Politecnico of Turin Thesis: "Implementation and Evaluation of an Educational Chatbot based on NLP Techniques"



Politecnico of Turin Thesis: "Implementation and Evaluation of an Educational Chatbot based on NLP Techniques"



  • Go on your Slack App ( App Slack )-> select your app or create new -> Settings -> Install App -> (regenerate two tokens) -> Copy Tokens in actions/Constants.py and credentials.yml files.


Components Installation

  • Writing in Anaconda console this command:
    • conda create --name venv python==3.8.0
    • conda activate venv
    • conda install ujson tensorflow
    • pip install rasa
    • pip install rasa[spacy] for SPACY configuration
    • pip install rasa[trasformers] for BERT configuration
    • rasa init if you want to create new project

MORE INFO: See this video: link

Code Execution

  • First, in TESI_POLI_POBOT directory do the training in anaconda console with venv activate:

    • rasa train --config configs/{file_cofiguration}.yml --fixed-model-name {model_name}
  • After run server rasa:

  • rasa run --connector slack --model {model_name} --debug

  • In an other prompr run server rasa ACTIONS:

  • rasa run actions --action actions --debug

  • If you want,to test locally the intent classification, run in Anaconda console:

    • rasa train --config configs/{file_cofiguration}.yml --fixed-model-name {model_name}
    • rasa shell --model {model_name}

Rasa Bot - Slack Connection

  • after training and running the server in Anaconda console (see ## Execution of code paragraph):
    • in BOT_RASA/ngrok directory run this command (in console prompt):
      • ngrok http 5005 to create a tunnel for localhost:5005 address:
      • select the forwarding address choose to ngrok ({address} = http://<number_code>.ngrok.io)
      • in Slack App link save the address (selecting in Features menu):
        • Interactivity & Shortcut > Request URL: ({address}/webhooks/slack/webhook) > Save Changes
        • OAuth & Permissions > Redirect URLs > Add : ({address}/webhooks/slack/webhook) > Save URLs
        • Event Subscriptions > Enable Events (Request URL) > Change: ({address}/webhooks/slack/webhook) > Save Changes
      • expired time of ngrok address: 2 hours. (when we will use a public address, ngrok will become USELESS)
  • tokens bot save as environment variable in PC server (for security issue)
  • Slack bot: link

To Connect also the ACTION Server Rasa:

  • ngrok http 5055 to create a tunnel for localhost:5055
  • In endpoints.yml modify url of action_endpoint: {address}/webhook


Components Installation

  • Writing in Anaconda console this command:
    • conda create --name venv python==3.9.0
    • conda activate venv
    • conda install ujson tensorflow
    • pip install rasa[spacy] for SPACY configuration
    • pip install rasa[trasformers] for BERT configuration
    • pip install --upgrade pip==20.0.1 pip3 install rasa-x --extra-index-url https://pypi.rasa.com/simple pip install --upgrade pip

Code Execution

  • First, in TESI_POLI_POBOT directory do the training in anaconda console with venv activate:

    • set PYTHONUTF8=1
    • rasa x --connector slack --config configs/{file_cofiguration}.yml
  • In an other prompt run server rasa ACTIONS:

  • rasa run actions --action actions --debug

Rasa Bot - Slack Connection

  • after training and running the server in Anaconda console (see ## Execution of code paragraph):
    • in BOT_RASA/ngrok directory run this command (in console prompt):
      • ngrok http 5005 to create a tunnel for localhost:5005 address:
      • select the forwarding address choose to ngrok ({address} = http://<number_code>.ngrok.io)
      • in Slack App link save the address (selecting in Features menu):
        • Interactivity & Shortcut > Request URL: ({address}/webhooks/slack/webhook) > Save Changes
        • OAuth & Permissions > Redirect URLs > Add : ({address}/webhooks/slack/webhook) > Save URLs
        • Event Subscriptions > Enable Events (Request URL) > Change: ({address}/webhooks/slack/webhook) > Save Changes
      • expired time of ngrok address: 2 hours. (when we will use a public address, ngrok will become USELESS)
  • tokens bot save as environment variable in PC server (for security issue)
  • Slack bot: link

To Connect also the ACTION Server Rasa:

  • ngrok http 5055 to create a tunnel for localhost:5055
  • In endpoints.yml modify url of action_endpoint: {address}/webhook

To Connect also the ACTION Server Rasa X:

  • ngrok http 5055 to create a tunnel for localhost:5002
  • In credentials.yml modify url of rasa: {address}/api


Code Execution

If is the first time, run this commands:

docker volume create db-volume
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d
python rasa_x_commands.py create --update admin me <password_rasa_server> (i.e. password)
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d

Otherwise, in TESI_POLI_POBOT directory in console run only this command:

  • docker-compose up -d

Rasa Bot - Slack Connection

After all container is in running mode, in web browser go in `http:://localhost:80' and insert the password choose the first time. (i.e. password)

If rasa x server not contain NLU data (possible first time) you can upload the file directly using interface of rasa x server in Training -> NLU data / Stories / Rules / Configuration (copy and paste the content of config choose in TESI_POLI_POBOT directory)

If you want to connect to slack:

  • after training and running the server in Anaconda console (see ## Execution of code paragraph):
    • in BOT_RASA/ngrok directory run this command (in console prompt):
      • ngrok http 80 to create a tunnel for localhost:80 address:
      • select the forwarding address choose to ngrok ({address} = http://<number_code>.ngrok.io)
      • in Slack App link save the address (selecting in Features menu):
        • Interactivity & Shortcut > Request URL: ({address}/core/webhooks/slack/webhook) > Save Changes
        • OAuth & Permissions > Redirect URLs > Add : ({address}/core/webhooks/slack/webhook) > Save URLs
        • Event Subscriptions > Enable Events (Request URL) > Change: ({address}/core/webhooks/slack/webhook) > Save Changes
      • expired time of ngrok address: 2 hours. (when we will use a public address, ngrok will become USELESS)
  • tokens bot save as environment variable in PC server (for security issue)
  • Slack bot: link


Test stories in tests directory

  • if you want tests stories with cross-validation:
    • rasa train --config configs/{file_cofiguration}.yml --fixed-model-name {model_name} (if model does not exist)
    • rasa test --config configs/{file_cofiguration}.yml --cross-validation --runs {time_runs} --folds {num_folds} --out {dir_out} --model {model_name}

Test NLU data

  • if you want test only the NLU data splitted:

    • rasa train nlu --nlu train_test_split/training_data.yml --config configs/{file_cofiguration}.yml --fixed-model-name ./models_NLU/{model_name} (if model does not exist)
    • rasa test nlu --nlu train_test_split/test_data.yml --out {dir_out} --model ./models_NLU/{model_name}
  • if you want test only the NLU data totally:

    • rasa train nlu --config configs/{file_cofiguration}.yml --fixed-model-name {model_name} (if model does not exist)
    • rasa test nlu --nlu train_test_split/test_data.yml --out {dir_out} --model {model_name}

Test CORE data

  • if you want test only the CORE data:
    • rasa train --config configs/{file_cofiguration}.yml --fixed-model-name {model_name} (if model does not exist)
    • rasa test core --stories tests/test_stories.yml --out {dir_out} --model {model_name}
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