PiRank: Learning to Rank via Differentiable Sorting

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PiRank: Learning to Rank via Differentiable Sorting

This repository provides a reference implementation for learning PiRank-based models as described in the paper:

PiRank: Learning to Rank via Differentiable Sorting
Robin Swezey, Aditya Grover, Bruno Charron and Stefano Ermon.
Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.06731


The codebase is implemented in Python 3.7. To install the necessary base requirements, run the following commands:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you intend to use a GPU, modify requirements.txt to install tensorflow-gpu instead of tensorflow.

You will also need the NeuralSort implementation available here. Make sure it is added to your PYTHONPATH.


PiRank was tested on the two following datasets:

Additionally, the code is expected to work with any dataset stored in the standard LibSVM format used for LTR experiments.


There are two scripts for the code:

  • pirank_simple.py implements a simple depth-1 PiRank loss (d=1). It is used in the experiments of sections 4.1 (benchmark evaluation on MSLR-WEB30K and Yahoo! C14 datasets), 4.2.1 (effect of temperature parameter), and 4.2.2 (effect of training list size).

  • pirank_deep.py implements the deeper PiRank losses (d>=1). It is used for the experiments of section 4.2.3 and comes with a convenient synthetic data generator as well as more tuning options.


Options are handled by Sacred (see Examples section below).

pirank_simple.py and pirank_deep.py


Parameter Default Value Description
loss_fn pirank_simple_loss The loss function to use (either a TFR RankingLossKey, or loss function from the script)
ste False Whether to use the Straight-Through Estimator
ndcg_k 15 [email protected] cutoff when using NS-NDCG loss


Parameter Default Value Description
tau 5 Temperature
taustar 1e-10 Temperature for trues and straight-through estimation.

TensorFlow-Ranking and architecture-related:

Parameter Default Value Description
hidden_layers "256,tanh,128,tanh,64,tanh" Hidden layers for an example-wise feedforward network in the format size,activation,...,size,activation
num_features 136 Number of features per document. The default value is for MSLR and depends on the dataset (e.g. for Yahoo!, please change to 700).
list_size 100 List size used for training
group_size 1 Group size used in score function


Parameter Default Value Description
train_path "/data/MSLR-WEB30K/Fold*/train.txt" Input file path used for training
vali_path "/data/MSLR-WEB30K/Fold*/vali.txt" Input file path used for validation
test_path "/data/MSLR-WEB30K/Fold*/test.txt" Input file path used for testing
model_dir None Output directory for models
num_epochs 200 Number of epochs to train, set 0 to just test
lr 1e-4 initial learning rate
batch_size 32 The batch size for training
num_train_steps None Number of steps for training
num_vali_steps None Number of steps for validation
num_test_steps None Number of steps for testing
learning_rate 0.01 Learning rate for optimizer
dropout_rate 0.5 The dropout rate before output layer
optimizer Adagrad The optimizer for gradient descent


In addition, you can use regular parameters from Sacred (such as -m for logging the experiment to MongoDB).

pirank_deep.py only

Parameter Default Value Description
merge_block_size None Block size used if merging, None if not merging
top_k None Use a different Top-k for merging than final [email protected] for loss
straight_backprop False Backpropagate on scores only through NS operator
full_loss False Use the complete loss at the end of merge
tau_scheme None Which scheme to use for temperature going deeper (default: constant)
data_generator None Data generator (default: TFR\s libsvm); use this for synthetic generation
num_queries 30000 Number of queries for synthetic data generator
num_query_features 10 Number of columns used as factors for each query by synthetic data generator
actual_list_size None Size of actual list per query in synthetic data generation
train_path "/data/MSLR-WEB30K/Fold*/train.txt" Input file path used for training; alternatively value of seed if using data generator
vali_path "/data/MSLR-WEB30K/Fold*/vali.txt" Input file path used for validation; alternatively value of seed if using data generator
test_path "/data/MSLR-WEB30K/Fold*/test.txt" Input file path used for testing; alternatively value of seed if using data generator
with_opa True Include pairwise metric OPA


Run the benchmark experiment of section 4.1 with PiRank simple loss on MSLR-WEB30K

cd pirank
python3 pirank_simple.py with loss_fn=pirank_simple_loss \
    ndcg_k=10 \
    tau=5 \
    list_size=80 \
    hidden_layers=256,relu,256,relu,128,relu,64,relu \
    train_path=/data/MSLR-WEB30K/Fold1/train.txt \
    vali_path=/data/MSLR-WEB30K/Fold1/vali.txt \
    test_path=/data/MSLR-WEB30K/Fold1/test.txt \
    num_features=136 \
    optimizer=Adam \
    learning_rate=0.00001 \
    num_epochs=100 \
    batch_size=16 \

Run the benchmark experiment of section 4.1 with PiRank simple loss on Yahoo! C14

cd pirank
python3 pirank_simple.py with loss_fn=pirank_simple_loss \
    ndcg_k=10 \
    tau=5 \
    list_size=80 \
    hidden_layers=256,relu,256,relu,128,relu,64,relu \
    train_path=/data/YAHOO/set1.train.txt \
    vali_path=/data/YAHOO/set1.valid.txt \
    test_path=/data/YAHOO/set1.test.txt \
    num_features=700 \
    optimizer=Adam \
    learning_rate=0.00001 \
    num_epochs=100 \
    batch_size=16 \

Run the benchmark experiment of section 4.1 with classic LambdaRank on MSLR-WEB30K

cd pirank
python3 pirank_simple.py with loss_fn=lambda_rank_loss \
    ndcg_k=10 \
    tau=5 \
    list_size=80 \
    hidden_layers=256,relu,256,relu,128,relu,64,relu \
    train_path=/data/MSLR-WEB30K/Fold1/train.txt \
    vali_path=/data/MSLR-WEB30K/Fold1/vali.txt \
    test_path=/data/MSLR-WEB30K/Fold1/test.txt \
    num_features=136 \
    optimizer=Adam \
    learning_rate=0.00001 \
    num_epochs=100 \
    batch_size=16 \

Run the scaling ablation experiment of section 4.2.3 using synthetic data generation (d=2)

cd pirank
python3 pirank_deep.py with loss_fn=pirank_deep_loss \
    ndcg_k=10 \
    ste=True \
    merge_block_size=100 \
    tau=5 \
    taustar=1e-10 \
    tau_scheme=square \
    data_generator=synthetic_data_generator \
    actual_list_size=1000 \
    list_size=1000 \
    vali_list_size=1000 \
    test_list_size=1000 \
    full_loss=False \
    train_path=0 \
    vali_path=1 \
    test_path=2 \
    num_queries=1000 \
    num_features=25 \
    num_query_features=5 \
    hidden_layers=256,relu,256,relu,128,relu,128,relu,64,relu,64,relu \
    optimizer=Adam \
    learning_rate=0.00001 \
    num_epochs=100 \


If you need help, reach out to Robin Swezey or raise an issue.


If you find PiRank useful in your research, please consider citing the following paper:

title={PiRank: Learning to Rank via Differentiable Sorting},
author={Robin Swezey and Aditya Grover and Bruno Charron and Stefano Ermon},

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