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Use three JS make a simple 3D scene
2022-07-03 03:20:00 【Hold the North】
Three.js What is it?
Three.js Is a Running in the browser 3D engine , We can use it to create a series of things we need 3D Animated scene , In short, it is built on the web 3D Model . utilize Three.js You can make a lot of cool 3D Animation , also Three.js You can also use the mouse 、 keyboard 、 Drag and drop events to interact , Add some... To the page 3D Animation and 3D Interaction can produce a better user experience .
Three.js Program structure
It is mainly divided into three structures : scene Scene The camera Camera Renderers Renderer
The whole process of the program is : Load the scene first —— Then the camera —— Last renderer
Understand from the perspective of taking pictures in real life , The cube mesh model and illumination form a virtual three-dimensional scene similar to the object you want to shoot , Camera objects can take pictures just like the cameras you use in your life , Only one is to shoot the real scenery , One is to shoot virtual scenery , When shooting an object, the position and angle of the camera need to be adjusted , The virtual camera also needs to set the projection mode , When you create a 3D scene , The camera is also set up , Just one move away “ Kaka ”, You can take photos through the renderer
Simply understand the use Three.js do 3D How the engine works , Let's make a simple one today 3D Cube
First of all, we need to html Introduce in the file three.js, Like introducing others .js File directly , It needs to be downloaded from the official website
here , I use the relative path
Or reference relative path
<!-- Absolute path remote load -->
<script src="http://www.yanhuangxueyuan.com/3D/example/three.js"></script>
<!-- Compressed version -->
<script src="http://www.yanhuangxueyuan.com/3D/example/three.min.js"></script>
then , stay body Just insert a code snippet into , The specific code is explained as follows :
// Create scene objects Scene
var scene = new THREE.Scene();
// Create a grid model
// var geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(60, 40, 40); // Create a sphere geometry object
var geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(100, 100, 100); // Create a cube geometry object
var material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ // Create material objects Material
color: 0x008080 // The color of the cube
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); // Create mesh model objects Mesh
scene.add(mesh); // Put the grid mesh Add the model to the scene
// Lighting settings
// Point source
var point = new THREE.PointLight(0xffffff);
point.position.set(400, 200, 300); // The position of the point light source
scene.add(point); // Add point lights to the scene
// The ambient light
var ambient = new THREE.AmbientLight(0x444444);
// console.log(scene)
// console.log(scene.children)
// Camera settings
var width = window.innerWidth; // Window width
var height = window.innerHeight; // Window height
var k = width / height; // Window aspect ratio
var s = 200; // Three dimensional scene display range control coefficient , The larger the coefficient , The larger the scope of the display
// Create camera objects
var camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera(-s * k, s * k, s, -s, 1, 1000);
camera.position.set(200, 300, 200); // Set camera position
camera.lookAt(scene.position); // Set camera orientation ( Point to the scene object )
// Create a render object
var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setSize(width, height);// Set the render area size
renderer.setClearColor(0xb9d3ff, 1); // Set the background color
document.body.appendChild(renderer.domElement); //body Insert... Into the element canvas object
// Perform the render operation Specify the scene 、 Camera as a parameter
renderer.render(scene, camera);
Show the effect :
Rotate animation
Do it here , Just present a static... On the web page 3D Cube , In order to increase interest and operability , We can encapsulate the rendering operation into a function , use setInterval Let it interval 20ms Periodically call render() Rendering function 、 Constantly refresh
// Rendering function
function render() {
renderer.render(scene,camera);// Perform the render operation
mesh.rotateY(0.01);// Every time around y Shaft rotation 0.01 radian
// interval 20ms Call the rendering function periodically render()
The time unit here is ms,20ms That is, the refresh rate is 50FPS(1s/20ms), namely 1s Internal screen refresh 50 Time ( I believe that little friends who play games are not unfamiliar )
The effect is as follows :
Or through requestAnimationFrame Request to execute render function again render, Render the next frame , This can also achieve constant refresh , The effect of rotation
// Rendering function
let T0 = new Date();// Last time
function render() {
let T1 = new Date();// Current time
let t = T1-T0;// Time difference
console.log(t);// Time interval between two frames Company :ms
T0 = T1;// Assign this time to the last time
renderer.render(scene,camera);// Perform the render operation
mesh.rotateY(0.01);// Every time around y Shaft rotation 0.01 radian
requestAnimationFrame(render);// Request to execute render function again render, Render the next frame
We can create two temporary variables T1 and T0 Record the time required for this rendering and the last rendering , Then subtract them , You get the time interval between two frames , Found stable in 17ms about ,58 Of fps, Compared with the time period we set ourselves , its fps Higher , There are no limitations
The effect is as follows :
Operate the mouse to rotate and zoom the 3D scene
We have achieved to make the cube move mechanically , Can you control it with a mouse , Let it go to any angle and position we want
First , We also need to introduce a new Threejs Extended controls ——OrbitControls.js, It is called track control , It can be used to realize scene interaction with the mouse , Let the scene move , Controls the rotation of the scene 、 Pan and zoom
<!-- Introduce track control OrbitControls.js -->
<!-- Relative paths -->
<script src="./OrbitControls.js"></script>
<!-- Absolute path -->
<script src="http://www.yanhuangxueyuan.com/versions/threejsR92/examples/js/controls/OrbitControls.js"></script>
here , The track control provides a constructor , We create a new constructor , Add another mouse monitoring event , The mouse moves , Trigger rendering function , Cube experience the corresponding effect
// Rendering function
function render() {
renderer.render(scene, camera); // Perform the render operation
// Create a control object Camera object camera As a parameter Control can monitor changes in the mouse , Change the properties of the camera object
var controls = new THREE.OrbitControls(camera,renderer.domElement);
// Listening to mouse events , Trigger rendering function , to update canvas Canvas rendering effect
controls.addEventListener('change', render);
Show the effect :
In fact, the track control has many properties that can be set , But it is not applied to , For detailed usage, please refer to the official documents : Click to open the link
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