Multi-scale discriminator feature-wise loss function

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Multi-Scale Discriminative Feature Loss

This repository provides code for Multi-Scale Discriminative Feature (MDF) loss for image reconstruction algorithms.


Central to the application of neural networks in image restoration problems, such as single image super resolution, is the choice of a loss function that encourages natural and perceptually pleasing results. We provide a lightweight feature extractor that outperforms state-of-the-art loss functions in single image super resolution, denoising, and JPEG artefact removal. We propose a novel Multi-Scale Discriminative Feature (MDF) loss comprising a series of discriminators, trained to penalize errors introduced by a generator. For further information please refer to the project webpage.


The code runs in Python3 and Pytorch.

First install the dependencies by running:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

To run a simple example, optimizing image pixels:

import torch as pt
import torch.optim as optim
import imageio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from torch.autograd import Variable

from mdfloss import MDFLoss

# Set parameters
cuda_available = False
epochs = 25
application = 'Denoising'
image_path = './misc/i10.png'

if application =='SISR':
    path_disc = "./weights/Ds_SISR.pth"
elif application == 'Denoising':
    path_disc = "./weights/Ds_Denoising.pth"
elif application == 'JPEG':
    path_disc = "./weights/Ds_JPEG.pth"

# Read reference images
imgr = imageio.imread(image_path)
imgr = pt.from_numpy(imageio.core.asarray(imgr/255.0))
imgr = imgr.type(dtype=pt.float64)
imgr = imgr.permute(2,0,1)
imgr = imgr.unsqueeze(0).type(pt.FloatTensor)

# Create a noisy image 
imgd = pt.rand(imgr.size())

if cuda_available:
    imgr = imgr.cuda()
    imgd = imgd.cuda()

# Convert images to variables to support gradients
imgrb = Variable( imgr, requires_grad = False)
imgdb = Variable( imgd, requires_grad = True)

optimizer = optim.Adam([imgdb], lr=0.1)

# Initialise the loss
criterion = MDFLoss(path_disc, cuda_available=cuda_available)

# Iterate over the epochs optimizing for the noisy image
for ii in range(0,epochs):
    loss = criterion(imgrb,imgdb) 
    print("Epoch: ",ii," loss: ", loss.item())


If using, please cite:

  title={Training a Better Loss Function for Image Restoration},
  author={Mustafa, Aamir and Mikhailiuk, Aliaksei and Iliescu, Dan Andrei and Babbar, Varun and Mantiuk, Rafal K},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.14616},


This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement N◦ 725253–EyeCode).

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