基于tensorflow 2.x的图片识别工具集
- 粗粒度场景图片分类
- 细粒度场景图片分类
- 其他场景图片分类
- 模型部署
- tensorflow serving本地推理和docker部署
- tensorRT
- onnx
- ...
- densenet系列
基于tensorflow 2.x的图片识别工具集
JAX: Autograd and XLA Quickstart | Transformations | Install guide | Neural net libraries | Change logs | Reference docs | Code search News: JAX tops
K-Adapter: Infusing Knowledge into Pre-Trained Models with Adapters This repository is the implementation of the paper "K-Adapter: Infusing Knowledge
Variable-Rate Deep Image Compression through Spatially-Adaptive Feature Transform This repository is the implementation of "Variable-Rate Deep Image C
Calibrate your listeners! Robust communication-based training for pragmatic speakers Rose E. Wang, Julia White, Jesse Mu, Noah D. Goodman Findings of
Towards General Purpose Vision Systems By Tanmay Gupta, Amita Kamath, Aniruddha Kembhavi, and Derek Hoiem Overview Welcome to the official code base f
DARDet PyTorch implementation of "DARDet: A Dense Anchor-free Rotated Object Detector in Aerial Images", [pdf]. Highlights: 1. We develop a new dense
3D Object Detection with Pointformer This repository contains the code for the paper 3D Object Detection with Pointformer (CVPR 2021) [arXiv]. This wo
Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions Project Page | Paper | Data Vincent Sitzmann*, Julien N. P. Martel*, Alexander W. B
SysIdentPy is a Python module for System Identification using NARMAX models built on top of numpy and is distributed under the 3-Clause BSD license. N
NeRV: Neural Representations for Videos (NeurIPS 2021) Project Page | Paper | UVG Data Hao Chen, Bo He, Hanyu Wang, Yixuan Ren, Ser-Nam Lim, Abhinav S
CTAB-GAN This is the official git paper CTAB-GAN: Effective Table Data Synthesizing. The paper is published on Asian Conference on Machine Learning (A
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PCA for dimensionality reduction combined with Kmeans Goal The Goal of this notebook is to apply a dimensionality reduction on a big dataset in order
UncertaintyAwareCycleConsistency This repository provides the building blocks and the API for the work presented in the NeurIPS'21 paper Robustness vi
Multi-modal Text Recognition Networks: Interactive Enhancements between Visual and Semantic Features | paper | Official PyTorch implementation for Mul
DAFormer: Improving Network Architectures and Training Strategies for Domain-Adaptive Semantic Segmentation [Arxiv] [Paper] As acquiring pixel-wise an
PyVideo Speakers A CLI that visualises repeat speakers from events listed in Not terribly efficient, but you know. Ins
Sample-specific Bayesian Networks A framework for estimating the structures and parameters of Bayesian networks (DAGs) at per-sample or per-patient re
megfile - Megvii FILE library Docs: megfile provides a silky operation experience with different backends (cu
Toontown House: Classic Toontown House Classic source that should just work. ❓ W