Repository for DCA0305, an undergraduate course about Machine Learning Workflows and Pipelines

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Machine Learningmlops

Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte

Technology Center

Department of Computer Engineering and Automation

Machine Learning Based Systems Design


  • 📚 Noah Gift, Alfredo Deza. Practical MLOps: Operationalizing Machine Learning Models [Link]
  • 📚 Chip Huyen. Designing Machine Learning Systems: An Iterative Process for Production-Ready Applications. [Link]
  • 📚 Hannes Hapke, Catherine Nelson. Building Machine Learning Pipelines. [Link]
  • 📚 Mariano Anaya. Clean Code in Python [Link]
  • 📚 Aurélien Géron. Hands on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow. [Link]
  • 🤜 Dataquest Academic Program [Link]
  • 😃 CS329S - ML Systems Design [Link]
  • 🎯 Machine Learning Operations [Link]


Week 01: Course Outline Open in PDF

  • Git and Version Control Open in Dataquest
    • You'll learn how to: a) organize your code using version control, b) resolve conflicts in version control, c) employ Git and Github to collaborate with others.
    • 👊 U1T1: guided project + getting a git repository.

Week 02: CLI fundamentals

  • Elements of the Command Line Open in Dataquest
    • You'll learn how to: a) employ the command line for Data Science, b) modify the behavior of commands with options, c) employ glob patterns and wildcards, d) define Important command line concepts, e) navigate he filesystem, f) manage users and permissions.
  • Text Processing in the Command Line Open in Dataquest
    • You'll learn how to: a) read and explore documentation, b) perform basic text processing, c) redirect and pipe output, d) inspect files, e) define different kinds of output, f) employ streams and file descriptors.
  • 🔠 U1T2: working with command line.

Week 03 - Clean Code Principles for Data Science and Machine Learning Open in PDF

  • Outline Open in Loom
  • Coding Best Practices Open in Loom
  • Writing Clean Code Open in Loom
  • Refactoring Code Open in Loom
  • Efficient Code Open in Loom
  • Documentation Open in Loom
  • Python Code Quality Authority (PCQA) - pycodestyle Open in Loom
  • PCQA - pylint Open in Loom
  • PCQA - autopep8 Open in Loom
  • PCQA - nbQA Open in Loom
  • ▶️ Hands on
    • 💾 Datasets [Link]
    • Writting Clean Code Jupyter
    • Exercise 01 Jupyter
    • Exercise 02 Jupyter
    • Exercise 03 Jupyter
    • Using pycodestyle Jupyter
    • Using pylint - script Python refactored script Python
    • Functions: Advanced - Best practices for writing functions Open in Dataquest

Week 04 Production Ready Code Open in PDF

  • Outline Open in Loom
  • Catching Errors Open in Loom
  • Testing and Data Science Open in Loom
  • A brief introduction about pytest Open in Loom
  • Logging Open in Loom
  • Case study: testing and logging Open in Loom
  • Model Drift Open in Loom
  • Hands on
    • Production ready code Jupyter
    • Data Visualization Fundamentals Open in Dataquest
      • You will learn how to: a) how to use data visualization to explore data and b) how and when to use the most common plots.
    • Storytelling Data Visualization and Information Design Open in Dataquest
      • You will learn how to: a) Create graphs using information design principles, b) create narrative data visualizations using Matplotlib, c) create visual patterns using Gestalt principles, d) control attention using pre-attentive attributes and e) employ Matplotlib's built-in styles.
Ivanovitch Silva
I'm an experimenter by design, and very interested in technologies related to Data Science & Machine Learning, Vehicles and Complex Networks.
Ivanovitch Silva
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