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Data transfer at the data link layer
2022-08-02 01:55:00 【Ysming88】
Why set up the data link layer
- 物理层的线路有传输介质与通信设备组成,Errors are bound to exist when a bitstream is transmitted over a transmission medium,The purpose of setting the data link layer is to be based on the physical layer with errors,采用差错检测,差错控制和流量控制等方法,Retrofit error-prone physical lines into error-free data links,向网络层提供高质量的数据传输服务.
- 对于网络层,Due to the existence of the data link layer,The network layer does not need to know which transmission medium and communication device the physical layer uses,It is an analog communication method,Still using digital communication methods.As long as the interface relationship and function remain unchanged,Changes in the transmission medium and communication equipment used by the physical layer will not affect the network layer.
The main function of the data link
- 如何将数据组合成数据块(在数据链路层中将这种数据块称为帧,帧是数据链路层的传送单位);
- 在两个网路实体之间提供数据链路通路的建立、维持和释放管理;
- 如何控制帧在物理信道上的传输,包括如何处理传输差错,如何调节发送速率以使之与接收方相匹配.
These functions are embodied in the following aspects.
1. 封装成帧
In order to provide services to the network layer,数据链路层必须使用物理层提供的服务.And the physical layer we know,It is transmitted as a bit stream,This bitstream does not guarantee error-free data transmission,The number of bits received may be less than、Equal to or more than the number of bits sent.And they may also have different values,这时In order to realize the effective error control of data, the data link layer,就采用了一种“帧”的数据块进行传输.Instead, it is transmitted in frame format,There must be a corresponding帧同步技术,这就是数据链路层的“封装成帧”(也称为“帧同步”)功能.
- 封装成帧(framing):就是在一段数据的前后分别添加首部和尾部,这样就构成了一个帧.Frame sync refers to:接收端在收到物理层上交的比特流后,就能根据首部和尾部的标记,从收到的比特流中识别帧的开始和结束.
为了提高帧的传输效率,应当使帧的数据部分长度尽可能大于首部和尾部的长度.但是,每一种链路层协议都规定了帧的数据部分的长度上限——最大传送单元MTU(Maximum Transfer Unit).
当数据是由可打印的ASCII码组成的文本文件时,帧定界可以使用特殊的帧定界符.控制字符SOH(Start Of Header)放在一帧的最前面,表示帧的首部开始.另一个控制字符EOT(End Of Transmission)表示帧的结束.他们的十六进制编码分别是01(二进制是00000001)和04(二进制是00000100).
The advantage of using the frame transmission method is:
在发现有数据传送错误时,只需将有差错的帧再次传送,而不需要将全部数据的比特流进行重传,这就在传送效率上将大大提高.但随后很快又恢复正常,于是重新从头开始发送刚才未发送完的帧.由于使用了帧定界符,The receiving end knows that the previously received data is an incomplete frame(只有首部SOH,There is no transfer terminatorEOT),必须丢弃.The data received later has a clear frame delimiter(SOH和EOT),因此这是一个完整的帧,应当收下.
But it also brings two problems:(1)如何识别帧的开始与结束;(2)in a data frame with retransmissions,接收方在接收到重传的数据帧时是识别成新的数据帧,还是识别成已传帧的重传帧呢?这就要靠数据链路层的各种“帧同步”技术来识别了.“帧同步”The technology can either enable the receiver to get from the above bit stream that is not completely ordered
2. 透明传输
It is mentioned above when transparent transmission and encapsulation into framing are implemented at the data link layer,Escape characters are used.Let's analyze the problem under the assumption that escape characters are not used:
- 由于帧的开始和结束的标记是使用专门指明的控制字符,因此,所传输的数据中的任何8比特的组合一定不允许和用作帧定界的控制字符的比特编码一样,否则就会出现帧定界的错误.
- 当传送的帧使用文本文件组成的帧时(文本文件中的字符都是从键盘上输入的),其数据部分显然不会出现像SOH或EOT这样的帧定界控制字符.可见不管从键盘上输入什么字符都可以放在这样的帧中传输过去,因此这样的传输就是透明传输.
问题分析:为了解决透明传输的问题,就必须设法使数据中可能出现的控制字符“SOH”和“EOT”Not parsed as a control character on the receiving end.
解决方法:发送端的数据链路层在数据中出现控制字符”SOH”和”EOT”的前面插入一个转义字符”ESC”(其十六进制编码是1B).而在接收端的数据链路层在将数据送往网络层之前删除这个插入的转义字符.这种方法称为字节填充(byte stuffing)或字符填充(character stuffing).如果转义字符也出现在数据当中,那么解决方法仍然是在转义字符的前面插入一个转义字符.因此,当接收端收到连续的两个转义字符时,就删除其中前面的一个.
3. 差错检测
传输差错:可分为两大类,One class is the most basic比特差错,另一类就是收到的帧并没有出现比特错误,但却出现了帧丢失、帧重复或帧失序.
- 比特差错:就是比特在传输过程中可能会产生差错,即1可能会变成0,0可能会变成1.比特差错是传输差错中的一种.
- three frame errors:[#1]-[#2]-[#3],Suppose that what is received at the receiving end is possible:
(3)帧失序:收到[#1]-[#3]-[#2](The frames sent later instead arrive at the receiver first,This is not the same as the general data link layer transport concept).
误码率BER(Bit Error Rate):就是在一段时间内,传输错误的比特占所传输比特总数的比率.例如,误码率为10 ^ (-10)时,Indicates the average per transfer10^10A single bit error occurs.误码率与信噪比有很大的关系,If the signal-to-noise ratio is increased,就可以使误码率减小.
解决方法:目前在数据链路层广泛使用了循环冗余检验CRC(Cyclic Redundancy Check)的检测技术.
检错码:The packet contains only enough redundant information for the receiver to detect the error,The receiver can detect the error,But not sure which bit is wrong,And cannot correct transmission errors by itself
There are two types of error detection codes,Parity Check Code and Cyclic Redundancy Coding,Cyclic redundancy coding is a widely used error detection code method,It has strong error detection ability,实现容易.
The data link layer protocols widely used in the Internet are not suitable for acknowledgment and retransmission mechanisms,That is, the data link layer is not required to provide reliable transmission services to the upper layer(Because the price to pay is too high,不合算).If an error occurs while transmitting data at the data link layer and needs to be corrected,那么改正差错的任务就由上层协议(如,运输层TCP协议)来完成.实验证明,这样可以提高通信效率.
The LAN divides the data link layer into two sublayers:LLC子层(逻辑链路控制)和MAC子层(介质访问控制)
(1) LLCas a sublayer of the data link layer,使用MACServices provided by the sublayer,By and peer entitiesLLCThe interaction of the sublayer provides services to its upper network layer.
(2) MACSublayers are network entities used to implement media access control.MACThe main functions of the sublayer include the encapsulation of data frames/拆封、帧的寻址与识别、帧的接收与发送、链路的管理、Frame error control andMACProtocol maintenance and addressing, etc.
MACAddressing This is in the data link layerMACThe main function of the sublayer.这里所说的“寻址”与“IP地址寻址”是完全不一样的,Because the address you are looking for here is that of the computer's network cardMAC地址,也称“物理地址”、“硬件地址”,而不是IP地址.在以太网中,Adopt media access control(Media Access Control, MAC)地址进行寻址,MACAddresses are burned into each ethernet card.This is very necessary in the case of multipoint connections,Because in this multi-point connection network communication,It must be ensured that each frame can be delivered to the correct address accurately,The receiver should also know which station the sender is.
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