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Qstype implementation of self drawing interface project practice (II)
2022-07-02 17:11:00 【Jingchu idlers】
1. Preface
QT The link to the self - drawing technology series is as follows :
- 《QStyle Class Usage Summary ( One )》. Yes Qt Simple description of custom style , Yes QStyle And its related classes .
- 《QStyle Class Usage Summary ( Two )》. Yes QStyle And its related classes are described in detail .
- 《QStyle Class Usage Summary ( 3、 ... and )》. Yes QStyle Each of widget The hierarchical inheritance tree of elements is described in detail .
- 《QProxyStyle Brief introduction to usage 》. By a simple example , Demonstrated QProxyStyle Class usage .
- 《QStyle Realize the actual combat of self drawing interface project ( One )》 Understand the contents mentioned in the previous articles through the project practice , understand QStyle And the working mechanism of its subclasses in self drawing .
- 《QStyle Realize the actual combat of self drawing interface project ( Two )》 Understand the contents mentioned in the previous articles through the project practice , understand QStyle And the working mechanism of its subclasses in self drawing .
Before reading this article , Please read the related articles listed above first , Otherwise, there is no self drawing foundation , It is difficult to read this article .
2. Project description
Qt Bring your own example affine Medium ArthurStyle Class inherits from QCommonStyle, It realizes the function of drawing custom form parts , It is a good example of learning custom controls .
The storage path of the project is :Examples\Qt-XX.XX.XX\widgets\painting\affine
among XX.XX.XX by Qt Version number of , Such as :5.14.1. About the project and self drawing 、QStyle For analysis of irrelevant technical knowledge points, see 《Qt Examples And affine Engineering difficulties 、 Highlights summary 》 post , This blog only talks about the project and self drawing 、QStyle Relevant technical points .
3. Engineering analysis
This project is self drawn in arthurstyle.cpp File by ArthurStyle Class implements the .ArthurStyle Class member functions use PE_、CC_、SE_、PM_、CT_、SC_、CE_、 Identifier at the beginning , What do these identifiers mean , And draw the function of the component element represented by these identifiers drawPrimitive、drawComplexControl、drawControl Usage and meaning , Please refer to :《QStyle Class Usage Summary ( Two )》、《QStyle Class Usage Summary ( 3、 ... and )》 And Qt Assist, If you don't understand the meaning of these identifiers , It's hard to understand how self painting is achieved .
3.1.drawPrimitive function
drawPrimitive Function is used to draw graphic elements , That is, a certain one. widget Some part of , Such as :spin box Up and down arrow elements in . With PE_ The graphic elements represented by the beginning identifier are drawn by this function .
3.1.1.case Sentence of PE_IndicatorRadioButton
Qt Assist Yes PE_IndicatorRadioButton Explain the following :
It can be understood as : This identifier represents the small circle on the left of the radio button for checking and the surrounding rectangle outside the small circle . The logo is located case The statement is as follows :
case PE_IndicatorRadioButton:
if (const QStyleOptionButton *button = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionButton *>(option)) {
bool hover = (button->state & State_Enabled) && (button->state & State_MouseOver);
QPixmap radio;
if (hover)
drawHoverRect(painter, widget->rect());
if (button->state & State_Sunken)
radio = cached(":res/images/radiobutton-on.png");
else if (button->state & State_On)
radio = cached(":res/images/radiobutton_on.png");
radio = cached(":res/images/radiobutton_off.png");
painter->drawPixmap(button->rect.topLeft(), radio);
The first 2 That's ok : The program can enter PE_IndicatorRadioButton Where case sentence , The form part must be QRadioButton Type button . The following will option adopt qstyleoption_cast Cast to QStyleOptionButton, Because the form part at this time must be a button type , This transformation is sure to succeed .
The first 3 That's ok : If the radio button is available and the mouse is on the radio button , Call drawHoverRect function .drawHoverRect Function to draw the rounded rectangle when the mouse is on the radio button , So that users can visually perceive that the mouse is really floating on the radio box , That is, the following red box effect :
chart 1
Be careful : Pass to drawHoverRect The function of the first 2 Parameters should be widget->rect() That is, the rectangle occupied by the entire radio button , instead of button->rect or option->rect, The latter only represents the small circle on the left of the radio button for checking and the surrounding rectangle outside the small circle , That is, the rectangle represented by the red box below is not the rectangle occupied by the entire radio button :
chart 2
If drawHoverRect The function of the first 2 The rectangle of parameters is wrong , There will be no figure 1 Visual impact effect of mouse suspension .
The first 9~10 That's ok : When the mouse is pressed on the radio button , use radiobutton-on.png Pictures make up QPixmap Object passing drawPixmap Function drawing to graph 2 On the rectangle shown , To show the visual impact of the radio button being pressed .
The first 11~12 That's ok : When the radio button is checked , use radiobutton_on.png Pictures make up QPixmap Object passing drawPixmap Function drawing to graph 2 On the rectangle shown , To show the visual impact of the ticked radio button .
The first 13~14 That's ok : When the radio button is neither checked nor pressed , use radiobutton_off Pictures make up QPixmap Object passing drawPixmap Function drawing to graph 2 On the rectangle shown , To present the visual impact that the radio button is neither checked nor pressed .
3.1.2.case Sentence of PE_PanelButtonCommand
Qt Assist Yes PE_PanelButtonCommand Explain the following :
chart 3
combining 《QStyle Class Usage Summary ( 3、 ... and )》 post 2.2.1 Section pair push button Description of , Actually PE_PanelButtonCommand It can be simply understood as just a QPushButton Type button , The logo is located case The statement is as follows :
if (const QStyleOptionButton *button = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionButton *>(option)) {
bool hover = (button->state & State_Enabled) && (button->state & State_MouseOver);
const QPushButton *pushButton = qobject_cast<const QPushButton *>(widget);
QWidget *parent = pushButton->parentWidget();
if (parent && qobject_cast<QGroupBox *>(parent)) {
QLinearGradient lg(0, 0, 0, parent->height());
lg.setColorAt(0, QColor(224,224,224));
lg.setColorAt(1, QColor(255,255,255));
bool down = (button->state & State_Sunken) || (button->state & State_On);
QPixmap left, right, mid;
if (down) {
left = cached(":res/images/button_pressed_cap_left.png");
right = cached(":res/images/button_pressed_cap_right.png");
mid = cached(":res/images/button_pressed_stretch.png");
} else {
left = cached(":res/images/button_normal_cap_left.png");
right = cached(":res/images/button_normal_cap_right.png");
mid = cached(":res/images/button_normal_stretch.png");
painter->drawPixmap(button->rect.topLeft(), left);
painter->drawTiledPixmap(QRect(button->rect.x() + left.width(),
button->rect.width() - left.width() - right.width(),
painter->drawPixmap(button->rect.x() + button->rect.width() - right.width(),
if (hover)
painter->fillRect(widget->rect().adjusted(3,5,-3,-5), QColor(31,127,31,63));
The first 1 That's ok : The program can enter PE_PanelButtonCommand Where case sentence , The form part must be QPushButton Type button . The following will option adopt qstyleoption_cast Cast to QStyleOptionButton, Because the form part at this time must be a button type , This transformation is sure to succeed .
The first 2 That's ok : If the button is available and the mouse is on the button , be hover by true, Otherwise false.
The first 5~16 That's ok : Find the parent control of the button through the button , That is, outside the button QGroupBox, Create a gradient brush to fill the rectangle surrounding the button button->rect. Be careful :button->rect The coordinate is relative to its father QGroupBox Speaking of , namely
button->rect In order to QGroupBox Based on the coordinate system of , Therefore, you need to pass the following code :
The default coordinate origin of the brush ( The default value is based on the button coordinate system , And at the top left vertex of the button (0,0) It's about ) Turn to QGroupBox The origin of the brush coordinates in the coordinate system of .
The first 19~39 That's ok : First judge whether the button is pressed or checked , Depending on whether you press or not , Set different button maps . And then call drawPixmap Paste the map on the left and right parts of the button , call drawTiledPixmap Function to map the middle part of the button .
The first 40~41 That's ok : According to the first 2 Line determines whether the mouse hovers over the button , If it is suspended , Call fillRect function , Pass in QColor(31,127,31,63) Draw rectangle with brush , Because the color is different from that without suspension , In this way, users can have a visual impact .
3.1.3.case Sentence of PE_FrameGroupBox
Qt Assist Yes PE_FrameGroupBox Explain the following :
chart 4
combining 《QStyle Class Usage Summary ( 3、 ... and )》 post 2.2.9 Section pair Group Box Description of , Actually PE_FrameGroupBox Namely Group Box The outermost border of the panel . The logo is located case The statement is as follows :
if (const QStyleOptionFrame *group
= qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionFrame *>(option)) {
const QRect &r = group->rect;
int radius = 14;
int radius2 = radius*2;
QPainterPath clipPath;
clipPath.moveTo(radius, 0);
clipPath.arcTo(r.right() - radius2, 0, radius2, radius2, 90, -90);
clipPath.arcTo(r.right() - radius2, r.bottom() - radius2, radius2, radius2, 0, -90);
clipPath.arcTo(r.left(), r.bottom() - radius2, radius2, radius2, 270, -90);
clipPath.arcTo(r.left(), r.top(), radius2, radius2, 180, -90);
QPixmap titleStretch = cached(":res/images/title_stretch.png");
QPixmap topLeft = cached(":res/images/groupframe_topleft.png");
QPixmap topRight = cached(":res/images/groupframe_topright.png");
QPixmap bottomLeft = cached(":res/images/groupframe_bottom_left.png");
QPixmap bottomRight = cached(":res/images/groupframe_bottom_right.png");
QPixmap leftStretch = cached(":res/images/groupframe_left_stretch.png");
QPixmap topStretch = cached(":res/images/groupframe_top_stretch.png");
QPixmap rightStretch = cached(":res/images/groupframe_right_stretch.png");
QPixmap bottomStretch = cached(":res/images/groupframe_bottom_stretch.png");
QLinearGradient lg(0, 0, 0, r.height());
lg.setColorAt(0, QColor(224,224,224));
lg.setColorAt(1, QColor(255,255,255));
painter->drawRect(r.adjusted(0, titleStretch.height()/2, 0, 0));
int topFrameOffset = titleStretch.height()/2 - 2;
painter->drawPixmap(r.topLeft() + QPoint(0, topFrameOffset), topLeft);
painter->drawPixmap(r.topRight() - QPoint(topRight.width()-1, 0)
+ QPoint(0, topFrameOffset), topRight);
painter->drawPixmap(r.bottomLeft() - QPoint(0, bottomLeft.height()-1), bottomLeft);
painter->drawPixmap(r.bottomRight() - QPoint(bottomRight.width()-1,
bottomRight.height()-1), bottomRight);
QRect left = r;
left.setY(r.y() + topLeft.height() + topFrameOffset);
left.setHeight(r.height() - topLeft.height() - bottomLeft.height() - topFrameOffset);
painter->drawTiledPixmap(left, leftStretch);
QRect top = r;
top.setX(r.x() + topLeft.width());
top.setY(r.y() + topFrameOffset);
top.setWidth(r.width() - topLeft.width() - topRight.width());
painter->drawTiledPixmap(top, topStretch);
QRect right = r;
right.setX(r.right() - rightStretch.width()+1);
right.setY(r.y() + topRight.height() + topFrameOffset);
right.setHeight(r.height() - topRight.height()
- bottomRight.height() - topFrameOffset);
painter->drawTiledPixmap(right, rightStretch);
QRect bottom = r;
bottom.setX(r.x() + bottomLeft.width());
bottom.setY(r.bottom() - bottomStretch.height()+1);
bottom.setWidth(r.width() - bottomLeft.width() - bottomRight.width());
painter->drawTiledPixmap(bottom, bottomStretch);
The first 1 That's ok : The program can enter PE_FrameGroupBox Where case sentence , The form part must be PE_FrameGroupBox Group box border element of type . The following will option adopt qstyleoption_cast Cast to QStyleOptionFrame, Because the group box has a border , This transformation is sure to succeed .
The first 6~14 That's ok : Build a rectangle with rounded corners QPainterPath Drawing path class object clipPath, And set the crop region to clipPath, such GroupBox The outer border looks like a rounded rectangle .
The first 24~29 That's ok : take GroupBox Occupy the surrounding rectangle with a gradient brush lg Draw fill .
The first 32~38 That's ok : take GroupBox The corner occupied by the four endpoints of the bounding rectangle is used pixmap Picture filling 、 Mapping . That is, fill the figure 5 Number in 1 Areas shown in section .
The first 40~66 That's ok : take GroupBox The area occupied by the surrounding rectangle is not the corner formed by the four endpoints , And it is not used for rectangular body pixmap Picture filling 、 Mapping . That is, fill the figure 5 Number in 2 Areas shown in section .
chart 5
3.2.drawComplexControl function
drawComplexControl Function is used to draw complex controls , With CC The elements represented at the beginning are drawn by this function .
3.2.1.case Sentence of CC_Slider
Qt Assist Yes CC_Slider Explain the following :
chart 6
combining 《QStyle Class Usage Summary ( 3、 ... and )》 post 2.2.5 Section pair Slider Description of , Actually CC_Slider Namely Group Whole QSlider Control . The logo is located case The statement is as follows :
case CC_Slider:
if (const QStyleOptionSlider *slider = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionSlider *>(option)) {
QRect groove = subControlRect(CC_Slider, option, SC_SliderGroove, widget);
QRect handle = subControlRect(CC_Slider, option, SC_SliderHandle, widget);
bool hover = (slider->state & State_Enabled) && (slider->state & State_MouseOver);
if (hover) {
QRect moderated = widget->rect().adjusted(0, 4, 0, -4);
drawHoverRect(painter, moderated);
if ((option->subControls & SC_SliderGroove) && groove.isValid()) {
QPixmap grv = cached(":res/images/slider_bar.png");
painter->drawPixmap(QRect(groove.x() + 5, groove.y(),
groove.width() - 10, grv.height()),
if ((option->subControls & SC_SliderHandle) && handle.isValid()) {
QPixmap hndl = cached(":res/images/slider_thumb_on.png");
painter->drawPixmap(handle.topLeft(), hndl);
The first 2 That's ok : The program can enter CC_Slider Where case sentence , The form part must be CC_Slider Type of composite control . The following will option adopt qstyleoption_cast Cast to QStyleOptionSlider, This transformation is sure to succeed .
The first 3~4 That's ok : By calling subControlRect function , obtain QSlider Control SC_SliderGroove、SC_SliderHandle The child control represented is the groove 、 The outer bounding rectangle occupied by the handle . About SC_SliderGroove、SC_SliderHandle What are the child controls represented 、 Please see 《QStyle Class Usage Summary ( 3、 ... and )》 post 2.2.5 Section pair Slider A description of and Qt Assist.
The first 8~12 That's ok : Check whether the mouse is hovering QSlider Above control . If so, call drawHoverRect Function to draw a light green rectangle with rounded corners , This will have a visual impact .
The first 14~19 That's ok : If the child control is SC_SliderGroove namely QSlider Groove sub control of composite control , Will slider_bar.png Attached to the SC_SliderGroove The outer bounding rectangle is on the appropriately reduced rectangle .
The first 20~23 That's ok : If the child control is SC_SliderHandle namely QSlider Handle sub control of composite control , Will slider_thumb_on.png Attached to the SC_SliderHandle On the outer bounding rectangle .
3.2.2 case Sentence of CC_GroupBox
Qt Assist Yes CC_GroupBox Explain the following :
combining 《QStyle Class Usage Summary ( 3、 ... and )》 post 2.2.9 Section pair GroupBox Description of , Actually CC_GroupBox Namely Group Whole QSlider Control . The logo is located case The statement is as follows :
if (const QStyleOptionGroupBox *groupBox
= qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionGroupBox *>(option)) {
QStyleOptionGroupBox groupBoxCopy(*groupBox);
groupBoxCopy.subControls &= ~SC_GroupBoxLabel;
QCommonStyle::drawComplexControl(control, &groupBoxCopy, painter, widget);
if (groupBox->subControls & SC_GroupBoxLabel) {
const QRect &r = groupBox->rect;
QPixmap titleLeft = cached(":res/images/title_cap_left.png");
QPixmap titleRight = cached(":res/images/title_cap_right.png");
QPixmap titleStretch = cached(":res/images/title_stretch.png");
int txt_width = groupBox->fontMetrics.horizontalAdvance(groupBox->text) + 20;
painter->drawPixmap(r.center().x() - txt_width/2, 0, titleLeft);
QRect tileRect = subControlRect(control, groupBox, SC_GroupBoxLabel, widget);
painter->drawTiledPixmap(tileRect, titleStretch);
painter->drawPixmap(tileRect.x() + tileRect.width(), 0, titleRight);
int opacity = 31;
painter->setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, opacity));
painter->drawText(tileRect.translated(0, 1),
Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignHCenter, groupBox->text);
painter->drawText(tileRect.translated(2, 1),
Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignHCenter, groupBox->text);
painter->setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, opacity * 2));
painter->drawText(tileRect.translated(1, 1),
Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignHCenter, groupBox->text);
painter->drawText(tileRect, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignHCenter, groupBox->text);
The first 3~5 That's ok : except Group box The title of the (SC_GroupBoxLabel) Outside ,Group box Other child controls of are drawn with default values , That is, call the parent class QCommonStyle Of drawComplexControl Function to draw .
The first 12~16 That's ok : according to Group box The length of the horizontal direction occupied by the title text and Group box Size information of the surrounding rectangle , stay Group box Occupy the middle of the rectangle 、 On the left 、 Map on the right .
The first 17~27 That's ok : Set the transparency of different brush colors and fine tune the rectangular position of the drawing title text several times to draw the title text , Finally, the title text is drawn with a white brush .
3.3.drawControl function
This function is very simple . The basic meaning is : If you draw a radio button 、pushbutton Button text , And the button text is empty , Then call the default value to draw , That is, call the parent class QCommonStyle Of drawControl function . If the radio button text is not empty , Align and draw the text in the center of the vertical direction ; If it is pushbutton Button text , The text is drawn vertically and horizontally centered .
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