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Technical debt is a lack of real understanding of business functions- daverupert.com
2020-11-07 20:12:00 【On jdon】
When developing an application for a long time , We're doing it by constantly adding features , But it has never been reorganized to reflect our understanding of these functions , In the end, the program will not contain any understanding at all , So the effort to continue working on it will take longer and longer .
Knowledge management is so important in an organization , But they rarely go through key restructuring steps to reflect current understanding .
Large scale refactoring is needed when necessary . If the turnover of the organization is large enough or the functions in the product are increasing , So rewriting is the best choice , So your team has an overall understanding of the code . You can't expect people to implement incomprehensible requirements in busy programming , Or improve productivity in the legacy code of people who have left .
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