The code for our paper submitted to RAL/IROS 2022: OverlapTransformer: An Efficient and Rotation-Invariant Transformer Network for LiDAR-Based Place Recognition.



The code for our paper submitted to RAL/IROS 2022:

OverlapTransformer: An Efficient and Rotation-Invariant Transformer Network for LiDAR-Based Place Recognition. PDF

OverlapTransformer is a novel lightweight neural network exploiting the LiDAR range images to achieve fast execution with less than 4 ms per frame using python, less than 2 ms per frame using C++ in LiDAR similarity estimation. It is a newer version of our previous OverlapNet, which is faster and more accurate in LiDAR-based loop closure detection and place recognition.

Developed by Junyi Ma, Xieyuanli Chen and Jun Zhang.

Haomo Dataset

Fig. 1 An online demo for finding the top1 candidate with OverlapTransformer on sequence 1-1 (database) and 1-3 (query) of Haomo Dataset.

Fig. 2 Haomo Dataset which is collected by HAOMO.AI.

More details of Haomo Dataset can be found in dataset description (link).

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction and Haomo Dataset
  2. Publication
  3. Dependencies
  4. How to use
  5. License


If you use our implementation in your academic work, please cite the corresponding paper (PDF):

	author = {Junyi Ma and Jun Zhang and Jintao Xu and Rui Ai and Weihao Gu and Cyrill Stachniss and Xieyuanli Chen},
	title  = {{OverlapTransformer: An Efficient and Rotation-Invariant Transformer Network for LiDAR-Based Place Recognition}},
	journal = {arXiv preprint},
	eprint = {2203.03397},
	year = {2022}


We use pytorch-gpu for neural networks.

An nvidia GPU is needed for faster retrival. OverlapTransformer is also fast enough when using the neural network on CPU.

To use a GPU, first you need to install the nvidia driver and CUDA.

  • CUDA Installation guide: link
    We use CUDA 11.3 in our work. Other versions of CUDA are also supported but you should choose the corresponding torch version in the following Torch dependences.

  • System dependencies:

    sudo apt-get update 
    sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip python3-tk
    sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade pip
  • Torch dependences:
    Following this link, you can download Torch dependences by pip:

    pip3 install torch==1.10.2+cu113 torchvision==0.11.3+cu113 torchaudio==0.10.2+cu113 -f

    or by conda:

    conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
  • Other Python dependencies (may also work with different versions than mentioned in the requirements file):

    sudo -H pip3 install -r requirements.txt

How to use

We provide a training and test tutorials for KITTI sequences in this repository. The tutorials for Haomo dataset will be released together with Haomo dataset.

We recommend you follow our code and data structures as follows.

Code structure

├── config
│   ├── config_haomo.yml
│   └── config.yml
├── modules
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── test
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── test_results_haomo
│   │   └── predicted_des_L2_dis_bet_traj_forward.npz (to be generated)
│   └── test_results_kitti
│       └── predicted_des_L2_dis.npz (to be generated)
├── tools
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └── utils
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       └──
├── train
│   ├──
│   └──
├── valid
│   └──
├── visualize
│   ├── des_list.npy
│   └──
└── weights
    ├── pretrained_overlap_transformer_haomo.pth.tar
    └── pretrained_overlap_transformer.pth.tar

Dataset structure

In the file config.yaml, the parameters of data_root are described as follows:

  data_root_folder (KITTI sequences root) follows:
  ├── 00
  │   ├── depth_map
  │     ├── 000000.png
  │     ├── 000001.png
  │     ├── 000002.png
  │     ├── ...
  │   └── overlaps
  │     ├── train_set.npz
  ├── 01
  ├── 02
  ├── ...
  └── 10
  valid_scan_folder (KITTI sequence 02 velodyne) contains:
  ├── 000000.bin
  ├── 000001.bin

  gt_valid_folder (KITTI sequence 02 computed overlaps) contains:
  ├── 02
  │   ├── overlap_0.npy
  │   ├── overlap_10.npy

You need to download or generate the following files and put them in the right positions of the structure above:

  • You can find gt_valid_folder for sequence 02 here.
  • Since the whole KITTI sequences need a large memory, we recommend you generate range images such as 00/depth_map/000000.png by the preprocessing from Overlap_Localization or its C++ version, and we will not provide these images. Please note that in OverlapTransformer, the .png images are used instead of .npy files saved in Overlap_Localization.
  • More directly, you can generate .png range images by the script from OverlapNet updated by us.
  • overlaps folder of each sequence below data_root_folder is provided by the authors of OverlapNet here.

Quick Use

For a quick use, you could download our model pretrained on KITTI, and the following two files also should be downloaded :

Then you should modify demo1_config in the file config.yaml.

Run the demo by:

cd demo
python ./

You can see a query scan (000000.bin of KITTI 00) with a reprojected positive sample (000005.bin of KITTI 00) and a reprojected negative sample (000015.bin of KITTI 00), and the corresponding similarity.

Fig. 3 Demo for calculating overlap and similarity with our approach.


In the file config.yaml, training_seqs are set for the KITTI sequences used for training.

You can start the training with

cd train
python ./

You can resume from our pretrained model here for training.


Once a model has been trained , the performance of the network can be evaluated. Before testing, the parameters shoud be set in config.yaml

  • test_seqs: sequence number for evaluation which is "00" in our work.
  • test_weights: path of the pretrained model.
  • gt_file: path of the ground truth file provided by the author of OverlapNet, which can be downloaded here.

Therefore you can start the testing scripts as follows:

cd test

After you run, a file named predicted_des_L2_dis.npz is generated in test_results_kitti, which is used by python

For a quick test of the training and testing procedures, you could use our pretrained model.


Visualize evaluation on KITTI 00

Firstly, to visualize evaluation on KITTI 00 with search space, the follwoing three files should be downloaded:

and modify the paths in the file config.yaml. Then

cd visualize

Fig. 4 Evaluation on KITTI 00 with search space from SuMa++ (a semantic LiDAR SLAM method).

Visualize evaluation on Haomo challenge 1 (after Haomo dataset is released)

We also provide a visualization demo for Haomo dataset after Haomo dataset is released (Fig. 1). Please download the descriptors of database (sequence 1-1 of Haomo dataset) firstly and then:

cd visualize

C++ implemention

We provide a C++ implemention of OverlapTransformer with libtorch for faster retrival.

  • Please download .pt and put it in the OT_libtorch folder.
  • Before building, make sure that PCL exists in your environment.
  • Here we use LibTorch for CUDA 11.3 (Pre-cxx11 ABI). Please modify the path of Torch_DIR in CMakeLists.txt.
  • For more details of LibTorch installation , please check this website.
    Then you can generate a descriptor of 000000.bin of KITTI 00 by
cd OT_libtorch/ws
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake ..
make -j6

You can find our C++ OT can generate a decriptor with less than 2 ms per frame.


Copyright 2022, Junyi Ma, Xieyuanli Chen, Jun Zhang, HAOMO.AI Technology Co., Ltd., China.

This project is free software made available under the GPL v3.0 License. For details see the LICENSE file.

HAOMO.AI Technology Co., Ltd. (HAOMO.AI) is an artificial intelligence technology company dedicated to autonomous driving
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