Trainspotting - Python Dependency Injector based on interface binding



Choose dependency injection

  • Friendly with MyPy
  • Supports lazy injections
  • Supports fabrics with environment variables
  • Can connect/disconnect clients in correct order


pip install trainspotting


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from typing import Protocol
from dataclasses import dataclass
from trainspotting import DependencyInjector
from trainspotting.factory import factory, EnvField

class TransportProtocol(Protocol):
    def go(self): ...

class EngineProtocol(Protocol):
    def start(self): ...

class HeadlightsProtocol(Protocol):
    def light(self): ...

class Driver:
    transport: TransportProtocol
    def drive(self):

class V8Engine:
    sound: str

    def start(self):

class XenonHeadlights:
    brightness: int

    def light(self):
        print(f'LIGHT! {self.brightness}')

class Car:
    engine: EngineProtocol
    headlights: HeadlightsProtocol

    def go(self):

def get_config():
    return {
        EngineProtocol: factory(V8Engine, sound=EnvField('ENGINE_SOUND')),
        HeadlightsProtocol: factory(
            brightness=EnvField('HEADLIGHTS_BRIGHTNESS', int)
        TransportProtocol: Car,

injector = DependencyInjector(get_config())
injected_driver = injector.inject(Driver)

Clients connect/disconnect

Connect can be used for async class initialization

import aioredis

from typing import Protocol
from trainspotting import DependencyInjector

class ClientProtocol(Protocol):
    async def do(self):

class RedisClient:
    def __init__(self):
        self.pool = None
    async def do(self):
        if not self.pool:
            raise ValueError
        print('did something')
    async def connect(self):
        self.pool = await aioredis.create_redis_pool(('', 6379))
    async def disconnect(self):
        await self.pool.wait_closed()

async def main(client: ClientProtocol):

injector = DependencyInjector({ClientProtocol: RedisClient})
injected = injector.inject(main)

async with injector.deps:  # connected
    await injected() # did something
# disconnected

Types Injection

class EntityProtocol(Protocol):
    def do(self): ...

class Entity:
    def do(self):
        print('do something')

class SomeUsefulClass:
    entity: Type[EntityProtocol]

injector.add_config({EntityProtocol: Entity})

Lazy injections

async def some_func(client: ClientProtocol):
    await client.do_something()

some_func()  # raise TypeError, missing argument client
some_func()  # ok

Extend or change config

injector.add_config({ClientProtocol: Client})


import os
from typing import Protocol
from dataclasses import dataclass
from trainspotting import DependencyInjector
from trainspotting.factory import factory, EnvField

class ClientProtocol(Protocol):
    def do(self):

class Client(ClientProtocol):
    url: str
    log_prefix: str
    timeout: int = 5

    def do(self):
        print(f'{self.log_prefix}: sent request to {self.url} with timeout {self.timeout}')

injector = DependencyInjector({
    ClientProtocol: factory(
        log_prefix=EnvField('LOG_PREFIX', default='CLIENT'),
        timeout=EnvField('SERVICE_TIMEOUT', int, optional=True),

def main(client: ClientProtocol):
os.environ.update({'SERVICE_URL': 'some_url'})
injected = injector.inject(main)
injected()  # CLIENT: sent request to some_url with timeout 5

Supports type validation

from typing import Protocol, runtime_checkable
from trainspotting import DependencyInjector

class ClientProtocol(Protocol):
    def do(self):

class Client:
    def do(self):
        print('did something')

class BadClient:
    def wrong_do(self):

def main(client: ClientProtocol):

injector = DependencyInjector({
    ClientProtocol: BadClient,

injector.inject(main)()  # raise InjectionError: 
     does not realize 

injector = DependencyInjector({
    ClientProtocol: Client,

injector.inject(main)()  # prints: did something
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