System-oriented IR evaluations are limited to rather abstract understandings of real user behavior


Validating Simulations of User Query Variants

This repository contains the scripts of the experiments and evaluations, simulated queries, as well as the figures of:

Timo Breuer, Norbert Fuhr, and Philipp Schaer. 2022. Validating Simulations of User Query Variants. In Proceedings of the 44th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2022.

System-oriented IR evaluations are limited to rather abstract understandings of real user behavior. As a solution, simulating user interactions provides a cost-efficient way to support system-oriented experiments with more realistic directives when no interaction logs are available. While there are several user models for simulated clicks or result list interactions, very few attempts have been made towards query simulations, and it has not been investigated if these can reproduce properties of real queries. In this work, we validate simulated user query variants with the help of TREC test collections in reference to real user queries that were made for the corresponding topics. Besides, we introduce a simple yet effective method that gives better reproductions of real queries than the established methods. Our evaluation framework validates the simulations regarding the retrieval performance, reproducibility of topic score distributions, shared task utility, effort and effect, and query term similarity when compared with real user query variants. While the retrieval effectiveness and statistical properties of the topic score distributions as well as economic aspects are close to that of real queries, it is still challenging to simulate exact term matches and later query reformulations.

Directory overview

Directory Description
config/ Contains configuration files for the query simulations, experiments, and evaluations.
data/ Contains (intermediate) output data of the simulations and experiments as well as the figures of the paper.
eval/ Contains scripts of the experiments and evaluations.
sim/ Contains scripts of the query simulations.


  1. Install Anserini and index Core17 (The New York Times Annotated Corpus) according to the regression guide:
anserini/target/appassembler/bin/IndexCollection \
    -collection NewYorkTimesCollection \
    -input /path/to/core17/ \
    -index anserini/indexes/lucene-index.core17 \
    -generator DefaultLuceneDocumentGenerator \
    -threads 4 \
    -storePositions \
    -storeDocvectors \
    -storeRaw \
    -storeContents \
    > anserini/logs/log.core17 &
  1. Install the required Python packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Query simulation

In order to prepare the language models and simulate the queries, the scripts have to executed in the order shown in the following table. All of the outputs can be found in the data/ directory. For the sake of better code readability the names of the query reformulation strategies have been mapped: S1S1; S2S2; S2'S3; S3S4; S3'S5; S4S6; S4'S7; S4''S8. The names of the scripts and output files comply with this name mapping.

Script Description Output files
sim/ Make the background language model form all index terms of Core17. The background model is required for Controlled Query Generation (CQG) by Jordan et al. data/lm/background.csv
sim/ Make the CQG language models with different parameters of lambda from 0.0 to 1.0. data/lm/cqg.json
sim/ Simulate TTS and KIS queries with strategies S1 to S3' data/queries/s12345.csv
sim/ Simulate TTS and KIS queries with strategies S4 to S4'' data/queries/s678.csv

Experimental evaluation and results

In order to reproduce the experiments of the study, the scripts have to executed in the order shown in the following table.

Script Description Output files Reproduction of ...
eval/, eval/, eval/ Retrieval performance: Evaluate the Average Retrieval Performance (ARP). data/experimental_results/arp.csv, data/experimental_results/arp_first.csv, data/experimental_results/arp_max.csv Tab. A.1
eval/, eval/ Retrieval performance: Evaluate the Root-Mean-Square-Error (RMSE). data/experimental_results/rmse_map.csv, data/experimental_results/rmse_ndcg.csv, data/experimental_results/rmse_p1000.csv, data/experimental_results/rmse_uqv_vs_s12345_kis_ndcg.csv, data/experimental_results/rmse_uqv_vs_s12345_tts_ndcg.csv, data/figures/rmse_map.pdf, data/figures/rmse_ndcg.pdf, data/figures/rmse_p1000.pdf, data/figures/rmse_uqv_vs_s12345_kis_ndcg.pdf, data/figures/rmse_uqv_vs_s12345_tts_ndcg.pdf Fig. A.1, Fig. 1
eval/ Retrieval performance: Evaluate the p-values of paired t-tests. data/experimental_results/ttest.csv, data/figures/ttest.pdf Fig. A.2
eval/ Shared task utility: Evaluate Kendall's tau between relative system orderings. data/experimental_results/system_orderings.csv, data/figures/system_orderings.pdf Fig. 2 (left)
eval/ Effort and effect: Evaluate the Session Discounted Cumulative Gain (sDCG). data/experimental_results/sdcg_3queries.csv, data/experimental_results/sdcg_5queries.csv, data/experimental_results/sdcg_10queries.csv, data/figures/sdcg_3queries.pdf, data/figures/sdcg_5queries.pdf, data/figures/sdcg_10queries.pdf Fig. 3 (top)
eval/ Effort and effect: Evaluate tradeoffs between number of queries and browsing depth by isoquants. data/experimental_results/economic0.3.csv, data/experimental_results/economic0.4.csv, data/experimental_results/economic0.5.csv, data/figures/economic0.3.pdf, data/figures/economic0.4.pdf, data/figures/economic0.5.pdf Fig. 3 (bottom)
eval/ Query term similarity: Evaluate query term similarities. data/experimental_results/jacc.csv, data/figures/jacc.pdf Fig. 2 (right)
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