page is essentially a hypertext file , That is, our front-end code , When these codes are returned to the browser , The browser will parse into a web page .
So when the resource accessed by the browser is a file , Open the file directly and add the file descriptor to the response header .
// Not cgi Handle
int ProcessNonCgi()
http_response.fd = open(http_request.path.c_str(),O_RDONLY);// Open the file as read-only
if(http_response.fd >= 0){
// Open the success
LOG(INFO,http_request.path + " open success!");
return OK;// Open the failure
return 404;
CGI Mechanism
Basic concepts
CGI(Common Gateway Interface) yes WWW One of the most important technologies in technology , Has an irreplaceable important position .CGI It's an external application (CGI Program ) And WEB Interface standards between servers , Is in CGI Procedure and Web The process of transferring information between servers .
CGI A program is an executable program on the server , When the resource accessed by the browser is an executable program ,http The process will create a child process , adopt execl Function replaces an executable program with a child process . then http The process passes parameters to the child process , The subprocess returns the parameter processing result to http process ,http The process returns to the browser through the network . such http Process to call CGI The way data is processed is called CGI Mechanism .
CGI Mechanism use
CGI The mechanism process is shown in the following figure
When triggered cgi Mechanism ,http You need to create a child process , In this way, when the program is replaced, it can be replaced by sub processes . Communication is required between parent and child processes , The parent process passes parameters to the child process , And the subprocess passes CGI The results obtained by the program need to be returned to the parent process . Here we create anonymous pipes to facilitate the communication between parent processes , Because pipeline data transmission is one-way , So we need to create two anonymous pipelines .
For subprocesses , After the subprocess is replaced by the program , It gets the data of the file descriptors of the two pipelines and will be replaced , At this time, the subprocess does not know the file descriptor of the pipeline , You cannot communicate with the parent process , To solve this problem, we can redirect the pipeline to 0 No. file descriptor and 1 File descriptor No , In this way, the parent-child process can pass cin and cout To communicate .
http When a process passes parameters to a child process ,GET Request and POST The way of requesting parameters is different .
- If it is GET Method , Parameters are passed to child processes by setting environment variables , because URI The parameter in is limited in size , Usually not too long , And program replacement , Replace only the code and data of the process , Environment variables will not be replaced , So the subprocess is execl Before , Set one in advance PATAMETER Environment variables of .
- If it is POST Method , Passing parameters to the child process is through the pipeline to the child process , because POST The parameters of the request body in are unlimited . But how does the subprocess know how many characters to read in the pipeline ? At this point, you need to set an environment variable Content-Length To identify the size of the parameter , Let the child process know how many characters need to be read from the pipeline .
- In order to know is GET Request or POST request , We need to set an environment variable METHOD To identify the request method .
Code implementation :
// CGI Handle
int ProcessCgi()
int code = OK;
LOG(INFO,"process cgi mthod!");
// Parent process data
auto &method = http_request.method;// Request method
auto &query_string = http_request.query_string; // Ask the head of the newspaper
auto &body_text = http_request.request_body; // Request body
auto &bin = http_request.path;// Request path
int content_length = http_request.content_length;// Request body length
auto &response_body = http_response.response_body;// Response Content
std::string query_string_env;
std::string method_env;
std::string content_length_env;
int input[2];
int output[2];
// Create a two-way pipe
if(pipe(input) < 0){
// Create failure
LOG(ERROR,"pipe input error");
return code;
if(pipe(output) < 0){
LOG(ERROR,"pipe output error");
return code;
// Create child process
pid_t pid = fork();
if(pid == 0){
// Subprocesses
// From the perspective of sub processes
// input[1]: Write
// output[0]: Read in
method_env = "METHOD=";
method_env += method;
putenv((char*)method_env.c_str());// Add environment variables
// Environment variables will not be env Replace it with
if(method == "GET"){
query_string_env = "QUERY_STRING=";
query_string_env += query_string;
LOG(INFO,"Get Method,Add Query_String Env");
else if(method == "POST"){
content_length_env = "CONTENT_LENGTH=";
content_length_env += std::to_string(content_length);
LOG(INFO,"Post Method,Add Content-Length Env");
// Redirect
dup2(output[0],0);// Redirect to standard input
dup2(input[1],1);// Redirect to standard output
// After successful replacement , How does the target subprocess know , What is the corresponding read / write file descriptor ? Unwanted , Just read 0, Write 1 that will do
execl(bin.c_str(),bin.c_str(),nullptr);// Process replacement
else if(pid < 0){
// Failed to create child process
LOG(ERROR,"fork error!");
return 404;
// The parent process
// From the perspective of the parent process
// input[0]: Read in
// output[1]: Write
if(method == "POST"){
// Read the request header into the pipeline
const char *start = body_text.c_str();
int total = 0;
int size = 0;
while(total < content_length && (size = write(output[1],start+total,body_text.size()-total)) > 0){
total += size;
// Get response body
char ch = 0;
while(read(input[0],&ch,1) > 0){
int status = 0;
pid_t ret = waitpid(pid,&status,0);// Wait for child process
if(ret == pid){
// Not 0 Indicates that the process ended normally
if(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0){
// 0 Indicates that the process terminates normally
code = OK;
return OK;
Build response
response message
Build response lines
As shown in the figure above , The response line is defined by the protocol version , Status code and status description , The two rooms are separated by spaces .
// Convert the status code to a string
static std::string Code2Desc(int code)
std::string desc;
case 200:
desc = "OK";
case 404:
desc = "Not Found";
return desc;
// Build response message
void BuildHttpResponseHelper()
auto &code = http_response.status_code;
// Build the status line
auto& status_line = http_response.status_line;
status_line += HTTP_VERSION;
status_line += " ";
status_line += std::to_string(code);
status_line += " ";
status_line += Code2Desc(code);// Convert the status code to a string
status_line += LINE_END;
// Build response message , May include response headers
std::string path = WEB_ROOT;
path += "/";
case OK:
path += PAGE_404;
path += PAGE_404;
path += PAGE_404;
Build response headers
structure OK Respond to the headlines
The file type is required to build the response header (Content-Type), We can establish the mapping between file suffix and file type , Return the corresponding file type through the file suffix .
// Convert suffix
static std::string Suffix2Desc(const std::string &suffix)
static std::unordered_map<std::string,std::string> suffix2desc = {
auto iter = suffix2desc.find(suffix);
if(iter != suffix2desc.end()){
return iter -> second;
return "text/html";
In addition, the response header also needs Content-Length, If it is cgi Handle ,cgi The result will be added to the response body during processing ,content-length Is the size of the response body . If it is right or wrong cgi Handle ,content-length Is the size of the open file . Don't forget to add line breaks at the end of each line 、
#define LINE_END "\r\n"
// structure OK Respond to the headlines
void BuildOkResponse()
std::string line = "Content-Type: ";
line += Suffix2Desc(http_request.suffix);// Add file type
line += LINE_END;// add to /r/n
http_response.response_header.push_back(line);// Add to the response header
line = "Content-Length: ";
line += std::to_string(http_response.response_body.size());// cgi Result
line += std::to_string(http_request.size);// Size of open file
line += LINE_END;
Error code response header
We also need to set an error code response header , The header opens the corresponding error code web page , And add the information of the error code web page to the response header .
#define LINE_END "\r\n"
// Build the response header of the error code
void HandlerError(std::string page)
std::cout<<"debug: "<<page<<std::endl;
http_request.cgi = false;
http_response.fd = open(page.c_str(),O_RDONLY);// Return the corresponding error page to the user
if(http_response.fd > 0)
struct stat st;
http_request.size = st.st_size;// Update the information of the open page
std::string line = "Content-Type: text/html";// So the error pages are all text files , The file types are text/html
line += LINE_END;
line = "Content-Length: ";// The size of the error page text file
line += std::to_string(st.st_size);
line += LINE_END;
Send a response
After building the response , We need to put the response in the response line , Respond to the headlines , Respond to blank lines , Response Content Send it to the browser in turn .
We have to cgi When dealing with sendfile() function ,sendfile() The function passes data between two file descriptors and operates completely in the kernel , This avoids copying data between the kernel buffer and the user buffer , It's very efficient , It's called zero copy .
senfile() The function prototype
ssize_t senfile(int out_fd,int in_fd,off_t* offset,size_t count);
Parameters :
- out_fd Parameter is the file descriptor of the content to be written
- in_fd The parameter is the file descriptor of the content to be read
- offset Parameter specifies where to start reading from in the file stream , If it is empty , Then use the default start bit of the read file stream
- count Parameter specifies the file descriptor in_fd and out_fd The number of bytes transferred between .
// Send a response
void SendHttpResponse()
send(sock,http_response.status_line.c_str(),http_response.status_line.size(),0);// Send response line
for(auto iter : http_response.response_header){
// Send response header
send(sock,http_response.blank.c_str(),http_response.blank.size(),0);// Respond to blank lines
// If it is cgi Handle , Send the response body directly to the browser
auto &response_body = http_response.response_body;
size_t size = 0;
size_t total = 0;
const char* start = response_body.c_str();
while(total < response_body.size() && (size = send(sock,start+total,response_body.size() - total,0))>0)
total += size;
// Not cgi Handle , Send the contents of the open file to the browser .
HTTP The server
HTTP The function of the server is to wait for the client to connect , After the connection is successful, add the client request to the task queue in the thread .
#pragma once
#define PORT 8081
class HttpServer{
int port;
bool stop;
HttpServer(int _port = PORT):port(_port),stop(false)
void InitServer()
// If the server is going to sock writes , And when the browser closes the connection , Then the browser will receive a SIGPIPE The signal of ,
// The server will crash , Therefore, we need to ignore this when initializing the server SIGPIPE The signal .
//tcp_server = TcpServer::getinstance(port);
void Loop()
TcpServer *tsvr = TcpServer::getinstance(port);
LOG(INFO,"Loop begin");
struct sockaddr_in* peer;
socklen_t len = sizeof(peer);
int sock = accept(tsvr->Sock(),(struct sockaddr*)&peer,&len);// Wait for the client to connect
if(sock < 0){
LOG(INFO,"Get a new link");
Task task(sock);// Create tasks
ThreadPool::getinstance()->PushTask(task);// Add tasks to the thread pool
Introduce thread pool
In order to avoid a large number of links at the same time, which leads to the explosion of threads in the server , As a result, the server efficiency is reduced or hung up , We introduced thread pools . Thread pool saves when link requests arrive , The time cost of creating a thread , At the same time, it also makes the efficiency of the server in a constant stable range .
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "Task.hpp"
#include "Log.hpp"
#define NUM 6
class ThreadPool{
int num;
bool stop;
std::queue<Task> task_queue;// Task queue
pthread_mutex_t lock;
pthread_cond_t cond;
ThreadPool(int _num = NUM):num(_num),stop(false)
ThreadPool(const ThreadPool &){
}// Anti copy
static ThreadPool* single_instance;
static ThreadPool* getinstance()
static pthread_mutex_t _mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;// Static initialization of mutex
if(single_instance == nullptr){
if(single_instance == nullptr){
single_instance = new ThreadPool();
return single_instance;
bool IsStop()
return stop;
bool TaskQueueIsEmpty()
return task_queue.size()==0?true:false;
void Lock()
void Unlock()
void ThreadWait()
void ThreadWakeup()
static void *ThreadRoutine(void *args)
ThreadPool *tp = (ThreadPool*)args;
Task t;
tp->ThreadWait();// When I wake up , There must be a mutex
bool InitThreadPool()
// Create thread
for(int i=0;i<num;i++)
pthread_t tid;
LOG(FATAL,"create thread pool error!");
return false;
LOG(INFO,"create thread success!");
return true;
void PushTask(const Task &task)
void PopTask(Task &task)
task = task_queue.front();
ThreadPool* ThreadPool::single_instance = nullptr;
Project process
The overall framework
- Start server , Yes http Server initialization
- Wait for the client to connect , After the connection is successful, add the client request to the task queue in the thread .
The task class
- Process task queues in the thread pool
4. Handle http request
Handle http request
- Overall summary
- Read request line
- Read request header
- Parse request line
- Parse request header
- Read request body
Build response
- Extract resource path
- Get resource path
- Not cgi Handle
- cgi Handle
Prepare to operate : Create a two-way pipeline to facilitate the communication between the child process and the parent process after program replacement
The child process and cgi Process program replacement
The parent process reads the request body into the pipeline , And get the response body from the pipeline
- Build response message
Build response header line
Status code to string
Build response headers , There are only two resources file type and file size
File suffix conversion
Return response
This project involves many knowledge points , Bloggers spent nearly two months , The project was completed intermittently . The following is the full code of the project
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