[Preprint] ConvMLP: Hierarchical Convolutional MLPs for Vision, 2021


Convolutional MLP

ConvMLP: Hierarchical Convolutional MLPs for Vision

Preprint link: ConvMLP: Hierarchical Convolutional MLPs for Vision

By Jiachen Li[1,2], Ali Hassani[1]*, Steven Walton[1]*, and Humphrey Shi[1,2,3]

In association with SHI Lab @ University of Oregon[1] and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign[2], and Picsart AI Research (PAIR)[3]



MLP-based architectures, which consist of a sequence of consecutive multi-layer perceptron blocks, have recently been found to reach comparable results to convolutional and transformer-based methods. However, most adopt spatial MLPs which take fixed dimension inputs, therefore making it difficult to apply them to downstream tasks, such as object detection and semantic segmentation. Moreover, single-stage designs further limit performance in other computer vision tasks and fully connected layers bear heavy computation. To tackle these problems, we propose ConvMLP: a hierarchical Convolutional MLP for visual recognition, which is a light-weight, stage-wise, co-design of convolution layers, and MLPs. In particular, ConvMLP-S achieves 76.8% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1k with 9M parameters and 2.4 GMACs (15% and 19% of MLP-Mixer-B/16, respectively). Experiments on object detection and semantic segmentation further show that visual representation learned by ConvMLP can be seamlessly transferred and achieve competitive results with fewer parameters.


How to run

Getting Started

Our base model is in pure PyTorch and Torchvision. No extra packages are required. Please refer to PyTorch's Getting Started page for detailed instructions.

You can start off with src.convmlp, which contains the three variants: convmlp_s, convmlp_m, convmlp_l:

from src.convmlp import convmlp_l, convmlp_s

model = convmlp_l(pretrained=True, progress=True)
model_sm = convmlp_s(num_classes=10)

Image Classification

timm is recommended for image classification training and required for the training script provided in this repository:

./dist_classification.sh $NUM_GPUS -c $CONFIG_FILE /path/to/dataset

You can use our training configurations provided in configs/classification:

./dist_classification.sh 8 -c configs/classification/convmlp_s_imagenet.yml /path/to/ImageNet
./dist_classification.sh 8 -c configs/classification/convmlp_m_imagenet.yml /path/to/ImageNet
./dist_classification.sh 8 -c configs/classification/convmlp_l_imagenet.yml /path/to/ImageNet

Object Detection

mmdetection is recommended for object detection training and required for the training script provided in this repository:

./dist_detection.sh $CONFIG_FILE $NUM_GPUS /path/to/dataset

You can use our training configurations provided in configs/detection:

./dist_detection.sh configs/detection/retinanet_convmlp_s_fpn_1x_coco.py 8 /path/to/COCO
./dist_detection.sh configs/detection/retinanet_convmlp_m_fpn_1x_coco.py 8 /path/to/COCO
./dist_detection.sh configs/detection/retinanet_convmlp_l_fpn_1x_coco.py 8 /path/to/COCO

Object Detection & Instance Segmentation

mmdetection is recommended for training Mask R-CNN and required for the training script provided in this repository (same as above).

You can use our training configurations provided in configs/detection:

./dist_detection.sh configs/detection/maskrcnn_convmlp_s_fpn_1x_coco.py 8 /path/to/COCO
./dist_detection.sh configs/detection/maskrcnn_convmlp_m_fpn_1x_coco.py 8 /path/to/COCO
./dist_detection.sh configs/detection/maskrcnn_convmlp_l_fpn_1x_coco.py 8 /path/to/COCO

Semantic Segmentation

mmsegmentation is recommended for semantic segmentation training and required for the training script provided in this repository:

./dist_segmentation.sh $CONFIG_FILE $NUM_GPUS /path/to/dataset

You can use our training configurations provided in configs/segmentation:

./dist_segmentation.sh configs/segmentation/fpn_convmlp_s_512x512_40k_ade20k.py 8 /path/to/ADE20k
./dist_segmentation.sh configs/segmentation/fpn_convmlp_m_512x512_40k_ade20k.py 8 /path/to/ADE20k
./dist_segmentation.sh configs/segmentation/fpn_convmlp_l_512x512_40k_ade20k.py 8 /path/to/ADE20k


Image Classification

Feature maps from ResNet50, MLP-Mixer-B/16, our Pure-MLP Baseline and ConvMLP-M are presented in the image below. It can be observed that representations learned by ConvMLP involve more low-level features like edges or textures compared to the rest. Feature map visualization

Dataset Model Top-1 Accuracy # Params MACs
ImageNet ConvMLP-S 76.8% 9.0M 2.4G
ConvMLP-M 79.0% 17.4M 3.9G
ConvMLP-L 80.2% 42.7M 9.9G

If importing the classification models, you can pass pretrained=True to download and set these checkpoints. The same holds for the training script (classification.py and dist_classification.sh): pass --pretrained. The segmentation/detection training scripts also download the pretrained backbone if you pass the correct config files.

Downstream tasks

You can observe the summarized results from applying our model to object detection, instance and semantic segmentation, compared to ResNet, in the image below.

Object Detection

Dataset Model Backbone # Params APb APb50 APb75 Checkpoint
MS COCO Mask R-CNN ConvMLP-S 28.7M 38.4 59.8 41.8 Download
ConvMLP-M 37.1M 40.6 61.7 44.5 Download
ConvMLP-L 62.2M 41.7 62.8 45.5 Download
RetinaNet ConvMLP-S 18.7M 37.2 56.4 39.8 Download
ConvMLP-M 27.1M 39.4 58.7 42.0 Download
ConvMLP-L 52.9M 40.2 59.3 43.3 Download

Instance Segmentation

Dataset Model Backbone # Params APm APm50 APm75 Checkpoint
MS COCO Mask R-CNN ConvMLP-S 28.7M 35.7 56.7 38.2 Download
ConvMLP-M 37.1M 37.2 58.8 39.8 Download
ConvMLP-L 62.2M 38.2 59.9 41.1 Download

Semantic Segmentation

Dataset Model Backbone # Params mIoU Checkpoint
ADE20k Semantic FPN ConvMLP-S 12.8M 35.8 Download
ConvMLP-M 21.1M 38.6 Download
ConvMLP-L 46.3M 40.0 Download


Dataset Model Top-1 Accuracy # Params
CIFAR-10 ConvMLP-S 98.0% 8.51M
ConvMLP-M 98.6% 16.90M
ConvMLP-L 98.6% 41.97M
CIFAR-100 ConvMLP-S 87.4% 8.56M
ConvMLP-M 89.1% 16.95M
ConvMLP-L 88.6% 42.04M
Flowers-102 ConvMLP-S 99.5% 8.56M
ConvMLP-M 99.5% 16.95M
ConvMLP-L 99.5% 42.04M


      title={ConvMLP: Hierarchical Convolutional MLPs for Vision}, 
      author={Jiachen Li and Ali Hassani and Steven Walton and Humphrey Shi},
Research in Synergetic & Holistic Intelligence, with current focus on Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and AI Systems & Applications
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