当前位置:网站首页>[error record] the parameter 'can't have a value of' null 'because of its type, but the im
[error record] the parameter 'can't have a value of' null 'because of its type, but the im
2022-07-03 02:52:00 【Programmer community】
One 、 Error message
Opened one written last year Flutter project , Find a direct error ;
The parameter 'icon' can't have a value of 'null' because of its type, but the implicit default value is 'null'. (Documentation) Try adding either an explicit non-'null' default value or the 'required' modifier.
Two 、 Solution
This is because Flutter SDK Version update , The examination of grammar has become more strict , During compilation, null judgment is added to the class in the construction method ;
stay Dart When a member variable of a class is defined , Add... After type ? Symbol , Declare it as nullable type , And Kotlin similar , After modification , Compile no more errors ;
class CommonModel {
final String? icon; final String? title; final String? url; final String? statusBarColor; final bool? hideAppBar; CommonModel({
this.icon, this.title, this.url, this.statusBarColor, this.hideAppBar});}
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