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Wind chime card issuing network source code latest version - commercially available

2022-07-06 23:44:00 Shake your expression

Source Introduction

Recommended environment :NGINX+MYSQL5.6+PHP7.3
Upload the source code to the root directory and unzip it , take .env.example Rename it to .env, Modify its file , The content is your own database information

to storage and bootstrap/cache/ Two folders 777 jurisdiction

  1. chmod -R 777 storage/
  2. chmod -R 777 bootstrap/cache/

Copy code

Go to the website root directory , Enter the following commands to install , If appear ID Just ignore the error ( Be careful : If it is pagoda environment , Please release first PHP Of putenv If the function is disabled, an error will be reported and it cannot be opened normally 500 error )

  1. cd /www/wwwroot/fk.icloudtest.cn# Go to the website directory
  2. php artisan key:generate
  3. php artisan migrate:fresh –seed
  4. php artisan cache:clear

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Turn off anti cross site attack (open_basedir), And set the running directory to /public, Set pseudo static rules

location / {

try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;

Copy code

At this point, the construction is completed , Default password [color=var(–color-accent-fg)]http://admin@qq.com/123456
Backstage domain name /admin
Download learning materials : Source code of card issuing network .zip - Blue clouds



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