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Pay close attention to the work of safety production and make every effort to ensure the safety of people's lives and property

2022-07-07 13:06:00 Guangdong news

Wang Weizhong attended the provincial safety production teleconference

Pay close attention to the work of safety production   Make every effort to ensure the safety of people's lives and property

Ocean net news 7 month 6 Japan , The provincial government held a provincial teleconference on work safety , Taokai Provincial Leading Group Meeting on special rectification of self built housing safety ,深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于 Security production Work 的重要论述 and 对 guangdong 重要讲话精神, According to the work requirements of the provincial Party committee , Adhere to overall development and security , Analyze and judge the current safety production situation , Do a good job in safety production , Especially the special rectification of the safety of self built houses 、 Restudy the safety screening of urban gas 、 Redeployment . Governor 、 Wang Weizhong, director of the provincial safety committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech .

Wang Weizhong pointed out , All places 、 Various departments 、各单位要认真学习贯彻落实习近平总书记关于“ The epidemic should be prevented 、 The economy should be stable 、 Development should be safe ” The important directive spirit of , Improve the political position , Upholding the people first 、 Life is supreme , Always tighten the string of safety production , With “ Always feel at ease ” Sense of responsibility , Make every effort to pay close attention to the work of safety production . We must resolutely fight a tough battle for the special rectification of the safety of self built houses , Carry out safety hazard investigation of self built commercial houses in full coverage , Establish digital rectification account , Compaction territorial management responsibility 、 Industry supervision responsibilities and property owners 、 Users 、 Main responsibility of the manager , Effectively rectify hidden dangers , Accelerate the establishment of a housing life cycle management system , Resolutely eliminate potential safety hazards , Ensure the safety of people's lives . We should concentrate our efforts on the investigation and rectification of urban gas safety , Focus on gas planning 、 Building 、 business 、 Store 、 Filling 、 transport 、 Use, etc , Carry out thorough investigation and rectification of the whole chain ; Accelerate the promotion of gas projects 、 Safety assessment, transformation and upgrading of station facilities , Hold on right 2000 Renovate the old gas pipeline built before . Based on flood prevention 、 Major insurance 、 Save the disaster , Strengthen the control of heavy rainfall 、 Refined forecast of thunderstorm and gale , Pay close attention to water conservancy projects 、 Municipal Engineering 、 Patrol and troubleshooting of hidden danger points of geological disasters and hidden danger treatment , Carefully carry out personnel transfer in hazardous areas ; Resolutely implement typhoon prevention “ Six percent ” requirement , Make sure the ship returns to port 、 People go ashore .

Wang Weizhong stressed , We should conscientiously implement the national and provincial policies “ A game of chess ” Emergency response and “ four ” Emergency response mechanism , Strengthen safety production supervision in key areas , Resolutely prevent and curb the occurrence of major accidents . We should pay close attention to the safety prevention of dangerous chemicals , Further promote large oil and gas storage bases 、 Chemical industry park 、 Special treatment of safety in oil and gas pipelines and other fields . We should normalize the regulation of road traffic safety system , Focus on rural areas “ Double violation ”、 Driving without a license 、 Overloading and overcrowding and other prominent illegal acts , To strengthen “ 3 without ” Ship regulation . We should further promote the safety rectification of key construction projects , Strengthen the safety management of dangerous large projects and special operations . We should solidly carry out special rectification of work safety in the industry and trade industry , Resolutely eliminate flammable and explosive risk points . We should comprehensively investigate the wholesale market 、 High rise building 、 Old community 、 renting house 、 Fire hazards in key places involving epidemic diseases , Strict precautions “ Small fire kills people ” And various fire accidents .

Wang Weizhong stressed , All places 、 Various departments 、 All units should strengthen organizational leadership , Layer by layer compaction responsibility , Strictly implement “ Both the party and the government are responsible for 、 One post, two responsibilities ” and “ Management industry must manage safety 、 To manage business, we must manage security 、 To manage production and operation, we must manage safety ” requirement , Ensure that all measures for safety production are implemented in place , To ensure the safety of people's lives and property , Maintaining the overall social stability , Greet the victory of the 20th CPC National Congress with practical actions .

Provincial leader Zhang Hu 、 Wang Zhizhong attended the meeting .

( Wu Zhe 、 Li Fengxiang 、 The letter )


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