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460. LFU cache
2022-08-02 00:19:00 【Xiao Lu wants to brush the force and deduct the question】
请你为 最不经常使用(LFU)缓存算法设计并实现数据结构.
实现 LFUCache 类:
LFUCache(int capacity) - 用数据结构的容量 capacity 初始化对象
int get(int key) - 如果键 key 存在于缓存中,则获取键的值,否则返回 -1 .
void put(int key, int value) - 如果键 key 已存在,则变更其值;如果键不存在,请插入键值对.当缓存达到其容量 capacity 时,则应该在插入新项之前,移除最不经常使用的项.在此问题中,当存在平局(即两个或更多个键具有相同使用频率)时,应该去除 最近最久未使用 的键.
为了确定最不常使用的键,可以为缓存中的每个键维护一个 使用计数器 .使用计数最小的键是最久未使用的键.
当一个键首次插入到缓存中时,它的使用计数器被设置为 1 (由于 put 操作).对缓存中的键执行 get 或 put 操作,使用计数器的值将会递增.
函数 get 和 put 必须以 O(1) 的平均时间复杂度运行.
LFUWord frequency is the first authority,The one with the same word frequency will be deleted earlier
当Cache满的时候,When new data comes in,删除策略:
If there is only one word with the smallest frequency, 删除即可
If there are more than one word with the smallest frequency,Delete the record farthest from your action
Removed elements once out of the structure,Enter the structure next time,The count restarts without historical accumulation
Cout the structure,Recalculate the word frequency next time
In which bucket the node is placed
Node:双向链表结构, last, next指针
词频桶:One bucket per word frequency,Two-dimensional doubly linked list structure,有一个头, 有一个尾,
Pointer inside the barrel:双向链表连接,There is also a doubly linked list connection between buckets
Two-dimensional bucket structure,支持动态添加删除,It needs to be deleted when there is no data in the bucket
有一张Map表: Key跟Node对应的, (Key, Node)
Map表:a certain section The corresponding table of which bucket the point is in,(Node,The memory address of the bucket)
When a node is split from a bucket, see if there is a next bucket,If there is no next bucket,需要新建
Or the word frequency of the next bucket is not the word frequency of the current bucket+1,也需要新建
Every adjustment is0(1),Because there is no traversal
当Cache容量满了,When new data is added,Delete the topmost one of the topmost bucket-条记录
Data structure implementation description:
First all buckets are a doubly linked list,There is a head barrel, A tail barrel
其次,A barrel has a head point inside a tail point 任何一个节点(包括头,尾点)When separated from the barrel,It is necessary to ensure that the pointers of the head and tail in this small bucket are correct,If the data is separated,If the current bucket has no data, it needs to be deleted
And after the current bucket is deleted,The head pointer and tail pointer of the entire bucket sequence also need to be adjusted correctly
public class LFUCache {
public LFUCache(int K) {
capacity = K;
size = 0;
records = new HashMap<>();
heads = new HashMap<>();
headList = null;
private int capacity; // 缓存的大小限制,即K
private int size; // 缓存目前有多少个节点
private HashMap<Integer, Node> records;// 表示key(Integer)由哪个节点(Node)代表
private HashMap<Node, NodeList> heads; // 表示节点(Node)在哪个桶(NodeList)里
private NodeList headList; // 整个结构中位于最左的桶
// 节点的数据结构
public static class Node {
public Integer key;
public Integer value;
public Integer times; // 这个节点发生get或者set的次数总和
public Node up; // 节点之间是双向链表所以有上一个节点
public Node down;// 节点之间是双向链表所以有下一个节点
public Node(int k, int v, int t) {
key = k;
value = v;
times = t;
// 桶结构
public static class NodeList {
public Node head; // 桶的头节点
public Node tail; // 桶的尾节点
public NodeList last; // 桶之间是双向链表所以有前一个桶
public NodeList next; // 桶之间是双向链表所以有后一个桶
public NodeList(Node node) {
head = node;
tail = node;
// 把一个新的节点加入这个桶,新的节点都放在顶端变成新的头部
public void addNodeFromHead(Node newHead) {
newHead.down = head;
head.up = newHead;
head = newHead;
// 判断这个桶是不是空的
public boolean isEmpty() {
return head == null;
// 删除node节点并保证node的上下环境重新连接
public void deleteNode(Node node) {
if (head == tail) {
head = null;
tail = null;
} else {
if (node == head) {
head = node.down;
head.up = null;
} else if (node == tail) {
tail = node.up;
tail.down = null;
} else {
node.up.down = node.down;
node.down.up = node.up;
node.up = null;
node.down = null;
// removeNodeList:刚刚减少了一个节点的桶
// 这个函数的功能是,判断刚刚减少了一个节点的桶是不是已经空了.
// 1)如果不空,什么也不做
// 2)如果空了,removeNodeList还是整个缓存结构最左的桶(headList).
// 删掉这个桶的同时也要让最左的桶变成removeNodeList的下一个.
// 3)如果空了,removeNodeList不是整个缓存结构最左的桶(headList).
// 把这个桶删除,并保证上一个的桶和下一个桶之间还是双向链表的连接方式
// 函数的返回值表示刚刚减少了一个节点的桶是不是已经空了,空了返回true;不空返回false
private boolean modifyHeadList(NodeList removeNodeList) {
if (removeNodeList.isEmpty()) {
if (headList == removeNodeList) {
headList = removeNodeList.next;
if (headList != null) {
headList.last = null;
} else {
removeNodeList.last.next = removeNodeList.next;
if (removeNodeList.next != null) {
removeNodeList.next.last = removeNodeList.last;
return true;
return false;
// 函数的功能
// node这个节点的次数+1了,这个节点原来在oldNodeList里.
// 把node从oldNodeList删掉,然后放到次数+1的桶中
// 整个过程既要保证桶之间仍然是双向链表,也要保证节点之间仍然是双向链表
private void move(Node node, NodeList oldNodeList) {
// preList表示次数+1的桶的前一个桶是谁
// 如果oldNodeList删掉node之后还有节点,oldNodeList就是次数+1的桶的前一个桶
// 如果oldNodeList删掉node之后空了,oldNodeList是需要删除的,所以次数+1的桶的前一个桶,是oldNodeList的前一个
NodeList preList = modifyHeadList(oldNodeList) ? oldNodeList.last : oldNodeList;
// nextList表示次数+1的桶的后一个桶是谁
NodeList nextList = oldNodeList.next;
if (nextList == null) {
NodeList newList = new NodeList(node);
if (preList != null) {
preList.next = newList;
newList.last = preList;
if (headList == null) {
headList = newList;
heads.put(node, newList);
} else {
if (nextList.head.times.equals(node.times)) {
heads.put(node, nextList);
} else {
NodeList newList = new NodeList(node);
if (preList != null) {
preList.next = newList;
newList.last = preList;
newList.next = nextList;
nextList.last = newList;
if (headList == nextList) {
headList = newList;
heads.put(node, newList);
public void put(int key, int value) {
if (capacity == 0) {
if (records.containsKey(key)) {
Node node = records.get(key);
node.value = value;
NodeList curNodeList = heads.get(node);
move(node, curNodeList);
} else {
if (size == capacity) {
Node node = headList.tail;
Node node = new Node(key, value, 1);
if (headList == null) {
headList = new NodeList(node);
} else {
if (headList.head.times.equals(node.times)) {
} else {
NodeList newList = new NodeList(node);
newList.next = headList;
headList.last = newList;
headList = newList;
records.put(key, node);
heads.put(node, headList);
public int get(int key) {
if (!records.containsKey(key)) {
return -1;
Node node = records.get(key);
NodeList curNodeList = heads.get(node);
move(node, curNodeList);
return node.value;
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