HyperDict - Self linked dictionary in Python


Hyper Dictionary

Advanced python dictionary(hash-table), which can link it-self keys and make calculations into the keys of the dict


Use the package manager pip to install foobar.

pip install HyperDict


The syntax of expressions:

{'key' : '...$(expression)$...'}


from HyperDict import HyperDict
from json import dumps
dictionary = HyperDict({}) # {} - your dict


example = Hyperdict(
        'a': 5,
        'b': '$(a)$'


       'a': 5,
       'b': 5
example = Hyperdict(
        'a': 5,
        'b': '$(a + x)$ ' # here with a space


       'a': 5,
       'b': '5 '
example = Hyperdict(
        'a': 5,
        'b': 100,
        'c': '$(b + d)$',
        'd': '$(b + a)$'


        'a': 5,
        'b': 100,
        'c': 205,
        'd': 105
example = Hyperdict(
        'a': ['one_item'],
        'b': '$(a + ["another_item"])$'


        'a': ['one_item'],
        'b': ['one_item', 'another_item']
some_func = lambda arg: arg + 1

example = Hyperdict(
        'a': 5,
        'b': '$(some_func(a))$'


       'a': 5,
       'b': 5


example = Hyperdict(
        'a': 5,
        'b': '$(a)$'
# >>> {'a': 5, 'b': 5}
example['a'] = 'another_val'
# >>> {'a': 'another_val', 'b': 'another_val'}
example['a'] = '4'
# >>> {'a': 'another_val', 'b': 4}

# !!! 'b' links 'a', but 'a' doesn't link 'b'


# Keys of your dict must be only strings
{5: 'abc', True: []} # is prohibited
{'5': 'abc', 'True': []} # is allowed


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.



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