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What is the interval in gatk4??

2022-07-07 07:45:00 qq_ twenty-one million four hundred and seventy-eight thousand

With gatk Mutect2 For example

--intervals,-L <String>       One or more genomic intervals over which to operate  This argument may be specified 0 or more times. Default value: null. 

-L exome_autoXYM.intervals 

intervals In the end is what ? yes bed? yes Picard.interval_list? yes VCF files?

This article solves this problem in detail .

Interval lists define subsets of genomic regions, sometimes even just individual positions in the genome. You can provide GATK tools with intervals or lists of intervals when you want to restrict them to operating on a subset of genomic regions. There are four main types of reasons for doing so:

  • You want to run a quick test on a subset of data (often used in troubleshooting)
  • You want to parallelize execution of an analysis across genomic regions
  • You need to e

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