Informal Persian Universal Dependency Treebank

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Informal Persian Universal Dependency Treebank (iPerUDT)

Informal Persian Universal Dependency Treebank, consisting of 3000 sentences and 54,904 tokens, is an open source collection of colloquial informal texts from Persian blogs. The corpus is annotated in CoNLL-U format within the Universal Dependencies scheme (Nivre et al., 2020).

The following Course-grained Universal Dependencies parts of speech tags (UPOS), and fine-grained language-specific parts of speech tags (XPOS) are used in this treebank.

UPOS XPOS Description
ADJ ADJ Adjective
ADJ ADJ_CMPR Comparative adjective
ADJ ADJ_SUP Superlative adjective
ADV ADV Adverb
ADV ADV_I Adverb of interrogation
ADV ADV_LOC Adverb of location
ADV ADV_NEG Adverb of Negation
ADV ADV_TIME Adverb of time
ADP P Preposition
AUX V_AUX Auxiliary/copula verb
CCONJ CON Coordinating conjunction
DET DET Determiner
INTJ INTJ Interjection
NOUN N_PL Plural noun
NOUN N_SING Singular noun
NUM NUM Numeral
PART PART Differential object marker, focus marker, negative particle, question particle
PRON PRO Pronoun
PROPN PROPN Proper nouns (persons,locations, months, organizations, geopolitical entities)
PUNCT DELM Punctuation/delimiter
SCONJ CON Subordinating conjunction
VERB V_IMP Imperative verb
VERB V_PA Past tense verb
VERB V_PP Past participle
VERB V_PRS Present tense verb
VERB V_SUB subjunctive verb
X FW Foreign word

We used the Universal Dependencies annotation scheme which produces syntactic analyses of sentences in terms of the dependency structures of dependency grammar, determined by the relation between a head and its dependents. The syntactic annotation consists of 42 dependency relations, including 32 universal and 10 language-specific relations (marked by *).

Dependency relation Description
acl Clausal modifier of noun
acl:relcl* relative clause modifier
advcl Adverbial clause modifier
advmod Adverbial modifier
amod Adjectival modifier
appos Appositional modifier
aux Auxiliary
aux:pass Passive auxiliary
case Accusative marker/case marking
cc Coordination
cc:preconj* Preconjunction
ccomp Clausal complement
compound Compound
compound:lvc* Nominal/adjectival NVE in complex predicates
compound:prt* Particle NVE in complex predicates
compound:redup* Reduplicative words
compound:svc* Serial verb constructions
conj Conjunct
Cop Copula
det Determiner
det:predet* Predeterminer
discourse Discourse element
discourse:top/foc* Topic/focus marker
dislocated Dislocated elements
fixed Fixed multiword expressions
flat Flat multiword expressions
goeswith Goes with for poorly-edited words
nmod Nominal modifier
nmod:poss* Possessive/genitive modifier
nsubj Nominal subject
nsubj:pass Passive nominal subject
nummod Numeric modifier
mark Complementizer/marker
obj Object
obl Oblique
obl:arg* Oblique core argument
orphan Ellipsis constructions
parataxis Parataxis
punct Punctuation
root Root
vocative Vocative
xcomp Open clausal complement


Nivre, Joakim, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Filip Ginter, Jan Hajič, Christopher D. Manning, Sampo Pyysalo, Sebastian Schuster, Francis M. Tyers, and Dan Zeman. (2020). Universal dependencies v2: An evergrowing multilingual treebank collection. In Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 4027–4036.

Roya Kabiri
Computational Linguist
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