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How to organize an actual attack and defense drill

2022-07-05 21:43:00 InfoQ

The actual attack and defense drill usually takes the actually running information system as the drill target , Through supervised offensive and defensive confrontation , Simulate real network attacks to the greatest extent , To test the security of the information system and the effectiveness of the operation and maintenance guarantee . On the premise of ensuring the security of the business system , Identify the target system , Unlimited attack path , To raise rights 、 Control business 、 For the purpose of obtaining data . The actual attack and defense drill includes attack 、 defensive 、 Organize three parties , And equipped with actual attack and defense drill platform . The organizer is responsible for the organization and coordination of the overall work of the drill , It mainly includes the following parts
: Drill organization 、 Exercise process monitoring 、 Drill technical guidance 、 Emergency support 、 Drill summary 、 Suggestions on defensive technical measures and strategy optimization
etc. . The actual attack and defense drill can generally be divided into preparation 、 rehearse 、 There are three closing stages .
One 、 Organizational elements of actual attack and defense drill
The organizational elements of the actual attack and defense drill include organizational units 、 Technical support unit 、 Attack team 、 The defensive team has four parts .
  • Organizational unit
    Be responsible for overall control 、 Resource coordination 、 Prepare for the drill 、 Drill organization 、 Drill summary 、 Implement rectification and other work .
  • Technical support unit
    By a professional safety company , Be responsible for providing corresponding technical support and guarantee , Conduct the establishment of attack and defense confrontation exercise environment and visual display of attack and defense exercise .
  • Attack team
    Generally, it is independently established by multiple security manufacturers , Each attack team is generally equipped with 3~5 people . With authorization , Explore with assets 、 Tool scanning and manual infiltration are the main penetration attacks , To obtain the permissions and data of the drill target system .
  • Defending Team
    From the participating units 、 Personnel composition of safety manufacturers, etc , Mainly responsible for protecting the assets under the jurisdiction of the defense team , Try to prevent the blue team from getting permission and data .
Two 、 The organizational form of the actual attack and defense drill
Proceed from actual needs , There are two main organizational forms of actual attack and defense drills .
  • By state 、 Industry authorities 、 Drills organized by regulators
    . Such drills are generally conducted by public security organs at all levels 、 E-mail departments at all levels 、 The government 、 Finance 、 traffic 、 health 、 education 、 Electric power 、 Countries such as operators 、 Industry competent departments or regulatory agencies organize . For key industry information infrastructure and important systems , Organize attack teams and enterprises and institutions in the industry to conduct network actual attack and defense drills .
  • Drills organized by large enterprises and institutions
    . Financial enterprises 、 Operator, 、 administrative organ 、 Public institutions and other government and enterprise units , Verification requirements for the effectiveness of business security defense system construction , Organize attack teams and enterprises and institutions to conduct actual attack and defense drills .
3、 ... and 、 The key to the organization of the actual attack and defense drill
We should ensure the smooth implementation of the actual attack and defense drill , The key is to organize . The key organizational work includes determining the scope of the drill 、 cycle 、 Site and equipment , Set up an attack and defense team , Make rules , Video recording and many other aspects .
  • Scope of drill
    : Prioritize priorities ( Unclassified ) Key business systems and Networks .
  • Drill cycle
    : Combine with actual business , General advice 1~2 Zhou .
  • Drill site
    : Select the corresponding site according to the drill scale , Be able to accommodate organizational units 、 Attack team 、 Defending Team , And the three sites should be separated .
  • Drill equipment
    : Build an attack and defense drill platform 、 Video monitoring system , Distribute special computers to the attackers ( Or provide virtual attack terminals ) etc. .
  • The attack team was formed
    : Choose the self owned personnel of the participating units or hire professionals from a third-party security service provider to form .
  • The defense team is formed
    : Mainly the self owned safety technicians of each participating unit , Assisted by professionals from third-party security service providers .
  • Exercise rule making
    : Formulate attack rules clearly before the drill 、 Defense rules and scoring rules , It is reasonable to ensure the offensive and defensive process , Avoid unnecessary impact of attack process on business operation .

Before the actual attack and defense drill, the constraint measures of attack and defense drill must be formulated , Avoid possible risks , Clearly put forward the limiting rules of attack and defense operations , Ensure that the attack and defense drill can be carried out safely within a limited range .
Four 、 Risk avoidance measures for actual attack and defense drills
  • The drill limits the attack target system , Unlimited attack path
During the drill , It can be attacked through multiple paths , The attack path adopted by the attack team is not limited . Find security vulnerabilities and hidden dangers in the attack path , The attack team should report the implemented attack to the drill headquarters in time , Destructive operations are not allowed , Avoid affecting the normal operation of the business system .
  • Unless authorized , Denial of service attacks are not allowed in the drill
Because the drill is carried out in a real environment , In order not to affect the normal business development of the attacked object , Unless authorized by the drill organizer , Drilling is not allowed SYN Flood、CC And other denial of service attacks .
  • Description of the attack method of web page tampering
The drill is only aimed at tampering with the primary or secondary pages of Internet systems or important applications , To test the defense team's emergency response and investigation 、 The ability to investigate . During the drill , The attack team should carry out attack penetration around the target system , After obtaining the site control permission , You need to ask the drill headquarters first , Post specific pictures on the designated webpage after approval ( Issued by the drill headquarters ). For example, the Internet websites and business applications of the target system are well protected , The attack team can take the business application closely related to the target system as the penetration target .
  • Practice forbidden attack methods
There are also some restricted areas in the attack and defense techniques in the actual attack and defense drill . The purpose of setting the forbidden zone is to ensure that the information system security problems found through the drill are true and effective . Generally speaking , There are three main types of attacks prohibited :1) It is forbidden to bribe defense team members to attack ;2) Physical intrusion is prohibited 、 Cut off and monitor the external optical fiber to attack ;3) It is forbidden to use radio jammers and other attack methods that directly affect the operation of the target system .
  • Requirements for the attacker's Trojan horse
The control end of the Trojan horse must use the software uniformly provided by the drill headquarters , The Trojan horse used should not have the ability to automatically delete the target system files 、 Damage boot sector 、 Active diffusion 、 Infection file 、 Cause server downtime and other destructive functions . It is forbidden to use destructive and infectious viruses in the drill 、 worm .
  • Illegal attack blocking and notification
In order to strengthen the monitoring of the attack of each attack team , Supervise the whole process of the drill through the attack and defense drill platform 、 Record 、 Audit and presentation , Avoid drilling affecting the normal operation of the business . The drill headquarters shall organize technical support units to record the full attack flow 、 analysis , Block illegal attacks when non-conforming attacks are found , And transferred to manual disposal , Inform the attack team .


